~*Highs & Lows*~ Anything Goes!



  • 2011JAM
    2011JAM Posts: 49 Member


    Wine, I love it but I had to stop having it around because one glass sets the urge to snack in motion and then before you know it a 120 calorie glass of wine turns into a 500 calorie overage....lol

    I love wine but can never stick to one glass, always the bottle hehehe luckily i dont do it very often...... Same with chocolates can never have only one, has to be six at least :wink:
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    My high over the past couple of days was not gaining during the holiday madness. It was also nice to catch up with old friends too. Seeing how great they look was definetly motivation too. I hooked up a wireless router by myself yesterday (though it probably took too long than it should have..) and found a nice little table for my little apartment online too!
    My low is knowing how bad I've been all year about not being active and all the excuses I've made to not work out. I'm going to try something new with my sleep schedule to see if that works. Getting a little anxious about school starting too!

    Sounds like everyone had a great Christmas! Happy New Year if I don't get a chance to post the last few days of 2009. Let's make this year awesome!!

    Welcome daveandjulieann!! You do have a lot of strength to keep going!

    I have had my highs and lows with the exercise, but as long as you pick yourself up and move on then you are good! Don't beat yourself up over it just move forward and know that all you can do is try to put your best effort forward! :)
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I was lurking on another post about some guy named Dave and he had a great response for people that say I'll start again tomorrow - Start again this minute. I need to remember this. You don't have to wait to start again...

    High today - not having to leave the house for work and I finished day 2 of C25K training which involved running 8 min twice.... I am awfully proud of myself. I have an afternoon workout planned with my mom for 45 min of low impact aerobics.

    Low today - my laptop still not working and I am feeling overwhelmed with the amount of paperwork that I need to do for the end of the year. Sometimes owning your own business can suck. It's VERY cold out - only 10 degrees. My cats are pesky because I won't put the cat door in. They keep messing up my piles of papers - they just want to play. Okay - maybe there attention does cheer me up.
  • cc_campbell81
    hi everyone! Things seem to be going well. I'ven been pretty cheerful and haven't had too much stress lately. Hopefully I can keep that up into the new year!

    Highs- finding ways to get in more exercise, I've been getting up every hour to walk about 5 minutes and doing pushups in my cubicle! Yesterday it earned me an extra 25 minutes of walking and 70 pushups! I am feeling like it's time to pay more attention to my well being. I think everyone can relate to how we give so much of ourselves that it starts to feel like our whole life is a to do list. Just doing the little things like enjoying baths, painting my toe nails, giving myself time to relax and read each day, and taking vitamins are how I plan to take care of myself.

    For this year I am setting goals not resolutions. One of my goals is saving more money. We rent currently and I really want our daughter to grow up in a house with a back yard and neighbors she can play with. So I have set a goal to save $15,000 this year so we can buy a house.

    I read a story that said a study showed that individuals who were reminded by text messages to save increased their savings account balances by 6 percent. I think I might try that!


    How about you guys? Any "goals" for this year?
  • 2011JAM
    2011JAM Posts: 49 Member
    Oh my goodness, this morning i weighed 197.2 very very high with that! I can only think the gym has played a good part in that.....

    Hi cc_campbell81 thats a good idea, if you dont set resolutions you cant let yourself down... think i might try that too...

    I want 2010 to be a good year, a possitive one. I feel that I have waisted a year. makes me feel sad thinking about that really, I have been given a second chance at life and have done nothing with it apart from mope, thinking what if...
    To think also I started to lose weight 3yrs ago this May and all i have managed is 35lbs... That sucks really..... I so really badly want 2010 to be good, so fingers crossed....

    Going gym in a mo, then off to work for a sleep-in.... Can't weigh myself in the morning OH NO hehehe
    Working an 12 hr shift tomorrow, so shouldnt stuff myself in the day...... Not looking forward tomorrow night, i just know i'm gonna be really bad.... but not gonna worry too much as i have lost 5lb of xmas weight......

    HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE.... May it be the best you've ever had:drinker:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hello everyone - today has been a great day with lots of sunshine and clear roads... My highs would be getting in 2 workouts and telling someone about MFP. And we are planning to go out for dinner later tonight - dont worry - I have already blocked the calories out for the salad I will be getting. No real lows today except my laptop is still on the fritz.

    I like the idea of making some goals for the New Year. I will post mine tomorrow.
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    I am starting to think that 2010 will be the year I really shine! I have made such progress in 2009 it would be odd to think that 2010 would be a bad year. Although life throws us curve balls I am grateful for my many blessings and I am grateful for life!

    Highs: Appreciating Life and all that it has to bring

    Lows: Snow, cold, woke up late, and too many people want me to stop by today.

    My resolution is to take each day as it comes and to remain present. ( and to quit smoking)
    What's your resolution???
  • cc_campbell81
    Hey everyone. Happy New Year's Eve. We are spending the evening at home tonight. Today has been a relax at home day. Hope everyone has a safe happy New Year.
  • 2011JAM
    2011JAM Posts: 49 Member
    Happy new year to everyone..... Hope you all had fun...

    My high and low point was being stupid enough to stand to the scale this morning.... I had put on, wasnt surprise really,, I tried really hard lol... but the possitive thing was i hadnt put on all that i had managed to lose..... 3lb on but that still makes 2lb off.....

    So now today I am yet again trying trouble is on the 4th it's my little boys 18th bday and we are going out, so yet again another feast, there is no way i could possibly not eat everything...... So i WILL, I WILL, I WILL untill our meal out be strong....

    Today where i live is the most beautiful day, perfect for a new year..... Blue sky, the sun is shining, a little wind, cold but not too bad.. the kind of day that makes me feel good to be alive....

    I hope everyone has a fantastic year.... with lots of smiles and laughter and that you make many happy memories....:flowerforyou:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Happy New Years everyone - somehow yesterday got away from me and I forgot to post. My highs - tried new workout video for 20 min each dancing and kick boxing (what fun even if I am a bit uncoordinated), my laptop is working again (YEAH!!!) and I had wonderful time celebrating with family and ate 4 slices of pizza. Yes, I went over on calories but we were talking about the last decade of our life and just had a great time. Low yesterday - NONE again.

    Here are my goals for the new year -

    1) to finish a 5K in less than 40 min....
    2) to spend an hour a week reading/listening to The Bible (I have always wanted to read the whole thing but stop after several weeks of trying)
    3) to try eating like a vegan for 1 week - not sure when I will start this.
    4) to start volunteering somewhere - I am leaning towards a food pantry or animal shelter but it could be anything
    5) to learn something new every month

    I'll check back later with how today goes for highs and lows.
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Happy New Year People!!

    I hope you all had a great night! I look forward to a positive New Year as I said yesterday and I believe our goals are within reach.

    Highs today: I am blessed to see another day and I plan to utilize it.

    Lows: I am feeling lazy but made plans to visit a friend...so I need to get motivated.
  • cc_campbell81
    Here are my goals for the new year -

    1) to finish a 5K in less than 40 min....
    2) to spend an hour a week reading/listening to The Bible (I have always wanted to read the whole thing but stop after several weeks of trying)
    3) to try eating like a vegan for 1 week - not sure when I will start this.
    4) to start volunteering somewhere - I am leaning towards a food pantry or animal shelter but it could be anything
    5) to learn something new every month

    Pinbotchick- I love those goals! Very realistic and interesting. I have a similar one about reading the Bible all the way through. Volunteering at Habitat for Humanity is another good one, you get to do good and burn lots of calories!

    My Goals:
    1- save $15,000 this year
    2- get promoted, in the military you take a test to get promoted, so lots of studying for me over the next 2 months
    3- to run a marathon and learn to love my body again
    4- complete 2 french classes & at least 1 spanish class
    5- learn to slow down and enjoy life more

    *this morning's weight 139.6, finally under 140!
    *watching the ball drop on TV with my husband
    *a new year with my husband and daughter, we've been married just under two years now and it has been easier and much more rewarding than I could've imagined
    *nice weather
    *getting to sleep in

    None worth mentioning

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Today was a nice day. I didn't do much but work out and watch movies. I did come in under calories. My high today was completing a 20 min run on treadmill at 5.0 mph - a new record for me. My low would be the d@mn laptop crashing again. I am not sure it is worth the headaches. Deep breath - smile - now I am off to read a book and relax. I'll check back in tomorrow.

    cc - congrats on getting under 140 and thanks for the reminder about Habitat for Humanity. I will check into that as well.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Well - at least I got 90% of my Christmas stuff down and put away. It was too cold to take the outside stuff down. It's only 5 degrees out there. High today - chatting with a friend from Pheonix late last night (he called to say Happy New Year), staying within my calories, working out with mom and seeing Brad Pitts tush in Troy - Oh what a view :blushing: Low today - aching back from sitting on floor too long while putting the Christmas stuff away and just feeling my age - it sucks to be 41.

    I hope everyone is having a great weekend. It will be nice to get back to normal Monday.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    cc - I have finally gotten around to looking the information up on stress fractures. Here are some of the better web resources that I found.

    http://www.watfxc.com/TF/TF Education/shin_splints.htm




    Basically people develop shin splints first and with more overuse, stress fractures develop. The number one cause of problems would be worn down shoes. You can't tell how worn down a shoe is by looking at it. Shoes only last 300-400 miles. How many miles are on the shoes you have been wearing? It is recommended that you have 2 pairs and start alternating the 2 pairs after the first pair has 200 miles. Then you can tell when the first pair no longer gives adequate support. The second major cause would be running on hard or uneven surfaces (side of road when road has slant - most roads do)... Warming up/cooling down and Stretching before and after running help prevent injuries. Return to running gradually and slowly increase speed, distance and time - almost like starting C25K training again. Feel free to ask questions and keep me posted on your progress. I hope you have been able to find other ways to work out.
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Highs: I got to spend time and recoonect with an old freind! My daughter returned home from his family visit! I found a really great deal on a ladder bookcase.

    Lows: Having an argument with someone who really has no grounds to be arguing with me. It is actually all projection of personal disaappointments and anger.

    I love everyones goals for the year! I have outlined my weighloss goals and set some personal goals as well.

    1. Quit Smoking!
    2. Look good for my Birthday (loosing more weight)
    3. Not letting people upset when they disappoint me
    4. Continue giving and being myself beyond the actions of others.
    5. Get out more and enjoy life rather than pondering its many complexities.
  • KarenLue
    KarenLue Posts: 94 Member
    Hey! Okay, today is day one for me! I have been very bad, but that's okay. I set my "quit date" for today! I am at 158 so I have 30lbs I need to lose (which I have gained in the past year and a half)

    I love all of your New Year resolutions. It tells me I picked the right people to talk to because they sound so familiar. I didn't really make resolutions, but I have been so tired of myself lately that I have been trying to think of things I need to do to take some control of my life back. I guess that's the same thing as resolutions. Here are some of them:

    1. Exercise 6 days a week.

    2. Read my Bible everyday.

    3. Groom myself better (I think it makes you feel better)

    4. Journal

    5. Make a list of what I need to get done around the house and make my girls help.

    6. Do something a few days a week to remind my husband I still love him.

    I also noticed there's a couple of you that smoke that would like to quit. I quit a year ago Thanksgiving Day. I don't think you can just quit. Well, some people can but they are the lucky few. I think it takes a lot of prep work. I spent hours and days on YouTube watching videos listed under "quit smoking". Some were very informational, some were very gory, but they really helped to change the way I saw smoking. I also realized that as much as I knew I still didn't know just how damaging smoking is!
    Then I started talking to other quitters on the RealAge message boards and realized all my fear about quitting was normal. I set a quit date, got plans togather to handle cravings, got some Chantix to get me over the initial quit, and just did it! I've done very well and it does get easier with time. When you think about quitting you feel like you are about to lose your best friend, but it's not a friend. It's killing you. Go to YouTube and check it out. Another good one is "Why Quit". And I down loaded a quit meter. It's right on the front of my computer for me to keep track of my progress and was free.
    So far I have not smoked for 401 days. I have not smoked 8,033 cigarettes, I have saved $2, 246 and 28 days of my life! Probably more since my chance of getting cancer has dropped way down!
  • KarenLue
    KarenLue Posts: 94 Member
    Oh I forgot.................

    HIGHS........Everyday is another chance to get it right.

    LOWS........I'm fighting with my husband.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good afternoon ladies,

    Everyone has such good goals for the new year. I think I going to copycat and add 6) do something nice each week for my husband so he knows I love him.

    Highs today - got in 2 workouts :bigsmile:, am eating well and feel energetic. Lows today - it's freakin' cold out 12 degrees (I miss playing in the snow - it's just to cold to go out) and my lap is lost cause.
  • cc_campbell81
    Daveandjulieann- sorry I overlooked your victory! Congratson being under 200!

    pinbotchick- thanks for those links. Honesty I haven't been good about tracking miles on my shoes. My husband bought me the Nike+ band so I can now track my miles.

    Mindovermatter- nice goals.

    Mac55- I should've chosen some of yours! Mine would be make my husband do the stuff! He does help but I tend to just want to hurry up and get stuff done so I just do it. Do something a few days a week to remind my husband I still love him. Very good idea for keeping a strong marriage.

    Today has been uneventful. I managed to have enough calories to eat some rotel dip while watching the Dallas Cowboys play. I've been doing pretty well with my calories the last few days. Things are going well.