~*Highs & Lows*~ Anything Goes!



  • sftbutterflykiss
    sftbutterflykiss Posts: 223 Member
    Hey!... Please count me in... I need somthing like this!
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    I also noticed there's a couple of you that smoke that would like to quit. I quit a year ago Thanksgiving Day. I don't think you can just quit. Well, some people can but they are the lucky few. I think it takes a lot of prep work. I spent hours and days on YouTube watching videos listed under "quit smoking". Some were very informational, some were very gory, but they really helped to change the way I saw smoking. I also realized that as much as I knew I still didn't know just how damaging smoking is!
    Then I started talking to other quitters on the RealAge message boards and realized all my fear about quitting was normal. I set a quit date, got plans togather to handle cravings, got some Chantix to get me over the initial quit, and just did it! I've done very well and it does get easier with time. When you think about quitting you feel like you are about to lose your best friend, but it's not a friend. It's killing you. Go to YouTube and check it out. Another good one is "Why Quit". And I down loaded a quit meter. It's right on the front of my computer for me to keep track of my progress and was free.
    So far I have not smoked for 401 days. I have not smoked 8,033 cigarettes, I have saved $2, 246 and 28 days of my life! Probably more since my chance of getting cancer has dropped way down!

    Great goals! I know about the smoking I have educated my self to capacity so I know what it takes. I have been battaling myself because I depend on smoking as a time filler. I actually have this really great plan on CD that has fabulous steps to quitting, but when I got stressed I stopped carry the CD with me. The thing that gets me is that I know I can do it if I actually tried! I have made this attempt about 5 times now and have come really close to quitting but letting go all together is a challenge. I have set a quit date and I am going to stick with it! I am in the rating stage as the CD suggests which is to rate each cigarettes importance of pleasure factor. All cigarettes are rated from 1-5, 5 being the most important. I currently smoke only 2 or 3 REALLY important cigarettes. So I am cutting out all the 1,2,3 cigarettes and then by the quit date I should be able to just have to battle the 2 or 3 important ones. I can go long periods of times with out smoking and that tells me I CAN do it. Any suggestions on time fillers? I have heard so many but I always love to hear more :)
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Hey!... Please count me in... I need somthing like this!

    Welcome Aboard!!! :)
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Good Morning MFP Friends!

    I wanted to say that I am so grateful for this group! You all are wonderful and I really appreciate that we are all able to share good and bad experiences. For me, this is wonderful keeps me out of the kitchen trying to find "Comfort" snacks...LOL!

    You guys are the best!!! :)

    Highs: I have my Good Will stuff ready to go! I do this every 3 months...sometimes I give things away only to realize I still wanted it. LOL!

    Lows: None as of yet, lets hope one surface!
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    I also noticed there's a couple of you that smoke that would like to quit. I quit a year ago Thanksgiving Day. I don't think you can just quit. Well, some people can but they are the lucky few. I think it takes a lot of prep work. I spent hours and days on YouTube watching videos listed under "quit smoking". Some were very informational, some were very gory, but they really helped to change the way I saw smoking. I also realized that as much as I knew I still didn't know just how damaging smoking is!
    Then I started talking to other quitters on the RealAge message boards and realized all my fear about quitting was normal. I set a quit date, got plans togather to handle cravings, got some Chantix to get me over the initial quit, and just did it! I've done very well and it does get easier with time. When you think about quitting you feel like you are about to lose your best friend, but it's not a friend. It's killing you. Go to YouTube and check it out. Another good one is "Why Quit". And I down loaded a quit meter. It's right on the front of my computer for me to keep track of my progress and was free.

    So far I have not smoked for 401 days. I have not smoked 8,033 cigarettes, I have saved $2, 246 and 28 days of my life! Probably more since my chance of getting cancer has dropped way down!

    Great goals! I know about the smoking I have educated my self to capacity so I know what it takes. I have been battaling myself because I depend on smoking as a time filler. I actually have this really great plan on CD that has fabulous steps to quitting, but when I got stressed I stopped carry the CD with me. The thing that gets me is that I know I can do it if I actually tried! I have made this attempt about 5 times now and have come really close to quitting but letting go all together is a challenge. I have set a quit date and I am going to stick with it! I am in the rating stage as the CD suggests which is to rate each cigarettes importance of pleasure factor. All cigarettes are rated from 1-5, 5 being the most important. I currently smoke only 2 or 3 REALLY important cigarettes. So I am cutting out all the 1,2,3 cigarettes and then by the quit date I should be able to just have to battle the 2 or 3 important ones. I can go long periods of times with out smoking and that tells me I CAN do it. Any suggestions on time fillers? I have heard so many but I always love to hear more :)

    Another great site for quitting smoking is quitnet.com. It is like a AA for smokers. Alot of support there and alot of inspirational people. All the way around it is a great site, Check it out
  • kerimcdonald
    Hi everyone!! If you don't mind another perosn, I would love to join!! Part of my plan to work on myself is to make time to post everyday, so having great people to post to is a must for me.

    I'm 27 and I have 1 very beautiful 5 year old daughter, and a wonderful husband. I work full time, I was going to school full time but I have to take a semester off for financial reasons. I am not good at sitting down. I am up at 5 am every morning, and rarely go to bed before midnight. In that time I work up to 12 hours, spend my workout time with my daughter (I put the elliptical in the playroom so we can watch movies together while I work out) and of course the laundry and housework doesn't do itself!! My husband is great, but he's not really serious about getting healthy and losing weight like I am. He tries to be supportive, but I can tell he's not really into it. He's a network engineer and he eats out every day and then sits on his butt for work. Yet he gains nothing. I am a restaurant manager so I am pretty active throughout the day and workout for 1 hour elliptical and 1 hour housework minimum every day.

    I am sorry to hear that so many of you guys have been affected by the recession. As a resaurant manager, I have noticed it on a different level. While we haven't had to worry about our profits (they're actually up), I have noticed more and more people that have come looking for work who were not normal applicants. A lot more teachers, healthcare workers, people with their degrees, you name it. It sounds like most everyone has been able to really be positive about it though. I hope you guys will have me!!
  • cc_campbell81
    welcome kerimcdonald.

    Today is just a normal day. Rolled out of bed around 530. This morning I froze my butt off taking my daughter to daycare and on the way to work. 37 degrees in San Antonio! I want the warm weather back! Pretty uneventful day. I am looking forward to getting back into the gym this afternoon.

    I started a Biggest Loser Challenge and have had a lot of interest. I am excited about that. Feel free to check it out and join if interested.

  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Howdy gang,

    Welcome kerimcdonald - we are happy to have you.

    Boy, I wish it was 37 here. That would be a heat wave for us. I saw a high of 18 today. Don't worry I complain when it gets over 80.

    Highs today - all my patients were in good moods, I managed to get in two workouts and started listening to the bible on audio. Lows today - my laptop is down and typing on iPhone is hard, it's d@mm cold here and I have a headache. I think I'll go take some aspirin and curl up in my heated waterbed with a book.
  • cc_campbell81
    Hey everyone.

    Highs: As always great husband and daughter. Under my calories for the day (good and bad), squeezed pilates into a busy day, my mother in law joined my fitness pal.

    Lows: woke up late, had to scrape ice off my windows, got all the way to work and had to go home because I forgot something!

    Today I saw a doctor for back pain I've been having. I was in a car accident last summer. My mother in law and I were hit by a drunk driver, and I broke my hand. I was on pain meds for a couple months so I think at the time I didn't realize I'd injured my back. Well once my hand healed I started noticing back pain (after I was no longer on strong pain meds). So long story short I've been in lots of pain off and on and today the doctor finally gave me pain medication that works. So for the first time in a while I didn't have back pain. I was amazed at how different things were. I've been dealing with the pain so long I guess I got used to it. The down side is the pain med makes me lose my appetite. Most of you are probably saying give me some of that! But it actually works too well because at 9pm I looked at my food log and realized I was only at 800 some calories. As you know the minimum is 1200. So I knew I needed to eat something. Even the wings my husband bought didn't appeal to me and I LOVE wings! So I had to force myself to eat a few wings just to get in the 1100's. Sorry to ramble but that was my day.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    cc- sorry to hear about your pain. Have you tried physical therapy for the back pain? It could help.

    Somehow last night got away from me and I didn't get on the computer. High yesterday - received 2 new referrals (I'll be able to pay for the new laptop) and got in 2 more workouts and signed up for a texting plan - sent 2 and received 2 from close friends. Lows for the day - sharing computer with hubby and my calves have been sore :grumble: I think I will go stretch them out. It's been too cold to get in the hot tub.
  • cc_campbell81
    pinbotchick- I have done physical therapy and seen a chiropractor. The doctors I go to have a wierd policy that you can't see the chiropractor and physical therapy concurrently so I have to alternate.
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Welcome Newbie Kerimcdonald! Glad you found us!

    cc_campbell81- I am happy that your pain is managed but I am sorry you are not hungry. How ironic, that there would be a level of anguish about NOT eating. I hope that you can get to atleast 1200 everyday, woudln't want you to get sick. I have struggled with eating myself I have always had an issue with DELAYING food. I pretty much had to force the food down when I started this. My grandfather is on strong pain meds as well and has lost his appetite and he usually could out eat any of us. Medications are good for their intended use but the drawback is the side effects.

    pinbotchick- HI!!! :bigsmile:

    Ok so my highs have been GREAT SALES!!!!!! LOL! I have started feeling like I want to flip my home and then I go clearance browsing and I am actually finding too many things....so I guess that is a low as well. Another high is that I have realized how much I have grown in past few years and I feel that I am in a great place and I am eternally grateful, which I need to remember when I have a bad day.

    Lows: Well there is always something it seems, but nothing worth mentioning. ;)
  • kerimcdonald
    Hello everyone!! It's a great wednesday!!

    Highs- My husband is finally on the same track as I am!! They are running a pot at work to see who can lose 10% of their body weight, and it is up to 200. so, he is finally interested in getting as serious about it as I have been for the past 2 years!
    We sign our mortgage refinance next monday which will save us a lot of money and we pay my car off this month!!

    lows- I have been going hard on the elliptical (lead by example) and have been going straight from one hour on the elliptical machine to 1-2 hours of housework and today I had to go shopping too! I am so sore and having to stretch out for quite a while. I fell off of my resolutions already and did not take me-time yesterday to talk to you all. But I did actually relax and watch a movie with my husband, which was nice.

    I hope everyone has a great day and I will talk to you tomorrow
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    cc- that's a normal policy since they overlap, you cant tell which is working. Go to what ever makes you feel the best. I hope you feel better soon. :flowerforyou:

    kerimcdonald - take any reason you can for your husband to join you. Family time is important too.

    mindovermatter - I wanna go shopping :sad: We are going downstate this weekend and I have heard my husband say we are actually going to make it into a Cabella store - I can't wait - can you see the $$$$ in my eyes....

    Highs today - got my hair done and it looks great (cut and color) - I went darker so maybe my blond moments in life will be less and I got off work early today :love: Lows today - I am the one shoveling the decks off (at least it's exercise but it sure is cold out there)... Maybe I'll make it into the hot tub tonight once I get a path cleared to it. I keep fretting about the 25 min run tomorrow - I know running is a mental thing and I seem to have a block. Tomorrow is my official check-in day and if the last 3 mornings hold, it will be a good week.
  • KarenLue
    KarenLue Posts: 94 Member
    DONNA56: If you try to quit smoking again just remember all those times you failed were you just learning what not to do next time. I quit for 3 months once and then thought I could smoke just one every evening to relax and enjoy before bed. With in two weeks I was back to a pack a day! Now I know I can never touch them, not even one or I might as well consider myself back to smoking.
    Also remember after 3 days the nicotine is out of your system. Then it's all you! All you have to do to not smoke is don't pick one up. That's all. Don't pick it up! IT DOES GET EASIER WITH TIME!!!

    KERIMCDONALD............Welcome! You are very lucky! I wish I could go with only 5 hours of sleep. I need atleast 8 or I turn into a psychotic nut! Sounds great that your husband has decided to join you. Don't worry if you can't get on here everyday. It is hard 2when life can be so busy. Let us know how you do~!

    PINBOCHICK..........Big snow headed our way! Hey, if you can't beat it join it. We're suppose to get 4 inches tommorrow night to go with what we have now (which isn't to much) so I have buckets of water outside freezing to make luminaries with. Have you ever done that? It's gorgeous! I'm going to put them in my front yard to welcome the snow storm. They glow much brighter and prettier than regular luminaries!

    I have to go now and run my daughter to youth group. See ya!
  • KarenLue
    KarenLue Posts: 94 Member
    Donna56...........I just realized what I wrote for you should have been for MindoverMatter! But Welcome still!

    Highs..................The biggest trouble maker at work has been on vacation so today was fun!

    Lows...................I need to clean the house.........again............
  • cc_campbell81
    cc- that's a normal policy since they overlap, you cant tell which is working. Go to what ever makes you feel the best. I hope you feel better soon. :flowerforyou:

    I guess that makes sense. Thanks for the flower:>

    Mindovermatter- Thanks for your kind words.

    Today was uneventful. Despite the fact that I didn't get much sleep and still came in under 1200 because I just couldn't eat I felt it was a good day. I got some stuff done at work that I've been working for a long time.
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Pinbot- I love shopping but what I really love is finding fantastic deals like...a $100 leaning ladder bookcase for 39.99! I have such a feeling of satisfaction, but then I realize that oh wait that probably is still most than cost! Good luck on your shopping, I wish you many deal findings... :):)

    Keri-Sounds like you had a great day!! Im happy your husband is aboard that makes it easier! :)

    Well its too early to say highs and lows but I will say that I am dragging *kitten* this morning...waiting for the coffee to kick in!
    I plan to finish up some of my home projects today so I can get that off my mind. I am one of those people that will only do something if I will have the time to complete it, I don't like the little at a time approach. That explains my fustrations with the slow process of weightloss...lol!!

    Oh yeah and I wanted to ask waht state everyone was from? I am from Taxachussets oops I mean MA.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I live in Michigan.

    I already have my highs for the day - ran 25 min solid at 5.0 mph on treadmill (a new record for me) and I lost 2 pounds this week :bigsmile: My anticipated low is a looooong work day. So I better get ready and be off.
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Highs-completed one home project!! YAHOOOO!

    Lows-I am so tired and I cant sleep, I also went ove rmy calories :(