~*Highs & Lows*~ Anything Goes!



  • cc_campbell81
    Hi everyone. I am about to fall asleep at the computer so I hope this makes sense:> Today I finally was able to eat 1300 calories but I couldn't eat my exercise calories so was 459 under. The day flew by. I got a good work out today.

    I live in Texas. It is suppose to be only about 20 tomorrow:<
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    cc - I bet 20 is cold for TX. I think your blood thins or thickens based on where you live. In Nov a friend from Phoenix visited us - it was 45 and he wore long johns and a winter coat while we had spring jackets on.

    Yesterday's low was stomach cramps from TOM :grumble: Otherwise it was a great day - 2 mid-day patients cancelled so I ended up with 2.5 extra hours in my day and got lots of paperwork caught up.

    I got up before the alarm since I am so excited about going out of town for the weekend. I have 2 patients this morning, a workout with my mom at noon and we leave at 1. We are stopping for lunch at a brewpub... My husband seems to like this weight loss thing cuz I keep volunteering to be the DD - I figure if I won't have as many beer calories that way. The 2 hours from Bay City to Yspi may be a bit long with 2 not so sober ones in the car. I have figured out how to check groups from the iphone so I should be able to check in over the weekend.
  • mpogo
    mpogo Posts: 20
    Oh my goodness have I been slacking on here!!!:embarassed: So sorry, but it sounds like everyone is doing great! That's awesome to hear. Thank you Mac55 for posting that info on quitting smoking. I'm really nervous about quitting, but I look at my mom. She smoked for about 30 years and now has been smoke free for 4 years now!! I know I can do it, I just have to use my will power better.

    My dad made it through his hip replacement surgery great!:bigsmile: My parents went out and bought new phones with a texting plan so he they can keep up with us kids (5 all together) and they bought a Wii. My dad and I played for 2 hours the night before his surgery so I think that took his mind off of it, at least for a little bit. I just got back from shoveling their driveway and sidewalk (couldn't get the darn snow blower started.) My mom will have to have surgery in a couple months, but I guess it's not too serious.
    I'm all set for school (almost $200 later for two USED books!) so now I just have to work on getting up earlier so I can make it to my class! I did work out with my sister before work yesterday, so hopefully I can keep that going. I haven't been eating terribly, I actually purchased rice cakes since I tend to eat out of boredom a lot, those seem to help my mouth's hunger and not completely distroy my calorie count.
    I know I'm a little late for the New Year Resolutions, but here it is anyway:
    -Quit smoking
    -Excercise/move more
    -Pay off credit cards
    -Be more motivated
    -Complete unfinished projects
    -Volunteer more

    Above all to just be a healthier person in general, not just physically, but mentally (ie, be positive, proactive)

    Welcome to the newbies!! I hope you like it, can't wait to hear more from everyone!!! :flowerforyou: :happy:
  • kerimcdonald
    Hi everyone!! You all sound like you are doing a great job.

    highs- I have revised my new years resolution and will be facusing on every other night logging on to catch up with all of my wonderful folks here, as long as I log my food everyday, but I am also helping my husband with his food every day and we are each doing and hour on the elliptical every day.

    lows- sharing the elliptical sucks and my husband is not that great at time management so I am having to get up at 3:30 in the morning to get my time in and get my daughter up and off to school, on my way to work and I have been working late, so I get home at 8-9 pm and spend the next 2 hours cleaning and getting my daughter to bed. I am not getting any real sleep, (down to 4 hours a night give or take 1 hour depending on the severity of the housework) and I'm getting a little cranky.

    high #2- My husband noticed my subtle (HA) crankiness and helped me by cleaning the kitchen and shoveling the front walk. He then sat me down on the couch with my laptop and a glass of wine and told me to see how you guys were all doing. He's a good man.

    It's almost 11 though so I better get to bed, cause it's up at 3:30 tomorrow!! woot!! (not really though)

    mpogo- So happy to hear your dad is doing all right.

    pinbotchick- I also live in MI. I know the drive from bay city to Ypsi. Are you taking 23? That has a pretty good route for gas stations just in case the not so sober ones are a little (cough).........carsick. Good luck. Watch out!! We got a lot of snow around ann arbor so any back roads are still kinda crappy.

    mindovermatter- Don't worry. I'm sure you'll do great tomorrow and I don't know about you, but i have a horrible time not eating junk when I'm tired and I can't go to sleep.

    Have a great Saturday and I will talk to you all hopeflly before monday!!
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Today has been VERY uneventful!!! LOL!
    I know that Aunt Flo is right around the corner and I get supper lazy and tired around that time, but I try to fight it. LOL! II am trying to get some pep in my step so I can begin dinner but I think I am too lazy for that right now. I just woke up from a mini nap and I have to say I HATE NAPS...I wake up feeling like I am hung over!

    Highs-Hmmmm...lol ;)

    Lows: taking a nap....I think I am the only person who dislikes naps! ;)
  • cc_campbell81
    Today has been VERY uneventful!!! LOL!
    I know that Aunt Flo is right around the corner and I get supper lazy and tired around that time, but I try to fight it. LOL! II am trying to get some pep in my step so I can begin dinner but I think I am too lazy for that right now. I just woke up from a mini nap and I have to say I HATE NAPS...I wake up feeling like I am hung over!

    Highs-Hmmmm...lol ;)

    Lows: taking a nap....I think I am the only person who dislikes naps! ;)

    I feel like that after naps too! I thought I was the only one. If I take a nap in the morning i am okay but in the afternoon I feel like crap!

    Today was uneventful for me too. Not much to comment on. Have a good weekend everyone.
  • kerimcdonald
    Hello folks

    highs- I managed to get my elliptical time today. My husand took too long so I overruled him!! I actually got a little sleep last night, so I didn't feel dead.

    lows- mother nature came early and I swear that all of my employees, customers and vendors took a stupid pill today and I had to keep running around following up on people. It was exhausting.

    mindovermatter- I know it sounds weird, but have a small cup of coffee or hot tea righ before you fall asleep. It takes caffeine at least 30 minutes to kick in and if it's a 30-60 minute power nap, you'll wake up feeling better. I love to nap. I never get a chance to, but I swear I could sleep all day if no one woke me up lol.
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    Hi all, hoping 1 more is o.k., Read through most of your posts, and this sounds like the support I need. I am a 42 year old mom, wife, daughter, sister, boss to 8, and you name it! I have about 65 lbs to lose, but recently found a renewed purpose to hopefully finally lose the weight. My Dad who is only 63 (and thin and seemingly healthy) had a heart attack. So I got scared and decided I better get it together so I will be around for my 10 year old sweet little girl, butthead 14 year old son, and wonderful husband.
    The good news is I exercise 5 days a week at an adventure bootcamp (I live in california, so our lows are only in the high 30's, unlike like a lot of you! :wink: )
    highs today Today I tried something new I tried tilapia (I an not a fish person) the good news is I didn't hate it! Slept in until 9:00 am
    Low today didn't get out for my walk (maybe I'll go get on the wii fit! right now)
    thanks all!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome Ireed (flowers for you). I haven't figured out how to smilies from the iPhone. We look forward to getting to know you.

    I've been having a great time on my weekend vacation. As the DD I have discovered a new drink - hot water with a lemon slice. WOW. Not only did it warm my hands but tasted great. Other highs of the trip - great food, still getting my workouts in and visiting friends. Lows included DH freaking out with the number of people at Cabellas so only spent 30 min shopping and I went way over on calories yesterday. At least I enjoyed myself.

    Talapia was the only fish I would eat for a long time. White fish isn't to bad. Last week I made mahi mahi with pineapple that was pretty good. Neither of these has that "fishy" taste.

    Glad to hear everyone is doing so well.
  • KarenLue
    KarenLue Posts: 94 Member
    OH MY G---! I had a really good day with eating yesterday. I was 34 calories under. Then I went to my cousins to sled ride and had no bake cookies, mud slide, and beer and came in over 1500 calories over!!!
    I usually stop tracking my calories when I fall off the wagon and just start again the next day, but it seems I've been having a lot of those days, so I decided it would probably do me better to just face the truth on the bad days and see exactly what I am doing to my self. Holy cow is it easy to blow everything. I guess when the meals are done and I've done well is no time to let my guard down!

    God bless your heart, I don't see how you can go with out sleep like that. I admire your spirit but I think you would be better off to watch your calories and stay in bed. Just exercise when you get more sleep in. I know that can seem very frustrating, but I do think it would be better.
    And was it you that said something about drinking coffee before you nap? I heard that suggested on the radio before. They said if you drink a cup right before you lay down you will wake up feeling much more awake and less groggy. I wish I napped more. I should. Maybe I would eat less. I always feel guilty napping so I stay up and crab at my girls like that's any better.:wink:

    Oh darn it. And I wanted to tell the cute bubbly girl that wants to quit smoking (I can't think of your name and I'm afraid if I go looking for it I'll loose my post) There is NOTHING wrong with your will power. It's an addiction. Don't look at it that way. Nicotine is a drug just like any other and you've been taking it in many times a day for years. Your brain believes it has to have it. You have to show your brain it doesn't. Plus you can bet the big tobacco companies are fighting for your business so they have added many enhancing chemicals to make them even more addicting. I remember when I was on Realage there was an article some one posted about how much more lethal and addicting cigarettes are now than in the 70's. SO DON"T BEAT YOURSELF UP! You are addicted on purpose. Now you just have to figure out how are you going to beat them?

    Welcome Ireed! You have a beautiful daughter. I have 13 and 14 year old daughters and so far they are both still really good and love their mommy. I hope it stays that way!
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    Welcome Ireed (flowers for you). I haven't figured out how to smilies from the iPhone.
    Hey are you able to get the message boards on your iphone? How do you do that? I only have the diary etc on mine! Thanks:laugh:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hey are you able to get the message boards on your iphone? How do you do that? I only have the diary etc on mine!

    I use google to get to mfp homepage and then login. The print is really tiny but you can read the messages (with my eye sight, I have to enlarge it quite a bit)... It is a slow process. I can only hope they will put the message boards on the app.

    High today - I made it home safely and got in a workout this morning while everyone else was still sleeping. Lows - tired of being in the car and need to clean the house.
  • ncmedic201
    ncmedic201 Posts: 540 Member
    Hi all! Can I join your group? I have been looking for a group to help keep me on track and also give me some people to chat with. It seems that I am at that in between age for a lot of the groups here. You have the 25-35 year olds and the 40's and up lol

    My name is Christy, I am 39 and a single mom to 2 great and hormonal boys ages 15 & 11. When I read the original post on here I totally related. It's been almost 6 years since I lost my job in the mortgage industry. It was such a devastating time in my life!! I couldn't find a job for 10 months and even that was at the mall during Christmas time and also serving burgers at a local diner. When I first lost my job I took advantage of this blessing in disguise and began going to the park and reading more, then I began walking A LOT to help relieve the stress. I then went back to school to become a paramedic. The first year was actually great. I got in the best shape of my life!!! I felt great, I wasn't tired all the time, my blood pressure was at its best and my weight was it's lowest ever. I was eating healthy and walking daily.

    Once I actually started working in EMS I started to slack off. We work 24 hour shifts and we usually eat out 3 meals a day. I live in the South now and the cooking is much different that I was used to. Needless to say I have put on 30 lbs, I haven't been exercising, I am always tired and I have no motivation to do anything!!!! I have more ups and downs in life now because of my emotional state from just being so out of shape.

    I joined the Rec & Aquatic Center this week. Today was my childrens first day there. I was really proud of them. They really took the opportunity and went with it. My oldest was doing the bike and actually RAN on the treadmill! My youngest is having a harder time because he is limited on his activities there until he turns 12 in May. I am hoping by making this a family activity that not only does it give us all time together but gets us all into shape and gives them a headstart on living a healthy life as adults.

    I have also decided to go all the way with this and quit smoking. I was smoking over a pack a day. I cut back to 10 cigarettes for a few days, went down to 8 yesterday, 7 today and will go down to 5 tomorrow. I think by posting daily that I will hold myself more accountable.

    Sorry this was so long :) I look forward to learning more about everyone and being a part of this group!
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    thanks for the hint on the boards on the iphone, I'll try it!
  • kerimcdonald
    Hey everyone! Having an okay day

    highs- we finished our mortgage refinance (finally) and I have done a really good job this week of tracking my husbands and my own food so that we are in this together.

    lows- We weighed in yesterday and he is down 2 pounds and I am down..................0.4. :sad: I am taking it easy on myself though because for 2 weeks I have been doing 5 and 6 days on the elliptical so I know I'm building muscle. My pants are still fitting well and I have more energy even without much sleep. A couple of days off work to finish the housework and take a looooonnnngggg nap and I'll be right as rain.
  • cc_campbell81
    Welcome Ireed & ncmedic201!

    Today was good. I ran 3.25 miles today and walked 1.75. Burned over 500 calories! I got a lot done at work today. I got to have lunch with my husband. My husband bought me Women's Health Big Book of Exercises. It's pretty cool.
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Hello Friends!!

    I found the BEST SALSA EVER and of course I wanted to share! It's made by a company called Desert Pepper and there are several flavors, but I had the peach mango salsa!!! YUMM-O , HOWEVER it cost me $4.79 but it was SOOOOOO worth it because the flavor is great and the sodium is only 25g per serving and that is almost unheard of unless you make your own.

    Highs-The best Salsa ever walked onto my plate

    Lows-I'm still very hungry, or I should actually say my body would like to think it is!! It's only because Aunt Flo is coming around the mountain very soon!! I have feeling like a hungy hunger hippo!!! LOL! Remember that game????
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hello everyone. Welcome to the new people.

    High today - managed to get in a short workout and was under calories for the day. Secretary of State gives you a grace day if your birthday is on the weekend so even though hubby forgot to get his tags - no late fees. Lows today - worked 11 hours and I am just tired from the weekend.

    I will have to look for that salsa.
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    High today: came in -4 on calories (how's that for coming in on the calories) and kept my daughter in her cheer competition We are going to Disneyland!!!:flowerforyou:
    Low today: Pain in my arm, possible carple tunnel bleh boot camp is going to be tough:explode:
  • ncmedic201
    ncmedic201 Posts: 540 Member
    Good morning everyone! I was sooo lazy yesterday that I am going to get a jump on my day and start cleaning the house in a few minutes. I did manage to make a pot of homemade soup yesterday. I made up the recipe and my boys loved it so that is good :) Next time I will try making a low sodium version. I stayed under my calories and went to my very first class at the gym.