~*Highs & Lows*~ Anything Goes!



  • highs: a colleague at work said, "Wow, you're wasting away on us!" It made me feel good, since she had no idea I've been trying to lose for three months, so she was being totally honest! :drinker:

    lows: my kitten. So aggressive that I am seriously contemplating giving him back. He is so mean to my three older cats that I am playing referee ALL the time. Plus the testosterone is flying amongst the two older boy cats so now THEY are fighting due to aggression transference! Oy! I need a psych vet! I was so upset over this that I overate at work today. Grrr! I hate when my emotions trigger overeating!!! :explode:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I swear there is a cyber ghost that steals posts. It must have to do with the server errors. I know that I posted yesterday.

    CC sorry you had such a bad day Thurs.

    Highs - I have been feeling great and lost another pound. My mom is back and came right to my house to workout before going home yesterday. She wanted to tell me about her trip and shake off the 5 hour car ride. No real lows to report. I did go over on calories yesterday but I knew what I was doing and really wanted that grilled cheese sandwich.

    Have a great weekend.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I am so HIGH right now it's scary... DH has finally figured the laptop trouble out. Turns out it was a dead battery which caused the mouse not to work. Of course he had already re-formatted the hard drive so all info on it has been lost but I can redownload my audiobooks and have the word/excel files save to thumb drive. $56 to fix the problem instead of several hundred. YEAH. By taking the dead battery out and plugging it into the wall, I can use the laptop :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • highs: kitten was better today - whew
    lows: at almost an entire pizza by myself. I feel really sick. :cry:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    highs - working laptop still, burned 1200+ cal exercising yesterday by MFP database and made 2 great vege meals yesterday. Lows - body aches from all the exercise.
  • highs - kitten was way better today plus I made good choices when out to eat lunch
    lows - think kitten may be afraid of me :frown:
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Highs-Had a relaxing day and my body is sore from working out

    Lows-Didnt get the change to complete my laundry as i had planned ...lol there is always 2morrow!
  • Hi everyone. Thanks for all the support. My daughter is feeling better today. I wish I could be a stay at home mom and be with her all the time:ohwell: I hate leaving her at a sitter (even though my sitter is great and has been keeping her since she was two months old). Nothing eventful today so I will take the opportunity to say what I am thankful for.

    I am grateful for:
    -life, I am grateful to be alive and for the life God allowed my husband and I to create. Being a mother is better than I could've ever dreamed. Even in my exhausted moments at 3 am I am still so grateful to have her.
    -:heart: love,:love: I have a great husband, he is my best friend. These days a good marriage seems to be less and less common.
    -employment, Being a member of the military has provided stability that many people don't have unfortunately.
    -Family & Friends, I am grateful that I have people who love me and people to share my life with.
    - Living in the US, many people live in a country where speaking your opinion could get you killed. I am grateful for the freedom we have in this country.
    - all of the other blessings God has given me and my family including health and happiness.:happy:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    cc - glad your daughter is feeling better.

    What a wonderful Monday. It was 36 and sunny so I got to run outside instead of on the treadmill:love: Life has just been so good for me. I think the exercise has me in a very chipper mood :bigsmile:. Work is going well, my laptop is still working and I have nothing to complain about. The scale loved me this morning but I am waiting until my check-in day (Thurs) before I record it. I hope it lasts. I had my Eagles interview today and will find out in a couple of weeks if I make it in - they volunteer a lot and that is one of my New Years goals. Have a great week!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Where is everyone? Highs today- picked up a new client, stayed under calories, and was able to download some audio books. Unfortunately, I lost all of them when the laptop was down. At least it's free to get them again. I've been cold all day - that's my only low.
  • mpogo
    mpogo Posts: 20
    Here I am!!
    Highs: Feeling hunger pains (this a good thing since I usually eat when I'm not hungery!) spending time with family, living comfortably.
    Lows: being crabby :grumble: annoying cats, and a very boring computer class once a week.

    I'm happy my complaints are minimal and something that are generally temporary. I did receive a letter that my student loans are being defered because I'm enrolled as a part time student. I can still make payments but the interest is less.

    Homework time then off to bed!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    My high today - I finally have finished the C25K program. The 9 weeks has flown by. I feel so great as I sit here dripping sweat on the computer. Bring on those 5Ks but wait at least 3 weeks. I plan to cont increasing my time by 3 min a week for the next 3 weeks so that I am running a full 40 min. Hopefully that will be over 3 miles. Today I only hit 3 miles total with warm up and cool down walks. I may run slow but at least I am doing it :bigsmile: Can I call myself a runner now?
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    High today - I am down 3 more pounds. I think I want to date my scale. I just :love: it. My lows - PMS is setting in and I feel really cranky. This always happens about a week before TOM. Since I can feel it reeking havoc on my body, I will try not to fight with DH tonight. We invariably have an argument - it may due to my unreasonableness and wanting to punch something. I don't actually hit anything but the words seem to fly. :grumble:
  • Highs- hi everyone. Today I stayed home with my daughter because my sitters son was running a high fever this morning. My daughter actually slept in, took two good naps, and went to bed with no problems! It was nice spending the day with my daughter. I also set up Skype on my computer and spent 3 hours talking to my sister! She hasn't seen my daughter for a year so it was fun for her to see her on the webcam.

    Low- my poor husband has to work late:< I miss him:<
  • Highs: I am starting to see results!
    Lows: my knees are killing me - arthritis combined with these freezing temps is making my knees scream in agony!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Morning Ladies,

    My low yesterday is petty but we went out to eat at a Mexican place and the food was crappy. I exercised hard and ate extra well so I could spluge on cal and the food sucked. I am still upset. Sorry for ranting. Highs in my life - I've noticed my knees don't ache as much going up & down the stairs and I had a great time shopping at the health food store. I can't wait to cook with great foods. Have a nice weekend.
  • mpogo
    mpogo Posts: 20
    Good morning!
    Highs: I'm getting a Wii! (though every store in town and in a 100 mile radius is sold out so I had to buy online.) Taxes are done, homework was done early and found some awesome low-cal soy cheese (It's called Veggie Shreds, tastes awesome.) Made some risotto that was really good and it came from a box.
    Lows; Didn't do to well on an accounting test, but it's motivation to study harder. Work is hectic and doesn't seem like it'll let up anytime soon.

    Lost two pounds!!
    Have a good day!
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Hello All,

    Its been a while since I have updated, I apologize for my absense! Our family had a scare with my Grandfather who has been fighting cancer. So things were tense and tough. I found myself eating food that I hadn't touched in months and now I am paying for it. My stomach is in knots! I have decided that cheese and I don't see eye to eye and although I love it so, we must part ways!
    I am heading to whole foods now to find a cheese replacement. If any of you have any suggestions I am all for it!

    Highs: My Papa is stable and things are looking up.

    Lows: I need to de-stress and pick up where I left off and get focused again...I have not made my goals in 2 months. I look back and think wow I could really be under 200 right now but I am not!
  • Hi

    Check out this post about Nike+ and helping Haiti.

  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    HI everyone...

    I have been feeling down the last few days with PMS but TOM showed up today (2 days early) and I am finally feeling a bit better. Over all, life is great. My new Zumba discs came and I enjoyed the workout. I made it outside for 35 min of snow shoeing today. I enjoyed the fresh air and sunshine. I am grumbling about 6 more weeks of winter but they should go pretty fast. I am not sure where the month of Jan went. I've been doing well with cal and eating. Not much else to report. Life is pretty dull here in snowy, cold northern Michigan.
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