

  • I didn't really gain! Whooooo! Haha, when I went to the Christmas party, I had arrived about two hours late, so everyone was already done eating. In order to join them in their activities, I ate a small amount and chose my foods carefully. And then there were all these fun and games so sort of cut back the calorie gain 8)
  • One of the most important things in dealing with a break up is to put yourself first. Try and find something that distracts you and keeps your mind off the memories. Have a girls night out, go to a club, do something that you really enjoy that you haven't done in a while. Make yourself happy, even it is for a day because…
  • Congratulations on your loss! You look incredible, half the size of your first picture actually. Absolutely amazing. Keep it up!
  • Holy moly that is amazing! Great job, you have no reason to be nervous! You look incredible and your weight loss is inspiring. Congratulations on your progress and keep your head up!
  • Ahahaha, no I am not. If only.
  • Your answer is one that I can truly relate to. Being my age, I don't have kids, and I'm still in school so I don't have a job. But I am a foodie. And it definitely is easier to just eat takeout day in and day out, because somehow, their frozen food dumped in oil manage to taste divine. And that's why I've put on so much…
  • Good for you! That's truly inspiring.
  • That's not a dumb question! Don't worry, a lot of people are new to different sort of things, and this is one of them for you. What I do is I take about half a pot of cold tap water (or how much you like depending on the number of eggs you're boiling) and put it on the stove. The heat is between between and high. I wait…
  • Okay, true that she's rich and has easy access to a lot of things that can help her lose weight and stay fit. And I don't like her much either but she is a pretty good example. I mean, not all celebrities choose to be as fit as she does. Not all celebrities choose to have an amazing body like hers. For instance, Adele -…
  • Oh my goodness, I have the exact same issue as you! I'm still in school and all the guys tell me how big my calves are. One of my friends actually told me that it's bigger than the size of my thighs. When I wear heels, they look massive without me even having to try and show it off. Better muscle than fat!
  • I eat my emotions, and ever since a particular event that happened a few months back, I haven't really been myself - I haven't been happy. So I started eating and eating, and since then I've always felt hungry. No one ever gave me the proper motivation and encouragement to get back on track.
  • Not really - Ann just feels plain and boring. I wish it was just a short-name to Anastasia or something beautiful and long.