Why Did You Get Fat?

Everyone gains the weight for a reason. Some have emotional struggles. Some have health problems. Some are just lazy and /or love food!

Myself, I've used food as medicine, or like a drug, to help me to deal with negative emotions. But I've experienced a lot of emotional healing and want to not turn to food anymore. I want to be healthy and look good!


  • Ashlee2421
    Ashlee2421 Posts: 58 Member
    I like food....in my mouth.
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    I got too comfy in my relationship after haveing out new born x
  • Chastityx
    Chastityx Posts: 192 Member
    I use food when I am bored or stressed. I also have a weak heart, and instead of that being an excuse not to exercise, it should be even more of a reason to do something.
  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    4 pregnancies
    Boredom eater
    I like food
    No one told me I was fat, and I didn't see it until it was too late
  • DaniKenmir
    DaniKenmir Posts: 387 Member
    I finally had the money to buy enough food, and the time to sit down and eat it all
  • shoneybabes
    shoneybabes Posts: 199 Member
    I got fat because I kept having injuries one after the other and was still eating as if I was running 70k a week. It was very gradual and I am a greedy person. I don't know when to stop if I start eating.

    I also found out that I was eating out of boredom, esp at work.
  • kayl3igh88
    kayl3igh88 Posts: 428 Member
    Ignorance. I was drinking can after can of energy drink and Coke, eating whatever I felt like eating, including huge plates of roast dinners, takeaways, microwaveable burgers and snacks, and ignoring/not seeing what I was doing to myself.
  • lucysmommy
    i love food and alcohol - i had no idea of moderation
  • samigirl1975
    samigirl1975 Posts: 62 Member
    I got fat cause of my children, emotional eating, lazyness, and areas rolled into one. Eating out everyday, etc... I now can't stand the sight of any fast food let alone resteraunt food where I'll order a steak with veggies and drink water. I used to drink pop every single day, now I limit myself to one cup every other week. I call it my treat. It was bad for awhile. I gained my lbs I lost along with 10 more... Now its time to ne healthy for me. I have a genetic condition and a an aneurysm in my heart. So Dr says make heart strong and exercise. :-)
  • annduong
    I eat my emotions, and ever since a particular event that happened a few months back, I haven't really been myself - I haven't been happy. So I started eating and eating, and since then I've always felt hungry. No one ever gave me the proper motivation and encouragement to get back on track.
  • ilinx
    ilinx Posts: 34
    Freshman fifteen. Many hours spent sitting on my butt, stuffing junk food and sweets into my mouth while studying. Too many nights spent partying and drinking beer instead of sleeping.. Shame on me.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    I love food. I still love food. I'm always gonna love food. My ultimate goal is to be fit enough to burn off 2500 calories a day, just so I can eat pretty much whatever I want.
  • samigirl1975
    samigirl1975 Posts: 62 Member
    i love food and alcohol - i had no idea of moderation

    Bout sums it up for me too Lmao
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    I started gaining weight around the time of my hip surgeries. I was about 6yrs old with the first one. By the time I was 23 I had ballooned up to 220lbs. I tried to lose weight over the years, but I would lose it then put it back on. I finally said enough was enough and lost the weight I wanted to lose and more. My first goal was to get down to 170lbs, and I made it. My second goal was to get to 140lbs, and I made it. I'm now currently at 128lbs, and feel fantastic. I beat my battle of the bulge and it took me about 14yrs from when I first wanted to start losing weight.

    It's possible to lose the weight, you just need to change the lifestyle you lead to a healthy one.
  • Eddie274
    Eddie274 Posts: 156
    Everyone gains the weight for a reason. Some have emotional struggles. Some have health problems. Some are just lazy and /or love food!

    Myself, I've used food as medicine, or like a drug, to help me to deal with negative emotions. But I've experienced a lot of emotional healing and want to not turn to food anymore. I want to be healthy and look good!

    Ditto to the above. I'd eat to console myself, eat to celebrate, eat through boredom and then feel bad about eating so I'd eat more to feel better. Makes no sense at all, but really did at the time!
  • siggakolla
    siggakolla Posts: 56 Member
    When i was a kid i was always a bit chubby, i was bullied a bit and i didnt want to socialize so i would just stay at home and eat!

    Then i grew up and yes i was a tad bigger than the other girls but looking back i was by no means fat. but i still battled depression and anxiety resulting in having to go to a psychiatric hospital for children and teenagers when i was 16. when i was there i was put on new medication which made me gain alot of weight, the food in the hospital was of course healthy and regulated so i shouldnt have gotten fat from eating eat. but anyway, i ballooned up to a 100 kg in a matter of weeks (around a 25 kg gain)

    I stayed the same for quite a while, and then i started work as an au pair in 2008 and lost 17 kg in 6 months.

    Then last year i decided to go on the hormone shot (instead of the pill) and i again, gained alot of weight, at the same time i moved to finland and got into some bad eating habits which didnt help either.
  • m60kaf
    m60kaf Posts: 421 Member
    I saw eating as more than a massive inconvenience that has to be done to stay alive
  • Tatiyanya
    Tatiyanya Posts: 255 Member
    Hyperprolactinaemia is what started the gain, came outta nowhere, i still dunno why, ( it wasnt nor brain tumor nor diabettes tho, that i know). Hormones man, how do they work?
    then i quit smoking too,cos am already disguisting walrous, ya?
    then I just gave up and could hoover up spaghetti bowl, XXL pepperoi pizza and 2l of Coke in one sitting.
    Plus rather abusive relationship too, so some emotional eating in the bunch...
    Then I stared into 117kg+ of abyss on 5.7 ft frame and it was not pretty when it stared back ;(

    Edit: grammar, who needs it?!
  • Ayla70
    Ayla70 Posts: 284 Member
    I was a super fit kid....very muscular...worked hard on the farm after school...played every sport going at school...

    And then I became a 'young woman' and it wasn't cool to be a tomboy, and I stopped moving.

    Nobody taught me about nutrition, and the fact that I should have eaten far less once I stopped moving. I had absolutely no idea.

    I had a lot of negativity in my life, emotional and psychological abuse. I was called fat, worthless, hopeless, ugly....from my brother and my father. I still had no idea how to stop gaining weight, so then I also got depressed as well.

    I then had my thyroid removed when my son was 12 months old. I went from being able to eat anything I wanted (hyperthyroidism) to having no metabolism (hypothyroidism) and I gained 20 kilos in 6 months.

    I battled it for years. Tried a few 'diets', but generally STILL didn't learn about nutrition. So without the skills I needed, I kept putting it all back on plus plenty more!

    I met men who saw I was a big girl, and decided I must really love food! So they would bring me cake! (nom nom nom!)

    I've lost 25 kilos so far, and I'm still going. And this time I am equipping myself with the knowledge and the information I need to keep it off.
  • pedraz
    pedraz Posts: 173
    Stopped riding horse.
    All at once.
    Not good.