

  • Can't see the pictures, but congrats!!
  • Where do you find the Hummus in the stores, like which section?
  • I am surprised no one showed a picture of Jennifer Lopez!
  • Vanessa, I felt that way too when I first started my exercising in the AM but it takes a few days to get used to it. Your body is used to sleeping in the AM so it will adjust too and you will find soon that you have MORE energy then you ever have! And I found that it made me stay on track with my food because I didn't want…
  • Vanessa, it sounds like you might have a bit of a stomach bug? I would just drink as much water as you can and eat little things if you can. And you are right, it could be from your diet, you are getting rid of all of the bad stuff that your body was used to. It will help you in the long run but I know it's tough, hang in…
  • I also do the C25K and I am on week 5. I have started this program multiple times and have NEVER made it past week 4 so I am proud of myself. It's hard but I can tell a huge difference in my stamina. I get my podcasts from I am just now reading thru the thread so I will come back and visit more…
  • I would love to join you ladies too! I have been on MFP since the end of January and have lost 25 pounds so far. I have about 50 pounds to go. But I have found since I started my journey is that it's not about the number on the scale. It's more about how you feel, how your clothes fit, the types of foods you put into your…
  • I would just like to show husband the theroy behind why they say you should eat them back. I thought I had seen it before?
  • Just so I get this straight in my head, I have large thighs but don't mind that as long as they are toned. I am in the process of losing pounds and I have been doing lots of cardio. I want those nice toned legs so I have been doing squats thru out the day, without weights, just as many as I can do in my office or bathroom.…
  • Thank you all for your input, I appreciate it!
  • I wish you girls that are losing weight would open up your diarys so we can see them.
  • I ordered the Moving Comfort Juno one and got it from Amazon for a little cheaper. I like the looks of it and I like that brand so we shall see! Thanks for all of your suggestions, if this one fails then I will move on to another!
  • Feel free to add me too. I have a 3 year old daughter and I am still trying to lose the baby weight!
  • Keishas, you are crazy girl!!! You did not sleep in your shoes???? I have heard of sleeping in your workout clothes, I might try that too!! I will look like I just rolled out of bed when I get to the gym, but I guess that is what I just did!! I like to exercise too but can only fit about 1-1.5 hours in after work and then…
  • Thank you everyone!! I do work out in the evenings after work, get my daughter and we go to the gym but I need more and the mornings are my answer to get it in. So starting next week, I am going to start a new habit!! I like putting the alarm clock across the room, I will try that!
  • I have seen it on several talk shows, including one that I really like, The Doctors. It seem like it would be a good food plan to follow , lots of luck to you, let us know how it goes! I have heard good things about it!
  • My 2.5 yr old daughter loves jumping around to the shred with me! Its fun Mommy and daughter time! [/quote] I hope to get my workout before she wakes up! I tried doing the workouts with her and she would get a few minutes into them and want to watch Dora! But now, I can send her to my bedroom to watch her show if she…
  • I want to join! I have the 30-Day Shred DVD and want to start it, but never have. My workout will have to be done in the mornings, and I am not a morning person!! I have a 3 year old daughter that runs me ragged but I need to drop these extra pounds, 80 pounds to be honest! I want to be a fit, healthy mom for her. We go to…