Add the hiking into your cardio under the fitness tab. If you search the exercise database you'll find a couple different cross country hiking options that you can review and choose from to add in as exercise based on the time you spend hiking. This will adjust up your daily goal accordingly. I'm sure it isn't perfect as…
I have a Smooth Fitness Agile DMT which I really like. It has an audio input and USB port so I can use and/or charge my iPod but will work with any player that has an ear phone jack. It also has built in speakers and a fan (ok but not great, though to be honest I put in a SONOS system and I usually use that since it has…
I've used "Your Shape 2012" and think it is quite good. there's probably a newer version out now but I feel no need to upgrade. There is a lot of variety and it can be a good workout.
I feel somewhat similar to you in regards to maintaining. I have gone through at least 5 cycles of up/down 30+ lbs in the last 23 years. Loss was always slow and steady with diet and exercise, gains were always slow and caused by slacking off. Like you I set "action limits", but kind of blew thru them and rationalized it…
I think they kind of are what they are based on things that don't really take into account your real body. I'm 5'7" and in theory could be 118lb. If I weighed 118... well I could never weigh 118 and be anywhere near happy with myself. My goal is about 80% of the way thru the "healthy" range, but really it's a weight I'm…
Whenever I change up my workout routine I gain a couple pounds for a few days, then it falls off. Even cardio type exercise. I don't always feel sore after, or the next day. There's no way you really gained 2 lbs. in one day, that would be a heck of a lot of eating.
Marshall Tucker Band, 1977
There is a "strength training" exercise listed in the data base. You can get to it by searching under the cardio element of the exercise page. This will give you an estimate of calories, probably plus/minus a lot, but an estimate anyway.
I eat market Pantry (Target brand) protein bars. They are less expensive than the name brands, are tasty enough, and a good source of protein. No worse, calorie wise, than the others available.
I use my elliptical every day. I am very pleased with the machine and the results. Yup it's boring, but it gets the job done. I'm losing weight at the pace I want (obviously in combination with reduced intake). I am not beating up on my lower back, and I have seen great improvement in me. SO forget what Time magazine says,…
For what it's worth I moved two tons of gravel this past weekend. that included shoveling, wheelbarrow/moving, and raking it out. Pretty good amount of work. I used the "raking lawn" as an estimate of the burn.
I am going to jump on the elliptical bandwagon. I have a bad lower back and cannot tolerate anything too jarring so for me an elliptical has done the trick.
Hi, I know it's been several months, but did you ever hear anything? I personally have had chronic prostatitis for about 12 years, officially, but I think longer than that. Months of antibiotics that did nothing except mess up my digestive system. Actually I was going to make a similar post to this, but did a search first…
I've been using Your Shape 2012 with Kinect. It has a good variety of activities so it doesn't get boring.