I Want Elliptical Recommendations !

Mom && I are gonna call 1800 gotjunk for them to remove 3 really old pieces of workout equipment all about 30 years old. 1 treadmill, 1 manual stepper and 1 upright bike. We want an elliptical, but we do have standards: Not too bulky, not insanely expensive ($1000-$2500), and iPhone / bluetooth capability with good sound quality and speakers.

Please and thank you 8-D


  • joanthemom8
    joanthemom8 Posts: 375 Member
    I don't know much about brands, but I used to use the elliptical at the gym... that you use your arms and legs. Then I started using the one that's only for your legs, and I found that gave me a better workout for my lower half. It was harder for me, but I felt I got more out of it. That's just my opinion. Good luck! I think any elliptical is a great way to exercise - easier on the joints!
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
  • dt3312
    dt3312 Posts: 212 Member
    Our gym has several different brands and models. I think it would be very helpful to try them out first before you buy. Some of them make my knees hurt and some don't. My friend is looking into buying a recumbent elliptical (she has balance issues). The store said she is welcome to come and try the store model several times a week for a few weeks to make sure she likes it and it doesn't cause any problems for her.
  • oldmike1030
    oldmike1030 Posts: 14 Member
    I have a Smooth Fitness Agile DMT which I really like. It has an audio input and USB port so I can use and/or charge my iPod but will work with any player that has an ear phone jack. It also has built in speakers and a fan (ok but not great, though to be honest I put in a SONOS system and I usually use that since it has much better audio quality). The control panel has a Bluetooth button, I did not get that feature but I guess it may be available. Smooth Fitness also has other models, but I know nothing about them. It is a very solid machine and very good quality IMO, so I'd recommend it.
  • Keepcalmanddontblink
    Keepcalmanddontblink Posts: 718 Member
    Whatever you do, stay away from the smaller elliptical's unless you are really short. We got a dual trainer and my husband has problems using it cause he hits his knees on the metal all the time. Look for something that will give you a decent range of motion. I would recommend going to sporting stores and trying them out to see if they are a good fit. Once you figure out what brand your interested in, maybe go online to find a deal on that brand.