RavenBeauty87 Member


  • I'm only on day two was just wanting some testimonials for this particular drug.... not seeing any side effects, except insomnia but that is kinda normal for me.
  • Wow you have way to many responses so what's another one? haha..... First people were saying good job and all that crap and then when I really really started looking good and losing the weight (bought new clothes which makes a huge difference 'duh') They were like OMG what do you eat? First they asked for advice then they…
  • This sounds stupid but it has helped me (58lbs lighter) after the basic stuff is done and baby is in bed I will distract myself with anything small. Playing games on my phone, coloring books (don't laugh but it works) I've been so desperate I've grabbed a junk drawer or something and cleaned it out. If I have my hands busy…
  • No that is wonderful! I'm the same way.... even if it was 100 calories I would be so pissed at myself I would just binge.... This is how I had to start last year and it has made a world of difference!
  • 25 years old, 5'1" currently 133lbs and my goal is 120lbs but I'll see how I look. Saw pictures of girls 5'1" at 110lbs and wasn't liking it too much.... This girl has to keep her booty!
  • I use a table spoon on coconut oil a day. I freak out when I forget because it truly has worked for me. Even the days I mess up royally on calories it seems to maintain me. I preach about coconut oil all the time and I can't find one thing bad about it..... well maybe the price but that's my problem :D
  • omg you look wonderful! The weight loss took 10 years off of you.... You still have 22lbs to go? Doesn't look like it but hey it is working!
  • daaaaaamn girl! That is wonderful! I do hate you a little for being so tall BUT I'll look past that LMFAO.... Well, you don't have much to loss and now you are happy and healthy for your little one
  • Girl, that freaked me out when I went from the last before picture to the after! It was like BAM look at me now!!!! CRAZY love it and health wise that is amazing as well.... Your defiantly going to be a inspiration to many that are ready to give up :D
  • LMFAO I was waiting for this one
  • OH good lord yes ::tear:: true love people
  • I use to try and hide my body and would think he hasn't seen everything but one day I guess he was sick of it and said "Dear, I've seen everything so stop trying to hide it." After having an panic attack and realizing it was true I just took a deep breathe and said "Whatever" so now I just don't care.... I do get mad when…
  • I found a VHS of Kathy Ireland that I use to use with my mom and I remember how easy it was (I would wear 5lb weights on my legs and 2lbs on my arms) and wouldn't break a sweat. I tried to do it without weights and I couldn't keep up! LOL thanks for reminding me I may move my couch for 45 minutes and start doing that again!
  • I've lost my 54lbs by walking so my excuse now is it is too cold. I have an elliptical in my home but I say "Every time I get on it my daughter crawls over trying to touch it" All I have to do is ask my husband to watch her for 20 minutes or I can break it up for 10 minutes here and there. I had no excuses for 3 months and…
  • Wow :noway: Like a different person. Great job and you look great now but you're so close Go for it!!!! :tongue:
  • OMG "She is going to stab you if she sees you near her man" LMFAO not funny but ya stuff like that happens all the time.... or run you over that is popular too
  • True that is a good one too.... If the girlfriend is anything like me though you say "Oh sure honey that is fine" then you start thinking and plotting stories out that you know aren't happening but OMG what if they are.... I hate thinking the worst first and ya that is my problem but I forgot the guy should have told her…
  • Meh it is one of those things. To us it is no big deal because it isn't we are just working out. However if my husband came home and had a girl text him to come to the gym. Sorry, but I would not believe it one bit. Do I think my husband will cheat on me? No, however people can do anything. I think it was how I was raised.…
  • There is no need for me to say anything but WOW not even the same person. You did a biggest loser makeover!!!!! I bet people that really know you are in complete shock....
  • I only discourage having a lot of kids. I'm an only child and I have a 9 months old. I do not plan on having anymore!!!! I know there are too many people on the planet but she is my everything and has changed me for the better. It is because of her I've lost weight. If I never had her I would just say "Screw it what do I…
  • LMFAO I know then the jerks that have the nerve to say "Don't eat like a pig when you're pregnant" If reincarnation is real then they better come back as a woman married to a strict Catholic man with a high sex drive..... Too mean?
  • Well look at you :tongue: ..... Ya going for MILF status :devil:
  • OMG I was 190 and now 141.... I just looked at old pictures of me at 190 and I don't believe it.... You look wonderful! When I think of it now I don't think it is that much of a difference until I put the pictures up and I'm like "OMG seriously?"
  • ya when I was at my biggest some skinny thing asked me how far long I was I said "I'm not pregnant I'm just fat." Her mother just looked the other directions and the girl said "Oh uh no I meant you just have that glow. Do you have children?" I said "No" in a sharp manner. Then she wouldn't shut up and started rubbing her…
  • That is wonderful that you found out what was wrong!!!!! I'm depressed too but mine is linked to anxiety (which links to other things) I'm sure this is my problem as well! I hate going to the doctors because all they want to do is put you on some pill to make you like a robot even after I say that maybe some test need to…
  • Ya, I'm kinda in the same boat except reverse. Not hungry at all during the day (making myself eat string cheese which I normally love but just at night) and then don't get to eat till really late. Today I'm going to eat my string cheese, then before I leave work have a serving of peanuts. Then try and eat dinner before 7…
  • This is pretty much what I was thinking. You're not being mean (it might feel that way) but if you enjoy talking to him then continue and tell him about the change you are doing. Just watch him and if he is trying to change then wonderful keep going with the relationship. If not then that is a time to part ways. He…