"Fluffy" Ladies: Does your man...



  • RavenBeauty87
    RavenBeauty87 Posts: 83 Member
    I use to try and hide my body and would think he hasn't seen everything but one day I guess he was sick of it and said "Dear, I've seen everything so stop trying to hide it." After having an panic attack and realizing it was true I just took a deep breathe and said "Whatever" so now I just don't care.... I do get mad when he comes in when I'm naked in the bathroom and now I yell "Bathroom time is mommy time leave me alone" HAHA but just for fun of course..... I still don't like just standing there while he watches me because then I do that "OMG what is he looking at" but after almost 4 years I'm like "well, he is still with me so I need to calm down" However, when I was pregnant I don't think he ever saw me fully naked after I started showing!
  • RavenBeauty87
    RavenBeauty87 Posts: 83 Member
    My story:

    I've been married for 23 years. My wife has been though all sorts of physical problems. Auto accident. Difficult pregnancy with twins. Surgeries, literally from head to toe. Lumbar and cervical fusion. Going from age 24 to 47. All these things radically changed her body. She went from being 5'10"/155lbs to 5'8" and 240lbs. Stretch marks. Scars. TMJ problems so she can't open her mouth much (figure out why that's important to me).

    We're working on losing weight, not only for our health, but for each other. She made a difficult and brave decision to have lap band surgery, another saga in itself...and here I am at MFP.

    Throughout it all, I love her. She's my wife. We arrived here together. Our sex life is amazing, we really enjoy each other. We've *never* hidden our bodies in the dark (and yes, I've been as much as 40 pounds heavier than my wedding weight myself). We're going to be old, wrinkly and saggy together, God willing. As we've aged and had our problems, we've adapted, our lovemaking is different than when we were younger, but no less fulfilling. We're not going to be more attractive in the future, and we're the only partners we've got. We may not be attractive to anyone else in the world, and it doesn't matter. It's called love.

    THIS deserves the "Unconditional love" award of the year. I will take every single word of this with me for the rest of my life!

    OH good lord yes ::tear:: true love people
  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member
    I don't get the fluffy part. But yes, of course he does.