VegFit72 Member


  • How did you make yours?
  • 150.8
  • Another vegan present!
  • Just curious, what was the trainer fee? I ask simply because I'm a trainer but have always worked for a wellness center but have recently thought about offering training services on the side. I know rates will vary according to location as well. But just getting an idea of fees.
  • I didn't look through the whole thread but we look pretty close as far as numbers go, minus the age. I'm 43yrs 5'10" CW 154 BF% about 20'ish GW about 145 with BF% at 12-15ish want to see some abs!
  • I can relate. I maintain a steady weight/body fat that is a bit higher than I want and it's so hard to drop it down and if I do then it's hell to keep it there :( Good luck--hope you get to your goal!
  • I just bought some last night. Thought it might go well in shakes and when you really want pb but not the calories. Haven't tried it yet.
  • I am also on garmin connect and sent a few request out as well. I got mine about 2 weeks ago. I've worked in fitness for over 19 years but still not in the condition I'd love to be in--it's just so dang hard!!! :smile: My user name is peacefulintactivist
  • I'm actually at a healthy weight but I want to get leaner. I'm a fitness instructor but it's just as hard for me to get lean as for anyone. I average around 155 lb and like the way I look better when under 150 (but it's very hard to maintain). I'm 5'10 and depending on which fat method I use it is between 16-22% I'm sure…
  • This is an old thread but I learned a few places to search for jeans. I hate ordering though as sizing can vary so much. I hope some of the web sites have free returns :)
  • Weight training for toning and tightening. Lift 2-6x week depending on the routine, maybe arms 2x week and be sure to use enough weight. I think most women are worried about getting "bulky" but that does not happen to most women so lift a weight that you can get 8-12 reps and the last couple of reps should be a challenge…
    in Flabby arms Comment by VegFit72 May 2015
  • You might have to "play" with your macro's a bit. I have found that cutting the processed carbs automatically drops the carb intake in a positive way. Do not be afraid of good fats--coconut oil, real butter, avocados, nuts etc... if you are watching calories just watch portion size. There is a lot of trial and error. I'm…
  • Thanks for that link.
  • Thanks. I know most people tell me that they would love to look like me and ask for my help in the gym. I just wanted to reach very lean BF but see now how hard that really is to do and just not sure it's worth it, especially since I have no plans to compete.
  • [/quote] As a group fitness instructor do you do a lot of weights? You could try incorporating heavy lifting for a while and see if that gives you body shape changes that inspire you. Either way I suspect you're probably quite fine the way you are :) [/quote] Thanks! Weight training is what I do most of and I life heavy…
  • Oh, no. To lose the 7-8 pounds I've been logging and measuring and keeping calories usually under 2000 but sometime more and almost always a free day or two where I eat what I want and just log 3500 calories for good measure and to keep status. I ate pretty much what I wanted and when before getting on this MFP kick and I…
  • I'm 5'10", 147 lbs, 34" inseam for pants, 29.5/30 inch waist (at belly button), hip at widest point 35.5 ish. If pants have stretch about a size 6/7/9 depending on brand and cut.
  • I have a Vitamix 5200, the larger carafe from Costco. I've not experimented with mine very much, although I really need to. It is an investment and I need to learn how to do more with it. Anyway, the main thing I do now is smoothies. It's pretty basic but I use... 1 cup unsweetened almond milk 1 frozen banana (more or…
  • I've not had many MAJOR bouts of depression (a few) but mostly very low self esteem and self loathing when I feel like I fail with healthy eating and exercise. It really gets to me. I have unrealistic standards I'm sure but I know some women reach these goals and it pisses me off and then depresses me when I can't stick to…
  • Personal preference really. I like gloves--thinner ones with fingers that come just past the knuckles. I think it has helped me to not have as bad of calluses and I can't tell any difference in grip strength. I'm not a power lifter either. They make lots of styles--just try a few on at the store and go to where they have…
  • I do split the body parts ups -- don't forget I am a trainer :smile: I know all about over training. I think my biggest question is the how to with getting so lean and the diet part. I have days--such as today where I've gone over my calories for MFP but I'm sitting here and hungry right now. I haven't worked out today…
  • I do weight train and lift heavy, for me. I lift 4 to 5x week getting all muscles worked. I highly recommend weight lifting to everyone.
  • So I followed the link provided---- Not sure where I think I fall on those pics.Maybe between 18-25% I think I see the real me but my husband says I don't. I know I do not have the symmetry and shape of any of those ladies in those pics.
  • Thanks for all your comments. The wellness center I work for has 2 ways to measure body fat. The Omron, hand held device and the Futrex infrared device. The Omron reads higher at around 22% and the Futrex around 15%. I've maintained the same weight and about the same body fat percent for as long as I can remember--maybe 20…
  • I'll try! I'm working around to updating my profile. Some motivation will always be nice!
  • Right there with ya! Went camping and ending up eating out for most meals. I had been clean eating for 2 weeks and had lost 5 pounds. Weighed this morning and I'm 5 up! I know most is water weight but still, ugh! I feel like crap. Been consuming lots of water today and just a small amount of liquid calories. I need a clean…
  • Hi Bryon. You sound similar to me in the way that I am a fitness trainer and have been in fitness since I was 16yr old--now I'm almost 42yrs. I know what to do but it's hard to do it sometimes. I've never battled with my weight but I do desire to get leaner as in see my abs lean. I will help hold you accountable if you…
  • Not AL but just over the line north of Huntsville, in TN.
  • [/quote] On a scale of 1 to 10, where 10 is absolute maximum effort, most of your training should be between 6 and 8. Going above that can help your oxygen uptake, but given your objectives there is little real benefit. Its really simple, despite all the nonsense in some of the threads. That said, a combination of CV work…