Depression and lack of motivation...

Hey all,

Long story short, I've had issues with depression most of my life, but recently its really been kicking my *kitten*. I'm sure I've gained back the weight I lost (and probably a little more) and I hate myself for it...I know I'll start to feel better once I get back on track, but its so hard to get going when some days I barely have the will to drag myself out of bed and go to work.

Anyone else have this problem, and how did you handle it?


  • spickard34
    spickard34 Posts: 303 Member
    Hang in there. I too get like this sometimes. I have found though since I have been forcing myself to eat good whole foods no packaged crap I generally feel better and get in less what I call funks. I find working out helps lift my mood too. I know it is hard but you need to just make yourself do it for a bit and it will get easier. For me also Vit D is needed.
  • henseybrown
    henseybrown Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I've been using this calorie counter off and on for a little while now but have never checked out the message boards.
    Your story is also my story, and I "know" we are not alone. I too will get past my "funk" by eating good healthy foods and getting some sort of movement going on... even just walking my dogs... heck, even just a bit of stretching on my living room floor helps!
    You can find your own way to get past your bad moments in time. The fact that you're reaching out here is a great step toward new behaviors... good for you :wink:
  • VegFit72
    VegFit72 Posts: 35 Member
    I've not had many MAJOR bouts of depression (a few) but mostly very low self esteem and self loathing when I feel like I fail with healthy eating and exercise. It really gets to me. I have unrealistic standards I'm sure but I know some women reach these goals and it pisses me off and then depresses me when I can't stick to it long enough to get there. I know it's not healthy thinking and I know I'm not the only one that thinks this way. Another thing that really pisses me off is that many people view me as thin and in shape and that is great but they can not at all understand my desire to be in better shape. They say--oh, if I looked like you I'd never worry about my weight...I'd eat whatever I wanted...etc. Most people have no idea how hard it is to get in shape and to STAY in shape--heck, don't even know if I really know seeing as I've never had the perseverance to get in the condition I really want to be in.
  • elephant2mouse
    elephant2mouse Posts: 906 Member
    This might not be a popular opinon but have you tried seeing a therapist and or a psychiatrist?

    I have a mood disorder dealing with depression and anxiety. I didn't want to get out of bed, and every day was pure torture for me... I refused getting on medication for 7 years after having a bad reaction to prozac and zoloft when I was 15...
    I finally caved because I was honestly contemplating suicide every single day... Now they have me on a medication that works for me... In stead of sitting in bed eating ice cream and crying, I'm dancing around the house with my daughter and actually smiling...

    Depression is a very hard thing to deal with, and sometimes medication is necessary if it's that bad...
  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
    Small things. If you're not up to going to the gym or logging, do something small like not having evening binging eating/alcohol or whatever makes you feel crappy (those 2 are mine). Or maybe doing an online breathing stretching video at home, eating a meal you usually skip, making sure you eat some veg or making your favourite meal (even if it's not low calorie) instead of junk food. Small things that don't seem as unsurmountable as getting back to logging or working out in public.

    It's a vicious circle, because excercise can be so, so good for depression and I know when I take care of my body with good food and excercise, I feel much better. However, depression really sucks away the will to do it and you're back at the start again.

    When you say 'back on track', try not to think of it as a big thing that you need to build up to and beat yourself up for not being there yet, but incorporate bits in slowly.

    You're getting up and going to work, in spite of how you're feeling. I hope you don't think I am being insincere when I say sometimes, that's the best we can do and on those days, don't feel you are doing badly, it takes a great deal of effort to get up and face the world.
  • aeb09
    aeb09 Posts: 424 Member
    I have pretty severe depression. It hasn't made me stop my lifestyle change, but it has made me stop caring about my success. Like, today I reached 70 pounds lost and my only thought was "meh." That's not great. I agree that small things are best. Practice logging even if it's not healthy. Make sure you're drinking enough water and eating some extra veggies each week. Also be sure to take care of yourself - do something that makes you a little happier each week, even if it's temporary. Read a book or take a bath or watch a movie or just something that makes you feel better.

    There is definitely a difference between "a funk" and clinical depression; I completely understand how hard it can be to motivate yourself to do anything when you are in the depths of depression, but try taking small steps in stead of making huge sweeping changes. I hope you begin feeling better soon.:flowerforyou:
  • I have the same problem, and to be honest I deal with it poorly. Usually I end up bingeing and watching netflix which of course makes everything worse. I'm trying to find a weight loss buddy to help keep me accountable and motivated to work out everyday and eat clean. More importantly to not binge.
  • Solar_Cat
    Solar_Cat Posts: 188 Member
    Depression is an illness. In serious cases medical intervention may be the only effective option.

    I've dealt with it at various times in my life. There are two activities that I've found to work really, really well:

    1) Regular exercise
    2) Regular mindfulness meditation

    One or the other works a bit. Both together work really well, at least for me. YMMV.

    If you can't find a meditation or an MBSR (mindfulness-based stress reduction) course in your area, or if you prefer to do it yourself, here's a short reading list:

    Mindfulness for Beginners, Jon Kabat-Zinn
    Mindfulness for Dummies, Shamash Alidina
    Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Dummies, Dr. Patrizia Collard
    Full Catastrophe Living, Jon Kabat-Zinn

    The first two are more introductory; the second two more in-depth. All are highly recommended.

    Above all, be kind to yourself. All the best to you. I hope this helps.
  • tashlm123
    tashlm123 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi. I've had depression for most of my life. Sometimes it feels like there is no possible way of climbing out of that big dark hole. Just remember every day is a new start, so even if you had a crappy day before it's ok. Walking helps me (it's my me time) and though I tend to make every excuse under the sun not to go, once I'm out there I know I feel better. Surround yourself with supportive people. Sometimes when your feeling down talking to others helps. And there are a lot of like minded people on here to help ????