fit30s Member


  • Why does this EXACT SAME POST appear under multiple forum topics? UNRELATED topics?
  • "Goal weight" and "getting in shape" are two different things. I remembered learning something like this in my health care profession: What comprises your weight gain during pregnancy: On average: The baby will be 6 to 8 pounds The placenta will be 2 to 3 pounds The increased blood supply will be about 4 pounds The…
  • I was thinking about this recently, too. Here's a theory (that's totally mine, and not something I read): When hydrocarbons (such as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins) are metabolized, they are turned into carbon dioxide and water, and energy is released, in the form of heat and the ability to move your body. Much of this…
  • So glad I took the time to watch this. Thanks for pointing it out.
  • Assuming you have made a good estimate of what you burn by normal activity (without exercise), MyFitnessPal tries to get you eating less than that, so theoretically, you could lose weight without exercising. So, if you burn calories, and then eat them back, that deficit still exists.
  • I lost weight in the years before I became pregnant. It was not a reason for my weight loss, but having been overweight and then starting my pregnancy at a healthy weight made me proud of myself, and nervous that my body would change forever. Guess what - it didn't! I didn't gain a single extra pound (the day I arrived…
  • I stand still at work - all day long. It's brutal on the body. Aim for some kind of compromise. I often find, though, that when I'm somewhere I have a choice, like at a party, standing comes naturally. I am able to stand for long periods of time without noticing it, I'd just prefer it not to be ALL day!
  • I didn't know what this was, so I googled it. While it hardly counts as high-quality research, I found (in a matter of seconds) this:
    in Hcg Comment by fit30s October 2012
  • My understanding is, at 4 years old, as long as they're getting the recommended servings of milk, be it whole, 2%, 1%, skim, or equivalent (soy/almond), that's fine. Younger, and I would say stick to the whole, and avoid the nuts.
  • I just bought one a little while ago, too. I just wanted something digital, so I wasn't trying to guess at the reading. Mine measures in 0.5 lb (not 0.1) because I'm not going to obsess over every 1/10th lb. I don't think it matters how accurate they are (if they're within a few pounds, that's fine). As long as you keep…
  • This is one of those "body image" things. No two bodies are alike, there is no such thing as a perfect body. You seem to have a healthy body weight. Ditto, don't sweat it.:wink:
  • Locally: -our Autism Society, because we are members Generally: -Crohn's and Colitis charities, because a young relative has it Globally: -World Vision, because it's awesome And: -The Salvation Army, because throughout my life I have been quite involved in the charity side of this Christian church
  • Left is after, definitely. Good job.
  • I know you just stated the obvious, but I like that you did. I've heard it before, and someone did it just yesterday - one of my friends had posted on Facebook how she had lost 13 lbs so far. Someone commented, "What are you doing? What's your secret? I have weight to lose, tell me how?" I myself have lost about 35 lbs in…
  • Last November, I began sticking to a healthy eating / exercise lifestyle. I continued to lose through Christmas (about 10 lbs in 10 weeks - I was a high-healthy weight to begin with, this time anyway). I wasn't weighing myself daily, or even weekly, but maybe every 3-4 weeks. I don't mind over-indulging for one day.…
  • Ha! I've actually cleaned a pointy object like a pin and broken the skin, too.
  • I have only had two proper sports bras in my life. The one I currently use and RAVE about is Fiona by Moving Comfort. I, too, can't just go to a store to buy, but at least I am in North America. I found one on or and depending on the colour, the prices really varied. I bought a black one to try (in my…
  • I often don't wear mine, for the same reason. More often, I don't wear my engagement ring, because it's heavier and more likely to get lost. I've only lost about 30-35 pounds since I first received the engagement ring. I really don't want to get it resized, because I have already done so twice - smaller when I first…
  • Who even asks such a question? As if race has anything to do with compatibility... And, who cares what people think? Now, differences in culture, beliefs, experiences, customs, attitudes, etc, may cause problems in relationships, and they may not be issues which can be resolved by compromise.