Scale recommendations

I need to get a new scale. Any recommendations? Preferably a quality, but not über expensive one!


  • LJSchmitt
    LJSchmitt Posts: 121 Member
    I got my digital scale at Bed, Bath & Beyond for around $15.00. Great investment!
  • fit30s
    fit30s Posts: 20 Member
    I just bought one a little while ago, too. I just wanted something digital, so I wasn't trying to guess at the reading. Mine measures in 0.5 lb (not 0.1) because I'm not going to obsess over every 1/10th lb. I don't think it matters how accurate they are (if they're within a few pounds, that's fine). As long as you keep using the same one, and weigh in similar conditions (clothes, time of day), hopefully you are seeing what you want (loss, maintenance, or gain).

    If you want to spend a bit of money, you may consider getting something with a built-in body fat percentage meter.