jkestens63 Member


  • I like to go upstairs to my bedroom when I get cravings.... No food up there. I have a couple meditation apps - all with different themes. I'll listen to the lose weight meditation or the eat healthy one. Helps get my mind off cravings & relaxes me. You should do what works for you.
  • Great! Feel free to add me!
  • "Discipline. Just say no." I keep a written diary of feelings/experiences and that is posted in the front for me to see every morning. And as needed during the day. On the cabinets & fridge on a neon post it " stop! What is this going to do two or for you?" I also have reminders at the bottom of those little signs to…
  • That's awesome. Keep that momentum going! And remember, if you slip up it is not the end of the world. Just start again and make the next thing you put in your mouth healthy. It's not about being perfect, it's about developing healthy long-term habits. I wish you the best of luck and keep up the awesome work.
  • At the fact that you have 100 pounds to lose. You have to break it down to a smaller obtainable goals. For example if you drink soda make the commitment for the next 28 days that you were going to not drink soda but drink water or fruit to flavored water instead. Don't worry about the weight, start focusing on changing…
  • Determination is half the battle. Don't give up and don't expect perfection. Good luck.
  • You are awesome! Everyone is different so if this is working for you, stick with it. I agree a higher protein diet helps me stay fuller longer.
  • Don't give in to the craving. Wait at least 20 min, usually the impulse will pass. If it doesn't, try to substitute with something healthy like fruit or yogurt. Drink a ton of water. Also when the impulse hits try to do something physical. Go for a 10 min walk. Get up and do a set of 10 squats, lunges, and/or push ups.
  • You definitely have my sympathy. I have not moved to a new country however 4 years ago I split from my husband. We have been doing this back-and-forth thing trying to repair a our relationship and throughout that time I have regained 100 pounds. I don't blame him for my weight gain because I am control of my own life and…
  • Not being a perv, but sex is better. I feel like I am physically closer to my hubby when our hip bones can touch, whereas before my belly was in the way. There is also something to be said for flexibility and stamina.
  • Sounds as though you are intimidated by people who may be in better shape than you at the gym - the only reason I can think of for that somewhat snotty comment at the end. I started going to the gym when I was 480lbs. When I started I could do 5 min on the treadmill and that's it. I didn't care what I looked like compared…
  • jkestens63@hotmail.com Would love more Fitbit friends
  • I told hubby no sweets- put the cash he would have used on an iTunes gift card. If he gives me chocolate I would not feel supported.
  • Exercise definitely brightens my mood. It also helps me to do something non-food oriented that I really enjoy, like cross stitch or hitting thrift stores for affordable retail therapy. Make sure you schedule time to do what you want to do, not have to do. I volunteer and try to up my hours, helping people always perks me…
  • I have control over my food, it doesn't control me. I make my choices. Simple yet powerful. I like it, good mantra.
  • I am not finished when I'm tired, I'm finished when I've done what I planned to do." Sometimes that last 15 min of cardio or weights is really tough as I get tired, but I never cut my workout short. I'm done only when I'm truly done.
  • That's a good plan to start with. If you try to be perfect all at once you're bound to get frustrated. I've lost a lot of weight but basically plateaued for the past two years (my fault, I know exactly what I'm doing wrong). However I don't look at it as fAiling, because as long as I don't give up, I'm still in the game.
  • Keep it up- the more you lose the better you feel. I can't say it gets easier, I know that I will have to pay careful attention to every morsel and get that daily exercise in or I will be 480 lbs within 2 years. However, feeling so good is powerful motivation! Keep it up!!
  • Just for today I will not buy sugary snacks while out and about.
  • Just for today: Don't but junk food (ex: candy bars at the checkout line), and no eating after 9:00pm ( to stop my late night snacking). I've gotten back into these two bad habits and want to break them again,
  • I think tryingitonemoretime should probably give up because with that attitude, why bother. I have lost and maintained a 260 lb weight loss for the past 4 years. The only way you gain it back is to stop paying attention to what you are eating and decrease your activity. However, its not inevitable that you will do that.…
  • I plan on enjoying the holiday. We are having French pancakes for b-fast, a salad for lunch, and I will have whatever I want for dinner, but in reasonable portions. I plan on eating slowly and taking a break before diving into seconds so my stomach and brain can get in sync. I hope to get some exercise in during the day…
  • If it's an "amazing" restaurant, order whatever sounds the best and enjoy your meal and then get back on track tomorrow. For infrequent special outings or social gatherings don't worry about calorie intake at all [/quote] This!!! One meal is not going to derail you, enjoy it
  • Yes it is realistic, I did that and more at my heaviest. Just do it in a safe manner (good nutrition, no fad/crash diets, exercise) and you will do fine. Keep in mind you will have ups and downs, you will not be perfect, and some days its really hard. Just don't give up, no matter how many times you slip and fall. As long…
  • Along the same lines, what works for you may or may not work for others. The solution to your struggle is not the only one out there. Accept whatever others are doing & be supportive,
  • WLS is like any surgery, there are risks and you have to do the follow up work as recommended. I had a knee replacement in April and I did all the rehab and physical therapy as prescribed. I am 100 % pain free, able to do just about everything I was doing before (sadly, no tennis). I can't tell you how many people have…
  • A label is just a label. I had the same one put on me and it didn't matter because I always felt I was sexy and cute despite my weight, was healthy, and had plenty of friends/boyfriends. It wasn't until my weight affected my health and my lifestyle that I made the commitment to change. I'm still trying to reach my goal…
  • Without trust, you can never be truly secure and happy, even if you don't plan on living together or marrying.