steephx0x Member


  • I'm not much of a meat eater; if I eat meat at all it's chicken. As someone who is Italian and loves pasta and bread, I can't just cut it out of my diet. I'm also the only GF member of my family and although the benefits are high, my parents can't afford two sets of groceries. If they can find GF substitutes that we both…
  • Well I am going to have to make some "hybrid" replacements such as pasta and bread. I really do not like meat and only eat chicken occasionally. I already eat fruit and I'm not big on vegetables either.
  • Did you find that gluten free groceries are more expensive?
  • My stomach is upset and I'm waiting for the test to confirm that it's a gluten intolerance and not something else
  • Does the pasta and cereal taste different? My favorite foods are mini wheats and oatmeal :/
  • Yes, my doctor said eat what I would normally eat before the tests because switching diets could mask the intorlerance
  • I use an app with a GPS tracker for running, and it's easier to look at my progress for the entire month. Also; many of the calories burned in the app are highly inaccurate. It's also just tedious to log in two apps, when I have one that can show me graphs and stuff of my progress for exercise
  • I use a different app to track my exercise, so it's easier to keep them seperate. I've been trying to increase intake but I don't have the appetite. I am on two different medicines that reduce appetite and I don't have other options for meds. As far as my doctor is concerned I'm not underweight or malnourished
  • ..... Do you just comment on all my threads
  • MFP wants me eating 1450 a day.. I just can't do it. I get full easily and don't have much of am appetite to begin with, and, I'm picky.
    in Thyroid?? Comment by steephx0x May 2014
  • I'm not starving myself? I ate over 1000 calories today. I feel so full like I'm about to puke.
    in Thyroid?? Comment by steephx0x May 2014
  • Going by the logic everyone is commenting, none of us should complain about our weight unless we're 600lbs +. Look, I know it's frustrating hearing a skinny person complain they feel fat. But I'm sure you've all had days where you feel bigger than usual, even if you are in a healthy weight range. It's frustrating. It's a…
  • I couldn't lose weight, I gained weight, I lost 20 pounds in a little under 4 months, irregular periods, anxiety, sleep issues, & joint pain. My neck has also been bothering me a bit. Now I'm stuck at a plateau.
    in Thyroid?? Comment by steephx0x May 2014
  • This is an improvement!! I was at 600-700 before. I'm working on it. But I'm so full and I'm not feeling any better
  • I was considering getting my thyroid checked, I've had tests done before but not specifically looking for a thyroid problem.
  • It also depends on where you live and what type of sales your grocery store offers.
  • I am logging correctly. I've always eaten this way, I ised to have more energy but it's lacking now
  • Agreed. In an ideal world, everyone would be eating whole foods and non-GMO and all that, but it's freaking expensive! If I switched my groceries for all organic non GMO products, I'd have about 2 days worth of food for the price of one week. I try to eat non GMO, and organic when I can, but I'm the only one in the family…
  • I don't know what to eat! I'm kinda picky, no pork or pretty much any kind of red meat. I only drink skim milk and I don't like rice or fish (except when in sushi).
  • I don't know how okay! What do I even say? I don't know what foods to eat or anything
  • Yeah I don't eat much which is why I'm looking for easy ideas I can adapt into my diet. I'm a broke college student
  • I didn't understand so I asked for help. I'm not exactly willing to pay however much it costs to go to a nutritionist, and I would much rather hear advice from people who have experienced this or something similar. I understand NOW it's dangerous but I just posted this thread yesterday. I go grocery shopping on the…
  • College! Drinking and pizza. And then id be lazy or busy going out and skip the gym.
  • I know I am in the healthy weight range, but I'm just not happy with my appearance. 135 is still in the healthy weight range for my height. It's not that I hate my body, I just think I could improve it. And my stomach and thighs are flabby, I want a six pack.
  • Does tomorrow look better? I know oatmeal isn't the best dinner option but I have work at 5 and won't get home until 11 probably. I also I know everyone said ditch the low fat cream cheese and quest bars but I don't wanna throw out any food. If anyone has suggestions for groceries I'll take them!
  • Okay. I usually wake up at 10, and then tan by the pool/swim for two hours. After I go to the gym and will either run 2 miles or do a video from T25 or Jillian micheals 30 day shred or random free weight workouts. Some days I have work so the schedule changes a little. Can anyone write out a day of what times and what…
  • Really? It censors the name of a sporting goods store?! (I ment goods in the first post, not food. Stupid auto correct.) but I think you all know what store I'm speaking of