heard disturbing convo about weight today



  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Going from the username, I feel like this is a new incarnation of MayaDaya/BrightCristal/the other 70 usernames this person has created...

  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I see more humor in that situation than anything. I'm a big guy now but I'd never ever want to date a woman that was that tiny. At 100 lbs that doesn't leave much room for boobs or an *kitten*, and what about love handles?

    There's plenty of room on petite women for curves.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member

    I want to accept my appearance before losing weight....I don't want to feel ashamed and hate my body.......it's a real struggle and hearing these things just reaffirms that other people think I'm fat and "omg what have you been eating"

    Don't let other people's hangups about themselves affect how you feel about yourself.

    You think that people think that about you because that is what you think when you look at yourself. Not only do you need to learn how to accept and love yourself, you also need to learn to not care about what others think of your appearance.
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    I overheard a conversation once. It was none of my concern so I stopped listening and went about my business.

    Eavesdroppers often hear highly entertaining and instructive things :P

    Though in this case just annoying things

    My eavesdropping skills are second to none. It provides constant entertainment
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    When I tough my wife or hold her I prefer not to feel bone.... ugh...


    Yea.... fixed that. I type way to fast and make a lot of things sound / look mildly retarded.

    :huh: :noway:
  • steephx0x
    steephx0x Posts: 47 Member
    Going by the logic everyone is commenting, none of us should complain about our weight unless we're 600lbs +. Look, I know it's frustrating hearing a skinny person complain they feel fat. But I'm sure you've all had days where you feel bigger than usual, even if you are in a healthy weight range. It's frustrating. It's a normal thing to feel. Just because they're thin doesn't mean they can't have a low self confidence day or be worried about going up a size. Going up to a size two may seem ridiculous to you, but to someone who has always been a 0 it's a confidence blow.
  • nonacgp
    nonacgp Posts: 132
    That is just mean. You know what she meant.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    This thread comes awfully close to body shaming girls with EDs. It seems to me that listening in on other's conversations is somewhat rude, and internalizing what they say and taking offense quite unproductive.
  • Fujiberry
    Fujiberry Posts: 400 Member
    All the 'that's too skinny' and 'I want my woman to have meat on her' sort of talk is just so ridiculous. We get it, everyone has preferences, but what if your 'woman' wanted to be 105 and got down there -- you going to stop loving her and wanting her?

    Bodies are bodies. They can be beautiful in all shapes, sizes, forms, and the like. By putting too rigid of preferences out there, you make it that much harder for someone to gain acceptance for where they are going to fall on the weight spectrum. Being concerned for health reasons for someone too thin or too heavy is way different than "no fat chicks in this bed" and "omg need some meat on my ladies, amirite" -- the latter examples are just ways to play on insecurities (male or female, you can switch up the genders and have the same discussion) for those who aren't in some sort of mythical middle ground of Goldilockism, aka 'just right'.

    Oh, and if you're ever on the receiving end of those comments, just ignore them and do what's right for you. You dropped to 110 and you're healthy and fit and happy but your gf or bf doesn't like the bonier pelvis or something? You have the power to not let that bother you and do what's right for you....so do that :)

    OP -- others have pointed out, the conversation wasn't about you. People have body image issues at all sizes and I totally get how those conversations make you feel even more aware that you're way bigger than them. At 5'1" and used to be 300 pounds, I most certainly understand!! They make look at you and judge you or they may not, but you have no control over any of that. What you do have control over is not giving a flying eff. You have your path and your journey. They have theirs. Unless they willfully intersect those paths by addressing you specifically, I suggest ignoring it and reminding yourself that they may have issues too and just move on.

    ETA: And yes, I get that OP is probably a troll but hey, others may read and benefit (or not, who knows) <g>


    Plus, 5 lbs. WILL show on more petite women. I'm 5'2' and I have a smaller build.


    This is me. The only difference is 2-3 lbs.

    If they're not talking about you, then it doesn't concern you. People will feel fat, and the people will feel skinny .689 a second later. Doesn't concern anyone but themselves.