Insomnia and weight loss?

Hello all! I've hit a plateau after reaching the 20lb mark. I haven't been able to sleep at all lately, I've been going to bed Around 5 and waking up at 1 pm. I've tried hot baths and sleeping pills from my doctor, but it's just not working. I'm wondering if this is causing my plateau. Has anyone else experienced this? Any natural remedies that could help? I'm not a big coffee or energy drink drinker either.


  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    This isn't really insomnia, you are sleeping 8 hours just on a different schedule (like tonight my insomnia will put me to sleep at 5-6 am and I will be up at 8-8:30 am). I doubt it would effect your weight loss at all. Weight loss slows down when you get smaller. Smaller bodies burn less calories. Many times you need to recalculate because you will now have a smaller amount of calories that you normally use in a day. Also if you do not weigh your food, you will start to notice the errors (stalled weight loss) because your margin of error has decreased. Miscalculating exercise calories will have a larger effect after a decent loss too. The smaller you are the slower you should lose also.
  • lemonlionheart
    lemonlionheart Posts: 580 Member
    Hey there. Like the above person said, you are getting 8 hours but it looks like your body has gotten used to a nocturnal schedule!

    One thing you could try is melatonin. Melatonin is a natural chemical your brain produces to regulate sleep patterns. Basically you take some in pill or capsule form about half an hour before you want to sleep and it helps your brain tell your body it's time to sleep. It works great for jet lag so I imagine it would work well in your situation too. I take it from time to time and I find it helps stop my brain from going over things and keeping me awake at night. I would consider it a natural remedy as it is something your body already produces. In Australia where I live you need a prescription to get the good stuff (pretty easy to get from your GP), not sure about other countries.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Your earlier threads illustrate that you are failing to properly fuel your body in terms of calories, macros, and micronutrients. The extremely unhealthy caloric net you've admitted to means your body cannot regulate itself properly, has limited ability to produce needed hormones, and puts you at risk for permanent damage at a young age. Look at the obvious issues you've noted already .. sleep issues, periods lost ... then think what is happening to your organs that you haven't noticed yet.

  • Deborah105
    Deborah105 Posts: 183 Member
    This isn't really insomnia, you are sleeping 8 hours just on a different schedule (like tonight my insomnia will put me to sleep at 5-6 am and I will be up at 8-8:30 am). I doubt it would effect your weight loss at all. Weight loss slows down when you get smaller. Smaller bodies burn less calories. Many times you need to recalculate because you will now have a smaller amount of calories that you normally use in a day. Also if you do not weigh your food, you will start to notice the errors (stalled weight loss) because your margin of error has decreased. Miscalculating exercise calories will have a larger effect after a decent loss too. The smaller you are the slower you should lose also.

    I wish I could sleep 8 hours! I do have insomnia and it varies from 2 hours to, when I'm lucky, 5 hours. But loss of sleep can up cortisol in your body which would inhibit weight loss. Sad but true fact. :(
  • Ilikelamps
    Ilikelamps Posts: 482 Member
    Are you working shift work? I know from experience it sucks and can drain all of your energy

    Eat more.
  • steephx0x
    steephx0x Posts: 47 Member
    Your earlier threads illustrate that you are failing to properly fuel your body in terms of calories, macros, and micronutrients. The extremely unhealthy caloric net you've admitted to means your body cannot regulate itself properly, has limited ability to produce needed hormones, and puts you at risk for permanent damage at a young age. Look at the obvious issues you've noted already .. sleep issues, periods lost ... then think what is happening to your organs that you haven't noticed yet.


    I don't know how okay! What do I even say? I don't know what foods to eat or anything
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    Your earlier threads illustrate that you are failing to properly fuel your body in terms of calories, macros, and micronutrients. The extremely unhealthy caloric net you've admitted to means your body cannot regulate itself properly, has limited ability to produce needed hormones, and puts you at risk for permanent damage at a young age. Look at the obvious issues you've noted already .. sleep issues, periods lost ... then think what is happening to your organs that you haven't noticed yet.


    I don't know how okay! What do I even say? I don't know what foods to eat or anything

    Eat anything you want to meet your calorie goal (NET), and macros. Plus 700 some calories is not healthy, eat more but weigh your food and when logging exercise only count about 50% of it.
  • Going camping or something like it for 2-3 days will completely reset your internal clock. Disconnect from your phone and technology, and go let the sun tell you when to go to bed and when to wake up.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Your earlier threads illustrate that you are failing to properly fuel your body in terms of calories, macros, and micronutrients. The extremely unhealthy caloric net you've admitted to means your body cannot regulate itself properly, has limited ability to produce needed hormones, and puts you at risk for permanent damage at a young age. Look at the obvious issues you've noted already .. sleep issues, periods lost ... then think what is happening to your organs that you haven't noticed yet.


    I don't know how okay! What do I even say? I don't know what foods to eat or anything

    Don't say anything ... just go to a doctor and show him/her your posts. You obviously cannot deal with this on your own and need SPECIALIZED PROFESSIONAL HELP.
  • steephx0x
    steephx0x Posts: 47 Member
    Your earlier threads illustrate that you are failing to properly fuel your body in terms of calories, macros, and micronutrients. The extremely unhealthy caloric net you've admitted to means your body cannot regulate itself properly, has limited ability to produce needed hormones, and puts you at risk for permanent damage at a young age. Look at the obvious issues you've noted already .. sleep issues, periods lost ... then think what is happening to your organs that you haven't noticed yet.


    I don't know how okay! What do I even say? I don't know what foods to eat or anything

    Don't say anything ... just go to a doctor and show him/her your posts. You obviously cannot deal with this on your own and need SPECIALIZED PROFESSIONAL HELP.

    ..... Do you just comment on all my threads
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Your earlier threads illustrate that you are failing to properly fuel your body in terms of calories, macros, and micronutrients. The extremely unhealthy caloric net you've admitted to means your body cannot regulate itself properly, has limited ability to produce needed hormones, and puts you at risk for permanent damage at a young age. Look at the obvious issues you've noted already .. sleep issues, periods lost ... then think what is happening to your organs that you haven't noticed yet.


    I don't know how okay! What do I even say? I don't know what foods to eat or anything

    Don't say anything ... just go to a doctor and show him/her your posts. You obviously cannot deal with this on your own and need SPECIALIZED PROFESSIONAL HELP.

    ..... Do you just comment on all my threads

    Only the ones where you make it quite clear that you need professional medical help. Lost period .. can't sleep ... woefully inadequate caloric intake yet you run to a message board rather than to a medical professional.