bump for later..beginner here trying to understand everything and work with the weights I've got in my gym
Looking that up right now thank you!!!
I love beachbody videos. I did Insanity for a while.
I will keep this in mind as well!!
Another silly question, by everyone's recommendations 8 reps is the best. That's like the perfect middle. How about sets?
:) Love this information..Thank you!
No, I'm not paying for this gym. It's in my apartment complex so I currently work with what I got until I get into a habit of actually going again where I might not think twice to pay the fee. :) Thank you..I will check your recommendations out right now.
It really is. So informative. This is why I don't even google things, I just come here. :)
Also, the gym I workout in doesn't offer a lot. Free weights I have, but no bar so I have to improvise on my squats and bench presses..etc. They do have machines that I sometimes use, but I like free weights better. Anyone know how to break down some basic lifts for me with the equipment I have?
Thank you SO much for this.
Thank you all so much. I know I sound like a noob, but some things just never made sense and instead of guessing, I ask you experts. :) Thank you again!
Love this. Yes!
And do you guys recommend any supplements?
bump for guys keep it up! :)
that sounds fantastic.
Yes I know but it's not really user friendly!
does this work if I enter my own recipes?
Thank you all! I was so excited..I wanted to cry right then and there in the restaurant! :)
*does a little dance* :) Thanks!
Thank ya thank ya! :)
Nothing could touch me that day! lol
Thank you!
They're fat kids know the type..eats everything and loses 5 lbs? YEAH THOSE.
I'm trying to find that. I completely agree!!! :)
this makes sense too. Well I am 140 and still quite chubby..I want to lose all the weight I can with just diet alone..and then when I've truly stand still-ed, I'll go to the gym (I dread that part)..I really don't like the gym..Been there, done that..never enjoyed it.
I am actually an Elementary Education graduate and I completely agree! You should teach! :) The reason I ask if you are a writer is because your words are very eloquently developed so when one reads them, one doesn't feel like a complete idiot because it's a complex subject. I used to write and still have my own personal…
I feel your pain sister!!!
Thanks Stephanie. :) I am not quitting. I'll be damned! :)
damn "just in case" :)
I LOVE THIS REPLY! Are you a writer? :)