Jmchao Member


  • I've attended a couple of online OA meetings and enjoyed them. The people online have been super nice, helpful, and welcoming. I've downloaded their podcasts and have been listening to those off and on. I haven't ordered the book or workbook yet-that's my next step. I've looked for face-to-face meetings, but surprisingly,…
  • Chiming in and waving hi! I am 36 and would like to lose nearly 100lbs. Good luck!!
  • Va Beach!
  • Here's what I took from 6 pages of seems to vary a great deal from what you've taken away from others... I have a problem with my mother, please help. - Get therapy. Check out church groups or sliding scale groups. Try different counselors. We are all human and sometimes we may not connect right away with a…
  • An option is to check out videos from your local public library. That way, you can try one out, decide if you like it, and, if so, scour the internet for a cheap version of it. Or, just keep checking different ones out so you won't get too bored with the same one over and over again.
  • As long as you know what you are getting into for the rest of your life, it's a great tool for those who need it! I know someone who had duodenal/pancreatic switch several years ago. Lost 120 pounds. Still looking fabulous. Still taking vitamins/minerals/nutrients daily. No hair loss. No funky skin issues. Is successfully…
  • Who prepares the meals in the house? If it's your mother or father, why not try offering to make a few meals a week? That way, you can prepare what you know you will eat and possibly introduce them to something new/different also. If they question it, let them know you are preparing for when you are out on your own. Why…
  • My husband and I have done this. A coworker of his does it and has lost nearly 70 pounds. Hubby has lost nearly 20. I lost 12. Then I got bored. I am NOT creative in the kitchen, and I do not enjoy cooking, so trying to find different ways to quickly and easily prepare chicken or turkey was driving me nuts. Personally, I…
    in 17 Day Diet Comment by Jmchao July 2013
  • These are the points that stick out to me the most. I really think you need to reconsider working with your doctor and trying the medication she offered. It truly sounds like you have a touch of depression, which is OK if you do!! You are HUMAN!! You won't have to take them forever, but see if they help! Here's my story:…
  • You may want to keep an eye on the types of fat you consume. By this, I mean monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, saturated, etc.
  • As others have said, while you will surely notice some difference, the shoes themselves won't make for a quick/easy fix. You'll still need to adjust as walking is different from jogging/running. I can walk for miles and miles at a time, but add a light jog to it and my calves/shins spaz out on me. It's taken me about 8…
  • If only your TSH was done, and it was "normal" at 1.8, that's not a full picture of what is going on. Here's my story: I went to the doctor complaining of chills that I could not get rid of. I would sleep in flannel pajamas, with a fleece jacket on, wool socks, under 3 comforters with a heating pad under my back and STILL…
  • This...try starting out by supplementing your frozen meals with healthy sides. Add a small, quick salad, or a fat free yogurt. I had to break from the "grab-n-go" habit myself several years ago. I used to always pack a frozen meal for lunch at work and ate another for dinner at home. I decided to start looking at what my…
  • I, too, cannot get out of bed no matter how many pep talks I give myself before bed. I've even set my alarm for 4:00 am hoping that I'd hit the snooze enough times to wake up enough to get out of bed by 5:00. Alarm went to another part of room. Went to bed with workout clothes on so all I had to do was roll and go. Nope..I…
  • You use your muscles differently when you walk vs. run. Your posture is also different. I'm the opposite-I can walk miles and miles on end without a care in the world at an average of 3.8 mph, but add a jog to it and my legs immediately cramp up and I start scuffing my feet because it's as if I can't even lift my feet high…
  • ^^this! Be warned...sugar alcohols can cause some craziness with the intestines! Be prepared for some uncomfortable gas and some "crazy poo"!
  • I wish I could help, but I'm in the same boat. "Eat less than you burn" they say. "Eat more, you're starving your body" they say. "Eat less" they say. "Exercise more" they say. "Drink more water" they say. "Be honest and measure everything" they say. Been there, done that, doing that, and still have gained a total of 8…
  • In my high school biology class oh-so-long-ago, our teacher spoke about hydrogenated oils. Since then, I've made conscience choices such as using regular, unsalted butter vs. any of the butter-like spreads. I haven't read every single ingredients list, but when I do, I try to make sure it's towards the bottom of the list…
  • There's Power 90, which is sort of like the precursor to P90X. I am 100 pounds over weight and can't run to the front door and back, but I can manage to get through these workouts. It's like P90X in that it varies each day strength, yoga, cardio. Workouts are about 30 minutes on average. Worth checking out!
  • Dear friends of ours are struggling with trying to find appropriate help for their 14 year old girl who has decided that "Ana" (yes, various eating disorders now have nicknames...and specific colors associated with them so they make/wear certain color bracelets to "support" various eating disorders) is her new best friend.…
  • Have you a Chick-Fli-A in your area? Ours here just started carrying a new salad I had today and it was delicious! It's called Grilled Market Salad. From their website: "Grilled and sliced chicken breast served on a fresh bed of chopped Romaine lettuce and baby greens, topped with shredded red cabbage and carrots, crumbled…
  • :noway: Ok, so did you actually ever even have a mature, adult conversation with Simon to ask him about the cheating, or did you just take Chris' word for it? And the "checking up" on you, and the asking who you're talking to, and wanting to know where you are/where you've been...that's called CONTROL, not caring! And it's…
  • "besides the fact that your all going to tell the op that they need to eat more, the fact is, that if the op is honestly and accurately eating 1200 cals and even less, in the first 5 weeks, weight should have been lost. that is not even near the amount of time that would have an effect on their metabolic rate. " I…
  • Not to get too personal, but where are you in your menstrual cycle? I've gained anywhere from 5-7 pounds of water weight the days adding up to my cycle, then afterwards, it all came right back off.