Partially hydrogenated oils....WTF!!!!!

So I've doing some reading on partially hydrogenated oils. So far what I have read is that ANY oil that has been hydrogenized in any way is pretty much the worst thing a person can eat. Plus all partially hydrogenated oil =trans fat. Fine so I just won't buy foods that have trans fat, no big deal. Right? Well here's the kicker, even if the lable on the box says 0 trans fat that doesn't mean it's completely trans fat free. The reason being is that the USDA says as long as something is .5 or less per serving it doesn't have to be listed.
You can know if a food has trans fat by reading the ingredients on the box. If it says partially hydrogenated oil, of any kind, then it has trans fat. It may only be trace amounts per serving, but if you eat more then a serving then it adds up.
When I went grocery shopping this morning I was angry and astounded at how many pkged foods have partially hydrogenated oil in them. Several of these foods I buy on a regular basis, INCLUDING, Flintstone vitamins ( threw an almost full bottle in the trash when I found out ) and El Paso refried beans. I am very angry because I've been under the assumption that many of the things I have been buying were at least somewhat healthy. From now on I will be checking everything that I put in my shopping cart.
And what makes me more angry is that the food industries can and are getting away with this, not to mention all the other garbage thats being put into our food. It's one thing for a person to not care about what they eat and eat whatever they want , but when a person is trying to eat healthy and make sure their children are eating healthy as well, it's almost impossible when the food industry is hiding the poison and advertising it as healthy.

If anyone does not know the health dangers of trans fat and partially hydrogenated oils, please look it up. It will certainly change your mind about what you buy and what you eat.


  • 6spdeg
    6spdeg Posts: 394 Member
    you are absolutely correct with this.. teaches ppl that it is important to read labels and ingredients to understand what they are eating because the FDA etc won't do it for you to keep you healthy!
  • redhead1910
    redhead1910 Posts: 304 Member
    Diet soda companies can pay a fee to put on their bottle that it is 0 calories, when in reality they can contain up to 10 calories per serving. It's nto a lot, but the fact that companies can buy their way out of honesty is frightening, especially when it comes to what we put in our bodies.
  • fatboy235
    fatboy235 Posts: 147 Member
    mountain dew and diet mountain dew have bromiated vegitable oil as the last ingredient. If you don't believe me look it up
  • Morgaine_on_the_move
    Morgaine_on_the_move Posts: 228 Member
    Next up on your reading list...GMOs. And Monsanto.

    Our food industry does NOT have our best interests in mind!!
  • jsd_135
    jsd_135 Posts: 291 Member
    When I went grocery shopping this morning I was angry and astounded at how many pkged foods have partially hydrogenated oil in them. Several of these foods I buy on a regular basis, INCLUDING, Flintstone vitamins ( threw an almost empty bottle in the trash when I found out ) and El Paso refried beans.

    Re: refried beans: If your store carries them, switch to La Preferida's refried beans. The "Authentic" version is made with lard, which is an ingredient in traditional refried beans. They also have fat free and other varieties, but the Authentic version tastes better.
  • Jmchao
    Jmchao Posts: 27 Member
    In my high school biology class oh-so-long-ago, our teacher spoke about hydrogenated oils. Since then, I've made conscience choices such as using regular, unsalted butter vs. any of the butter-like spreads. I haven't read every single ingredients list, but when I do, I try to make sure it's towards the bottom of the list if it's in there at all. I remember how she put it, too..."Here, let's take all this stuff that's not that good for you, break it all down, then put it back together again with the worst of the bad stuff. You're better off just eating regular butter and letting your body break it down instead of the laboratory!"
  • TLWallperson
    TLWallperson Posts: 125
    Next up on your reading list...GMOs. And Monsanto.

    Our food industry does NOT have our best interests in mind!!

    I will look these up also. Thanks for that info. However, if I keep reading about all the poisons in our food I may just turn
  • Skratchie
    Skratchie Posts: 131 Member
    Sorry, but if you want to eat healthy and avoid "hidden" ingredients, don't by prepackaged foods. My brain is a bit boggled that you didn't realize refried beans would likely have trans fat ...

    To avoid trans fat, don't buy anything in a can or box ... but be aware that there is a bit of trans fat in many whole foods as well.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Yup, why I have started using coconut oil.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    Next up on your reading list...GMOs. And Monsanto.

    Our food industry does NOT have our best interests in mind!!

    One thing at a time.

    Get off prepackaged foods first; then move to farmer's markets; then go over to never stepping in a grocery store again before hating on the one corporation that is apparently the antichrist.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Next up on your reading list...GMOs. And Monsanto.

    Our food industry does NOT have our best interests in mind!!

    I will look these up also. Thanks for that info. However, if I keep reading about all the poisons in our food I may just turn

    And another paranoid nutrition zealot was born.
  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    Diet soda companies can pay a fee to put on their bottle that it is 0 calories, when in reality they can contain up to 10 calories per serving. It's nto a lot, but the fact that companies can buy their way out of honesty is frightening, especially when it comes to what we put in our bodies.

    Not trying to be combative, but please quote me your source for this information about buying the right to lie on labeling. I couldn't find it anywhere!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    So I've doing some reading on partially hydrogenated oils. So far what I have read is that ANY oil that has been hydrogenized in any way is pretty much the worst thing a person can eat. Plus all partially hydrogenated oil =trans fat. Fine so I just won't buy foods that have trans fat, no big deal. Right? Well here's the kicker, even if the lable on the box says 0 trans fat that doesn't mean it's completely trans fat free. The reason being is that the USDA says as long as something is .5 or less per serving it doesn't have to be listed.
    You can know if a food has trans fat by reading the ingredients on the box. If it says partially hydrogenated oil, of any kind, then it has trans fat. It may only be trace amounts per serving, but if you eat more then a serving then it adds up.
    When I went grocery shopping this morning I was angry and astounded at how many pkged foods have partially hydrogenated oil in them. Several of these foods I buy on a regular basis, INCLUDING, Flintstone vitamins ( threw an almost full bottle in the trash when I found out ) and El Paso refried beans. I am very angry because I've been under the assumption that many of the things I have been buying were at least somewhat healthy. From now on I will be checking everything that I put in my shopping cart.
    And what makes me more angry is that the food industries can and are getting away with this, not to mention all the other garbage thats being put into our food. It's one thing for a person to not care about what they eat and eat whatever they want , but when a person is trying to eat healthy and make sure their children are eating healthy as well, it's almost impossible when the food industry is hiding the poison and advertising it as healthy.

    If anyone does not know the health dangers of trans fat and partially hydrogenated oils, please look it up. It will certainly change your mind about what you buy and what you eat.

    Stay away from grass fed beef too, higher in trans fats than grain fed beef
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    Diet soda companies can pay a fee to put on their bottle that it is 0 calories, when in reality they can contain up to 10 calories per serving. It's nto a lot, but the fact that companies can buy their way out of honesty is frightening, especially when it comes to what we put in our bodies.

    Not trying to be combative, but please quote me your source for this information about buying the right to lie on labeling. I couldn't find it anywhere!

    Yeah, I'm calling BS on that too.
  • TLWallperson
    TLWallperson Posts: 125
    Sorry, but if you want to eat healthy and avoid "hidden" ingredients, don't by prepackaged foods. My brain is a bit boggled that you didn't realize refried beans would likely have trans fat ...

    To avoid trans fat, don't buy anything in a can or box ... but be aware that there is a bit of trans fat in many whole foods as well.

    Honestly, my healthy eating/lifestyle has been pretty recent. Before I didn't care so much about reading lables. But now that I am concerened about it I know now that most pkged food is not healthy, even the so called healthy ones. Plus I am and will continue to be more vigilant.
  • bound4beauty
    bound4beauty Posts: 274 Member
    paranoid nutrition zealotry aside...that's one good reason to give up packaged food. Cook from scratch as much as possible. The ideal would be to only purchase organic, grass fed, etc...but that's too expensive for a lot of people. You can stop relying on packaged food though and it you have to buy something in a box or can, read the label carefully.
  • Dori_Gaga
    Dori_Gaga Posts: 50 Member
    Next up on your reading list...GMOs. And Monsanto.

    Our food industry does NOT have our best interests in mind!!

    I will look these up also. Thanks for that info. However, if I keep reading about all the poisons in our food I may just turn

    Watch the documentary "Food, Inc", gives you some insight into Monsanto, and also talks about the revolving door between the food industry and the FDA. Corporations control the FDA, so they can get a lot of stuff passed as safe that shouldn't be.

    I'm thankful to live in Canada because, while far from perfect, our government has banned some things (like rBGH) that are still allowed in the US, and I believe they have banned transfats in schools, and they were at one point working on banning them all together in the country (which I hope happens!).

    In the US you need to be even more wary because there is a lot more that is allowed to be put in your that is unsafe. The food industry doesn't care about your health, it cares about money.

    Eat clean, buy local, buy organic, vote with your dollars. Don't buy anything with ingredients you don't recognize.

    A friend of mine just bought baby formula in the states, the same brand and everything she buys here, because it's way cheaper there, and she fed it to her baby and it was making her baby sick, so she switched her back to the Canadian stuff and checked it out and it turns out there is a lot of stuff allowed in American baby formula that is banned in Canada... American babies who consume it right from birth can tolerate it, but a baby who had gotten used to not having those extra chemicals couldn't digest it. It's kind of scary!
  • Karabobarra
    Karabobarra Posts: 782 Member

    you can search on ingredients and find out what it is and how it effects your body.

    I just read an article that was written by someone who worked for a global company that had many global food companies as clients she said "When dealing with the companies outside of the US they would ask How can we make the same product with healthier ingredients, when dealing with the US companies they would ask How can we make the same ingredients SOUND healther."

    The more I learn the more I lean away from processed foods, I'm currently looking into Paleo ... don't even get me started on GMO's
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Next up on your reading list...GMOs. And Monsanto.

    Our food industry does NOT have our best interests in mind!!

    I will look these up also. Thanks for that info. However, if I keep reading about all the poisons in our food I may just turn

    Watch the documentary "Food, Inc", gives you some insight into Monsanto, and also talks about the revolving door between the food industry and the FDA. Corporations control the FDA, so they can get a lot of stuff passed as safe that shouldn't be.

    I'm thankful to live in Canada because, while far from perfect, our government has banned some things (like rBGH) that are still allowed in the US, and I believe they have banned transfats in schools, and they were at one point working on banning them all together in the country (which I hope happens!).

    In the US you need to be even more wary because there is a lot more that is allowed to be put in your that is unsafe. The food industry doesn't care about your health, it cares about money.

    Eat clean, buy local, buy organic, vote with your dollars. Don't buy anything with ingredients you don't recognize.

    A friend of mine just bought baby formula in the states, the same brand and everything she buys here, because it's way cheaper there, and she fed it to her baby and it was making her baby sick, so she switched her back to the Canadian stuff and checked it out and it turns out there is a lot of stuff allowed in American baby formula that is banned in Canada... American babies who consume it right from birth can tolerate it, but a baby who had gotten used to not having those extra chemicals couldn't digest it. It's kind of scary!

    Tinfoil hat much? And lol at wishing all trans fats were banned
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    you can search on ingredients and find out what it is and how it effects your body.

    I just read an article that was written by someone who worked for a global company that had many global food companies as clients she said "When dealing with the companies outside of the US they would ask How can we make the same product with healthier ingredients, when dealing with the US companies they would ask How can we make the same ingredients SOUND healther."

    The more I learn the more I lean away from processed foods, I'm currently looking into Paleo ... don't even get me started on GMO's

    What about GMO's? What actual evidence is there to support that it is bad?