heroldkelly Member


  • Of course! No harm going out a time, or two! :smile:
  • Heck, I'll flirt message with anyone, man or woman! :smile:
  • Would someone please inform my wife of this fact?
  • Lonestar, the parade is about 4 hours long, not including the 45 minute pre-parade in which everything with a siren that is within 50 miles of Racine must go through. Also, for two little boys in Wisconsin, the parade of Case farm equipment is pretty impressive!
  • I'll be 42 in August and I have done MFP before with success. What got me off it was the problems I was having which later were diagnosed as rheumatoid arthritis (RA). When I had a rheumatologist tell me last year that I should just take 2 Tylenol at night and 2 in the morning, I got pissed. I ate almost 5,000 calories…
  • My wife and I are heading to her parents' house tomorrow, in Racine, WI. We are dropping off our boys there and taking a train to Chicago for 2 nights of just the two of us. Then we go back to Racine where one of the largest 4th of July parades in the US is! Should be pretty nice for a 3 year old and a 6 month old!
  • This is a funny conversation to my wife and I. We both would gladly trade families. I feel like Rodney Dangerfield with mine (I don't get no respect!), and my wife thinks her parents are clueless when it comes to many things in life. I get along with her family just great, and I am pretty sure my wife is my mom's fave…
  • Well, My 3 year old and I are doing one night in a park close by and camping with a friend of mine and his 5 year old. I want to make it fun for him and an adventure so he wants to go again! :smiley: I'm a pretty nerdy nerd, so I have been checking out websites and library books. I basically realized I just have to let him…
  • OK, let me throw this new one out there. I have finally started being able to walk again after about a year off to get diagnosed and treat Rheumatoid Arthritis. I'm a dreamer, and my wife knows this, so she always knows I'm going to come up with some crazy new-fangled idea to try out. So this one is that I'm taking our 3…
  • LOL, I always laugh when I hear people who think sex should be like a porno. It's like thinking your Big Mac is going to look like the commercials! :tongue:
  • I don't know. I think the notifications thing sucks. I can't get it to email me when someone comments and I wanted that! :(
  • Yeah, we've had very long talks about it and part of the difference when we first married was our complete difference in experience. I was way more experienced than I should have been and she had absolutely none. We knew that would be harder (no pun intended), but I'm a patient man and she learns things well, so we thought…
  • I would do anything for her to do that to me! :wink:
  • I'm still reeling at the sex every day comments by @Guns_N_Buns ! My wife thought I was complaining too much about not getting it so together we decided we should track it to see how often we fool around. Since Valentine's Day (when we started tracking it, we have had sex 10 times with one 31 day gap in there for no reason…
  • I agree with @DarleneReid577 ! Make her your queen!
  • How in the world am I first seeing this thread now! I'm married and I love that my wife supports me in my weight loss. It's not so fun when she catches me not eating enough or eating something "naughty," though. But I'd love to chat with whomever comes along! I'm easy! ;)
  • Hey, everyone! I am glad to find a few other people dealing with complex medical issues as well. I have had achalasia for 23 years now including two heller myotomy surgeries to open my lower esophagus but I still have problems swallowing pasta, any meat that isn't ground except fish, and other things. I have been labeled…
  • First of all, congratulations for joining MFP and for putting yourself out there for us to help! I know it can be a scary thought, and I only have about 100 pounds to lose to get to where you want to be. There have been a lot of great comments here, but I just want to reiterate that MFP uses very accurate calculations to…
  • I'm going with the innocent look on her face! :)
  • I think noticing weight is so difficult for people. I know that I felt like I had been gaining before I started MFP, but I had several people tell me how I looked like I had lost weight. I finally weighed myself and for the first time in my life I had hit 300 pounds! Obviously they weren't right. Now that I've lost 23,…
  • All I can say is I bleed Green and Gold! Oh, and despite starting out at #26,601 on the season ticket waiting list, I still have hope that my tickets come in before I die!
  • I am finishing my BS in Public History. BS is odd, but that's what happens when you go from Computer Science to History! And it only took me 20 years to complete this one!
  • They say that a pound is about 3500 calories depending on what the calories are made up of (fats/carbs/proteins). I figure even if I go 1,000-2,000 calories over my goal once every few weeks, it isn't going to kill me. I, too am a stress eater and a stressful day used to mean a bag of tortilla chips and a jar of salsa con…
  • When I used to get upset, walking was the best way for me to cool off. You can get away from people for a little bit and by the time you get back your much more mellow. Just be careful that it doesn't become your only coping mechanism or the day will come when you can't use it. In short, like everything else, moderation is…
  • Western Wisconsin here! I walk along the Mississippi River on my route, and I STILL hate the Vikings!
  • This made me laugh! My wife thinks I'm a little off because I run around the house nude all the time. I work out nude, study nude, everything. I just have to make sure the curtains stay closed! Have fun while you can! Maybe your hubby will get in the mood for some as time goes on!