

  • Still here! Last week was not a particularly good week. I started to stray and never quite got back on track, which had me avoiding MFP (out of shame) like the plague. I'm planning on starting fresh this week, and have already done just fine with breakfast. I've been neglecting the gym, but really need to keep myself…
  • Ah! Don't be sorry! Any little tip is great! :) I happen to enjoy cocunut and I think the slivers sound de-lish.
  • Good Morning Gals, This weekend wasn't the best as I was very slack on all things food... had a few too many tootsie rolls, and splurged on dinner out last night with the hubby. All in all, I didn't gain anything this past week (even though tomorrow is my personal weigh in day-Tuesdays) which is a plus. This morning…
  • These are all fantastic! I especially can't wait to try the pumpkin puree/spice one! Perfect for the season. Thank you everyone!!
  • Good Morning! Last night was wonderful (and painful)! I walked for 30+ minutes (with the dog!) and had a great dinner (Salmon- I can't get enought of it lately!). Tonight I'm going to take a bit easier (terrible pains in one foot), but I do plan to at least walk a few blocks (something better than nothing). Hope everyone…
  • My long term goal is to be able to run, period. I've never actually been able to run.
  • Ideally I'd like to eat the majority of my food (calorie intake) during the day, and eat lighter for dinner. Example (though a poor one because I'm eating it for lunch today instead of dinner last night): A big bowl of spinach leaves (YUM!) with cucumbers, mushrooms, and then some cooked (grilled) salmon. It's light, but…
  • Good Morning Ladies! Yesterday was GREAT! I did my first full (for lack of a better word) "routine" at the gym. It's not long, but it keeps me moving, I feel the hurt but it's a good hurt. I'm so proud of myself for pushing through and even doing a smidge extra because I KNEW I could! (pretty animated for being so early in…
  • Perhaps having something (nonperishable) in your car for the ride home- sounds like a good idea (one I might try, considering I am guilty of snacking wrong as soon as I get home too some days)
  • Maybe designate seperate snacking cabinets? One for you one for him? That way you aren't tempted to eat the "wrong" thing...
  • love it!
  • I did gain significant weight when I quit (the first time) smoking. Trying to placate the oral fixation is the hardest thing.. that's why I try to drink water instead of "snacking" etc. He makes extremely valid, and true points! (much better said than I could have) Support helps tremendously, so yes, remember you have…
    in help Comment by mrsdovin October 2009
  • I have had similiar struggles with quitting smoking, etc. I'd say one thing that helps me A LOT is water, and drinking LOT'S of it.
    in help Comment by mrsdovin October 2009
  • Checking in; went to the Y last night and met with a 'coach', received some much needed direction. I'll be focusing a lot on walking (which is good for me at this point). I'm already exhauseted but pushing through! My husband wants to try P90X, but I already know that'll be a bit out of me league at this time, we'll see…
  • I took this off Wiki: " P90X or Power 90 Extreme is a home exercise system developed by Tony Horton in conjunction with Beachbody which aims for total body improvement in 90 days through rigorous interval training. The program emphasizes full body fitness through cardiovascular, strength training, and stretching exercises…
  • That's exactly how I feel & why I think this is great! :-)
  • Thank you! :) My goals are to gain (much) more energy, to start valuing myself and to lose the unhealthy amount of weight I'm carrying around. I certainly need to pick up better eating habits, but more so than that I need to learn not to binge and eat whenever I'm anxiuos, sad, or even happy.
  • I'd love to, it'd give me an extra push to be continuously active throughout the week (daily). I'm just starting out and am really only walking (plan on adding something additional within the following weeks), but if I commit to checking in daily it may help in motivating myself :)