Workout Buddies (Women ages 25-35)



  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Today I had a few too many sweets (halloween candy)!!! I never do this! Tis the season I suppose

    I did however complete my Banish Fat Boost Metabolism workout...I'm really starting to love this workout :))) and tomorrow I start Level 3 of 30 day shred!!! Wish me luck...I can't wait.

    How is everyone else doing? What workouts are you doing?

    Do people want to "check in" by posting weight/inches lost each week? We could choose a day for each week. I can start it each week and if u're wanting to do the same...go ahead! Previously my old group was checking in on Wednesdays so I'll start that tomorrow for whoever wants to join in.
  • Checking in; went to the Y last night and met with a 'coach', received some much needed direction. I'll be focusing a lot on walking (which is good for me at this point). I'm already exhauseted but pushing through!

    My husband wants to try P90X, but I already know that'll be a bit out of me league at this time, we'll see how he does.

    Hope every one else has had a great start to their week! (if not, the weeks not over yet! :) )
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Checking in...have been so busy this week have not had time to check since the weekend...I ate like crap all weekend..:blushing: and was unable to get a workout in because of other obligations. but the good news is that we had benefit for a friend of mine who is fighting liver cancer and we raised $12,000 in one day for him!!!!!, also i didnt gain any weight, so that's good....I signed up for 2 5K's coming up next month and have burned a total of 1100 calories the past two days while working out...
    I didn't get to sign up for the boot camp because of financial reasons..time, etc...
    Just wondering if anyone is from the North west GA area??? I am looking for a running buddy to train for a half marathon with me that is coming up in March..
    Happy Hump Day all! :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    Just wondering if anyone knows where to get the smoke free tickers?? I keep seeing them everywhere! Thanks :)
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Hello Everyone!

    Just wondering if anyone knows where to get the smoke free tickers?? I keep seeing them everywhere! Thanks :)
  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    Hello everyone...checking in. I didn't have too bad of a day yesterday, but it could have been better. :ohwell:

    I ate well all day and even for dinner, but talked myself into eating two pieces of gingerbread as my dessert. Didn't realize they were going to add up to 260 calories...yikes! And so not worth it.

    I didn't get a workout in either..trying to run around getting some errands done.

    But I did do 30 Day Shred Level 1 on Monday night and plan to go for a walk and do either Level 2 or Bob's Boot Camp tonight to make up for it.

    My fiance and I are going on a lunch date, but I'm determined to still eat healthy!! Wish me luck!

    Hope everyone has a good day.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    but the good news is that we had benefit for a friend of mine who is fighting liver cancer and we raised $12,000 in one day for him!!!!!, also i didnt gain any weight, so that's good....

    That's awesome!

    I had a decent workout yesterday...burned off 600 calories according to my HRM...did some running, the elliptical, and squats. Oh my legs are sooooore today! :laugh:
  • akgrant
    akgrant Posts: 293 Member
    Ok, I'm a little out of the loop, what is p90x??

    I took this off Wiki: " P90X or Power 90 Extreme is a home exercise system developed by Tony Horton in conjunction with Beachbody which aims for total body improvement in 90 days through rigorous interval training. The program emphasizes full body fitness through cardiovascular, strength training, and stretching exercises divided into three 30 day phases combined with an optional nutrition and supplementation plan. "

    Thanks fo this! Sounds pretty intense...I will have to look into this! Anyone else doing this program? And what's your experience?
  • akgrant
    akgrant Posts: 293 Member
    I walked/ran on my treadmill last night and burned 300 calories. I didn't workout at all over the weekend or Monday so I have to pick it up the rest of the week! I lost nearly 2 lbs last week but I don't think I did so hot this week. I normally check in with my weigh on another thread on Thursday so if it's ok I will post my weight lost on Thurs mornings!

    Talk to you tomorrow!:laugh:
  • ToeTapN
    ToeTapN Posts: 64 Member
    I would love to join a fittness support group! I started MFP and quickly lost weight but really feel I need someone to keep in touch with and report to. I am a 34 yo mother of two and my favorite exercises are walking and kick boxing. My sweet tooth gets me in trouble but I don't think I will cheat if I have to admit it to someone daily...

    Albany NY
  • Good Morning Ladies!

    Yesterday was GREAT! I did my first full (for lack of a better word) "routine" at the gym. It's not long, but it keeps me moving, I feel the hurt but it's a good hurt. I'm so proud of myself for pushing through and even doing a smidge extra because I KNEW I could!

    (pretty animated for being so early in the morning, but hey, this is exciting! :) )
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    ***in response to the P90x workouts***

    Last February I started the P90x workouts and I really loved them! I really wish I had time to do them now. A few things about it though...I gained weight doing these workouts...muscle weight obviously because I was still losing inches and I was feeling much better about myself and the way my body looked. The workouts really do kick your butt and they are about 45 minutes to and hour long...everyday...there is a one day rest/stretch day and a yoga day which is less intense in one way but more intense in another.
    I stopped doing P90x when I started getting ready for my race in June because I wasn't able to balance my workouts and my running workouts into one routine. I then never got back to doing the P90x workouts. So now I'm doing the 30 day shred workouts. Much less time involved and I'm seeing both inches and pounds being dropped!

    So...if you have the hour a day to get a workout in...go for's a great challenge!
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    Yesterday was GREAT! I did my first full (for lack of a better word) "routine" at the gym. It's not long, but it keeps me moving, I feel the hurt but it's a good hurt. I'm so proud of myself for pushing through and even doing a smidge extra because I KNEW I could!

    (pretty animated for being so early in the morning, but hey, this is exciting! :) )

    YEAH!!! Great job! So motivating to hear someone's successes :) Keep up the great work...I can't wait to hear more about your journey ;)
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Last night I completed 30 day shred Level 3 for the first time...Being my first attempt at Level 3...I was pretty proud of myself. I am shocked at how well I was able to complete everything...apparently the last 3 weeks have been a great change for me...I'm stronger!!!

    As far as eating lately, I haven't been doing the best :( I'm loving the Halloween candy that seems to be around more at work! I was really strong in not eating sweets until a few days ago...I have to get away from 'em!

    Anybody have a good dinner suggestion that will keep me full all night long? I'm trying to stay away from so much protein at dinner time b/c I have SO much during breakfast and lunch...I'm going over by like 50 grams...which I know protein isn't bad but I'm trying to balance everything a little better.
  • Last night I completed 30 day shred Level 3 for the first time...Being my first attempt at Level 3...I was pretty proud of myself. I am shocked at how well I was able to complete everything...apparently the last 3 weeks have been a great change for me...I'm stronger!!!

    As far as eating lately, I haven't been doing the best :( I'm loving the Halloween candy that seems to be around more at work! I was really strong in not eating sweets until a few days ago...I have to get away from 'em!

    Anybody have a good dinner suggestion that will keep me full all night long? I'm trying to stay away from so much protein at dinner time b/c I have SO much during breakfast and lunch...I'm going over by like 50 grams...which I know protein isn't bad but I'm trying to balance everything a little better.

    Ideally I'd like to eat the majority of my food (calorie intake) during the day, and eat lighter for dinner. Example (though a poor one because I'm eating it for lunch today instead of dinner last night): A big bowl of spinach leaves (YUM!) with cucumbers, mushrooms, and then some cooked (grilled) salmon. It's light, but the greens and salmon fills me up.

    I, fortunately, have been doing quite well avoiding sweets, I've been satisfying that craving with yogurt and it does help. It's not the same as chocolate or my biggest weakness custard, but it helps eliminate the desire for sweetness.

    I want to try the 30 day shred, but first I need to conquer my gym workout. :)
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Good Morning All! I ran 3.5 miles yesterday and it felt great! took me right at 35 minutes so 10 min miles pace..I have eaten good all week..which is good for me, Happy Thursday all!:flowerforyou:
  • ToeTapN
    ToeTapN Posts: 64 Member
    I walked four miles already and have a walk date with a friend after the kids are in bed tonight! I am also eating well so far! Yay me
  • I walked four miles already and have a walk date with a friend after the kids are in bed tonight! I am also eating well so far! Yay me

    Yay!! :happy:
  • Good Morning All! I ran 3.5 miles yesterday and it felt great! took me right at 35 minutes so 10 min miles pace..I have eaten good all week..which is good for me, Happy Thursday all!:flowerforyou:

    My long term goal is to be able to run, period. I've never actually been able to run.
  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    Hello all! Seems like everyone is doing so well so far!

    I had a good day yesterday. I ate well, without cheating with sweets, and didn't go over my calories. :wink:

    I had a little extra energy yesterday, so I decided to up my workout. My plan was to do Biggest Loser Boot Camp with Bob....usually I just do Level 1, but I was brave last night. I added Level 2, making it a 40 minute workout and OMG Level 2 was intense. It totally kicked my butt! But in a good way.

    I was already feeling sore last night when I went to bed and it's getting worse today. I might not be able to walk up the stairs when I get home tonight. LOL!

    I'm taking the day off today or just going to go for a walk and plan to hit it again tomorrow.

    Hope you all have a great day!
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