Workout Buddies (Women ages 25-35)



  • CricketClover
    CricketClover Posts: 388 Member
    Hi I would like to join your "group". Also hi again vrdz, fellow north georgian. I joined the gym last night and had my first gym workout this morning. Only got in 30 mins on the treadmill, that was all the time I had before going home and getting ready for work. I have my free personal training session tomorrow so hopefully they will show me what I need to be doing daily and I also plan on getting involved in some of the classes they offer. :smile:
  • Hi I would like to join your "group". Also hi again vrdz, fellow north georgian. I joined the gym last night and had my first gym workout this morning. Only got in 30 mins on the treadmill, that was all the time I had before going home and getting ready for work. I have my free personal training session tomorrow so hopefully they will show me what I need to be doing daily and I also plan on getting involved in some of the classes they offer. :smile:

    Welcome! :)
  • CricketClover
    CricketClover Posts: 388 Member
    Thank you! Hopefully having to tell others what I do for excersie and eating will help keep me motivated.
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Good Morning All! I ran 3.5 miles yesterday and it felt great! took me right at 35 minutes so 10 min miles pace..I have eaten good all week..which is good for me, Happy Thursday all!:flowerforyou:

    My long term goal is to be able to run, period. I've never actually been able to run.

    You can do it!!! I used to HATE to run long distance..but i got into it and now I can't go more than 2 days without running or I freak out! It is an awesome stress reliever for me..esp. since quitting

    Also I would like to give myself kudos because of the fact that the local Chic Fil A dropped by free Original chicken sandwiches for us at lunch time and I did not eat one!!! All my co workers were like..go ahead u can eat one, just run an extra mile..I contemplated it, then got on the website and looked up the calorie was soooo not worth it so I stuck with my salad and turkey sandwich I brought from home. Yay Me!!!

    Welcome Mkrose..
  • CricketClover
    CricketClover Posts: 388 Member
    I wasn't so tough with lunch today. One of our clients bought lunch for the whole office but at least I had the option of what to get from Firehouse Subs. I crave cheesesteaks, but I was good and got the smoked turkey. Not really that bad. And I was so proud of myself, I have never been able to eat tomatoes. Just something about them makes me gag. My sandwich had some on it and I decided to give em a try and I was able to eat them! I was so excited.
  • akgrant
    akgrant Posts: 293 Member
    I haven't worked out yet but I plan to once the kids are in bed around 8:30-9. Wed is usually my no exercise day since we go to church and don't get home until 10pm. We did go to Red Robins for dinner and I got a turkey burger on wheat, no mayo and side salad instead of fries!! WOW! I can't believe I turned down the fries and speckled lemonade!! Yay me!

    You guys exercise sessions are pretty intense! I'm happy to get on the treadmill for 1 hour! But it serves as a motivation to try and catch up!

    Talk to you tomorrow!
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Morning all and Happy Friday!!!! I ran/walked for 30 minutes last night...and ate a good dinner.
    I had set out for a nice short run from my house to the end of the street I live on (about 2 miles there and back) so I didn't have to drive any where to work out yesterday....that plan backfired big time when while running along I came across a HUGE snake in the road. I got so freaked out I turned around and sprinted back to my house, got in my car and drove to the park...I hate snakes! needless to say i will NOT be running on that road ever again! Hope everyone has a fabulous Friday!!!
  • Good Morning!

    Last night was wonderful (and painful)! I walked for 30+ minutes (with the dog!) and had a great dinner (Salmon- I can't get enought of it lately!).

    Tonight I'm going to take a bit easier (terrible pains in one foot), but I do plan to at least walk a few blocks (something better than nothing).

    Hope everyone has a great day! :):)
  • Congrats on the no smoking!
  • CricketClover
    CricketClover Posts: 388 Member
    I called in sick today to work but am now at work. I did go to the gym though before coming in and did 35 mins on the treadmill. It gave me some energy even though I feel like crap, I think it is just allergies though. Vrdz, sorry to hear about the snake, I don't blame you, I hate them too. Did you at least get a chance to run it over on your way to the park?
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    No...someone moved it out of the road before I could....I'm bummed because I like to run that route sometimes for something different. Guess I'll have to find a new route...
  • Good Morning Gals,
    This weekend wasn't the best as I was very slack on all things food... had a few too many tootsie rolls, and splurged on dinner out last night with the hubby. All in all, I didn't gain anything this past week (even though tomorrow is my personal weigh in day-Tuesdays) which is a plus.

    This morning instead of my large 6&6 coffee (6sugar/6cream) I made myself get a medium 4/4. It's not a huge change, but still a change and one that can be worked down to a small 2/2 in the future (eliminating unneeded calories).

    I didn't exercise this weekend, and feel slightly annoyed at myself about it. However, I do have this intense foot pain that if it doesn't get any better I'm going to the doctor. Was wondering, aside from the recumbant bike what other activities would be good while being too kind on my feet? My 'routine' currently includes walking incline and at a fast pace (for me)...but it currently only makes the pain worse. Without having to sacrifice a good sweat I need to find something that will also do a good job at working my lax muscles.

    I hope everyone have a safe and wonderful Halloween weekend! The weather here was lovely.
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Happy Monday all..(yuck), I had a pretty decent weekend, worked out Saturday, and got a long run in was a beautiful day for a run..I started training for a half marathon's in March, wish me luck!
    I didn't do too horribly bad on eating this weekend, although i did have a cheeseburger Saturday...I didnt have any candy when we took my nieces and nephews trick or treating..
    Hope everyone had a great Halloween! Lets hope for a good week! :flowerforyou:
  • CricketClover
    CricketClover Posts: 388 Member
    I was bad this weekend but still managed to lose 2 lbs. I didn't work out any at all. My bf and I just sat on the couch and watched scary stuff. Saturday we did go watch a costume contest at this huge club and we danced a little. I ate tons of candy and also had IHOP yesterday for breakfast. Very very bad. But I noticed that IHOP now puts the calories for each entree on their menu.
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    I was bad this weekend but still managed to lose 2 lbs. I didn't work out any at all. My bf and I just sat on the couch and watched scary stuff. Saturday we did go watch a costume contest at this huge club and we danced a little. I ate tons of candy and also had IHOP yesterday for breakfast. Very very bad. But I noticed that IHOP now puts the calories for each entree on their menu.

    Mmmmm....IHOP, good that they put the cals on there now so I will kno how much damage I have to fix when I eat there...LOL.
    Did you go to Compound and watch the q100 costume contest? Just wonderin since u are pretty close to ATL..I wanted to go but I had to take niece and nephew trick or treating....
  • CricketClover
    CricketClover Posts: 388 Member
    No, my bf lives just a mile or so from Wild Bill's so we went there. I went to the Compound once for New Years and I felt like a country bumpkin :smile: Rock100 Regular Guys were doing the one at Wild Bill's, those guys are jack *kitten*'s.
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    I haven't been to Wild Bills in ages...I never really liked it too much b/c the people there are kind of a-holes any way.....Yeah I don't listen to Rock 100 because I don't like the regular guys...I have never actually been to Compound, I have always wanted to go, but I would prob stick out like a sore thumb with my country :laugh:
  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    Happy Monday Ladies! I didn't do too well over the weekend but didn't do horribly bad.

    I managed to workout Friday night and Sunday afternoon.

    Drank some beer Friday night, accompanied by some fried pickles/ranch.
    Halloween candy Saturday night
    Cherry Dump Cake Sunday

    Hopefully I'll have a better week...:drinker:
    Today's a new day!
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493

    Cherry Dump Cake Sunday


    :huh: What is Cherry Dump cake????
  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    Oh, it's soooo gooooood...kind of like a cobbler, I guess.

    Take 2 cans of cherry pie filling and cover the bottom of a baking pan.
    Pour a box of yellow cake mix on top of the cherries.
    Melt two sticks of butter and pour on top of the cake mix.
    Sprinkle a little crushed pecans and shaved coconut on top.
    Bake at 350 for 50 minutes

    It's delish....very good fall dessert!!
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