

  • Good Job everyone!!! Ive been slacking a little, not gaining but still not losing.. I need to get back on track... remotivate myself! Hope everyone has a great week! :)
  • Havent been on in awhile... It's starting to get hard to resist eating bad and going out to eat so much. Need to re-motivate myself!!! I plan on being very good this week.. Hopefully that plan goes through :) Hope everyone has a great week!
  • Thanks for the chart Jack!! Everyone keep up the great work! :) Hope you have a wonderful week!
  • Hello all! Hope everyone is having a great day! Just checkin in! :) Havent had any time to hit the gym this week.. so im just making small adjustments to my schedule, such as walking to class instead of driving. And being VERY strict on my diet! So far I havent had any problems sticking to it but I have a feeling its about…
  • WOW! Everyone did great this week! My weight seems to fluctuate so much! Does anyone else feel that way? I’m between 3 pounds.. I’ll be 147 one day and 144 the next then back to 146 and so on. It’s a little frustrating when I go back up and have been following my diet very strictly. But hopefully after this week it will be…
  • Hello All! I would love to join your group! You all look like a motivated bunch and I sure do need a lot of help in that area of my journey towards weight loss. I am currently a Junior at Texas Tech University. Between school, work and other organizations I find no time for myself and when I do, the LAST thing I want to do…
  • Im restarting my weight-loss journey and woud love to have someone to keep me motivated and hold me accountable. Anyone interested please add me or message me! :) I would love to help motivate you as well!!
  • Is is too late to join? I would love to be apart of this! :) My CW 147 My GW by Christmas is 137 Thanks! And goodluck to all! We can do this! and just remember.. "If you have a dream, GO FOR IT! No one is stopping you but yourself"
  • Thank you for the Welcomes! Halloween is so soon, only 11 days! WOW, but I am going to do everthing I can to reach my goal! That means no giving in to the Mexican food, this could be hard!! :frown: So.. Do we weigh in on fridays? or what?
  • Hey All! I would really like to join in on this challenge, I hope its not too late! Setting short term goals seems like a great way to acheive the final goal. A little about me : -My name is Alicia, I am 19 years old and currently a student. I joined this website very recently in order to get back in shape. I went from…
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