jsheehan46 Member


  • So at the beginning of January I went Paleo...historically I had just been someone that counted calories and ran a lot. When I was counting I found myself hungry all the time and my wife said I'd get pretty moody - I was able to drop, but when I fell off the weight would always come back and I'd just feel bad. I was also…
  • Reno gave a great overview and very accurate!! The only think I would add it getting tested for your AT - anaerobic threshold. Along with resting and max this is a good number to have and get tested from time to time.....your AT and resting will change some as you get more fit and your max doesn't really change. Great…
  • Biking is great! I like to add some low impact cardio into the routine.....one thing that has change since the 90's is helmuts (sp) - don't ride without one - not worth it!!!
  • So the reason we count is because weight loss for the most part comes down to simple math. When cutting weight (fat) we want to burn more than we consume - pretty much that simple. We all burn calories living and MFP takes into account different base level based on your overall activity level when you set it up.....someone…
  • OMG....amazing. The first thing I noticed was you had on normal clothes...you are already a new person and a true inspiration....you know how to do it so those next 30 are history.
  • Wow - sorry to hear this! Typically people being negative is a result of bad feelings in their life....I wouldn't take it personal. I have never really had this around running, but I did have some off comments when training for ironman - some people just don't get the need to be active or the release it brings.
  • Right there with you!! 25years this month :)
  • Nice work - isn't it fun to look back!
  • To get some real assistance I'd say to start logging on MFP and let people see what you are doing. Not sure your current approach of starvation will work....
  • Hmmm - that is a new one. Running or walking burns calories and the difference in the exercise should not impact the weight. If you burn 100 cals walking it will be very close to 100 cals running. Now some would argue the differences in burn between cardio versus other forms, but you should be pretty identical in those two…
  • IMHO a gym is just another vehicle for excercise. What I enjoy at the gym is the freinds I've made and some of the group fitness classes. If you do join and don't feel like going, don't use it as a crutch not to get your exercise in.....just saying!
  • WOW - some people you look at the two pictures and you can tell they are the same person - I would not have guessed! keep motivating others and you will reach new heights!
  • Can't see your diary so it is hard to say.....but veggies and running helps me.
  • I've been watching the Windows 8 phone with curiosity - I'm gonna give that a try, seems a little bit more "smart" than my past android or iphone. My friend had one and when i played with it I was surprised....don't know what it was but it was not just a mass of a bunch of apps.... . . His was a windows phone 7 - so I'm…
  • Great job. I do both - often run with my wife or alone....with my dog :) I find that i enjoy both for different reasons and I get a lot of internal thinking done when I'm alone. The other thing I do for motivation when needed is I use my GPS watch to track distance and speed.....gives me a distraction and allows me to set…
  • I have been getting up at 4:30 for so many years it is habit now....i'm one of those people that when i wake up my mind starts going and I might as well get out of bed. Couple of thoughts... - if you need 7 or 8 hours of sleep make sure you are in bed at the right time.....i go to bed around 9pm - No TV in the bedroom - I…
  • Welcome - second day here as well - feel free to add!
  • Request sent - Looking for motivation in both directions!!
  • Yannuzzi - Congrats on breaking the plateau! My plan is between now and the first weekend in October hit around 1200 calories a day and pull back on my excercise a bit.....for me that is bigger than it seems. I did my 20 miler last weekend so I have my base and need to drop some pounds to be kinder to my knees and joints.…
  • I'm so there with you....though putting it off I just kept adding pounds - started today and am going to use this sit to build a support network!
  • I'm in the same boat you are - looking for people to help support this journey. Please add me and we'll get this going.