

  • SW - 234.6 lbs Week 1 - xxx lbs Week 2 - xxx lbs Week 3 - xxx lbs Week 4 - xxx lbs Total lost - xx lbs I'd LOVE to lose 10...we can do it!
  • i've had that issue....i just drink some water ...do some excercise and eat my calories till i'm satisfied.
  • understand how you feel...I have been going through a little slump lately..... I found this blog challenge that kinda cheered me up this morning an remotivated me... here's the link: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/whatupskinnyjeans/view/fun-and-fit-60-day-challenge-week-2-66545 I like the challenge goals because they are…
  • I totally agree with this... you should work up to the ability to walk 30 minutes straight 3 times a week b4 adding in some interval running....i did c25k and am so happy i did. I waited forever thinking that i had to lose weight b4 i ran, but then one day it clicked.... i thought to myself..., "self.... if you want to…
  • i'm not sure what a skip ii is but maybe logging it under jumping rope?...
  • I'm thinking of shooting for a half marathon in August...you totally inspire me! I've been debating on setting it as my New Years Res but have been wavering.... I think you may have pushed me over the edge....eeeeekkk...I don't know. Oh what the heck.....I think I can, I think I can.....I've ran two 5K's ..... I think I'm…
  • Welcome to MFP!!! I have loved using this site so far. I started in mid November. I started running about 1 1/2 years ago... i have loved it to death!. I have ran two 5ks and am debating about a half marathon this fall (not quite sure yet). I just had my third baby in October so I totally under the baby weight challenge.…
  • Everyone's coments are sooooo helpful. Thank you!!! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that falls into this mind trap. It helps a lot to hear your advice and encouragment. It is so true that 4 weeks in the whole grand scheme of things is only a fleeting moment. Thanks again! Just keep swimming....just keep swimming....…
  • Honey Vanilla Chamomile by Celestial Seasonings....... it's so delish!
    in Tea Comment by sweena23 December 2010
  • I don't like running on the treadmill too much either. But I have to sometimes cuz it gets dark so fast. Running outside is so motivating and fun that I try anyway that I can to do that instead, but you do what ya gotta do sometimes. I'm so excited that you are working up to a 5K!!! I did a similar thing and haven't…
  • When I don't eat the excerise calories I feel more lethargic at the end of the day...but I've just started this whole journey.... I would definately keep exercising though...it's SO important and good for you!