Why wait until 2011.... I rocked my unofficial half marathon



  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Congratulations on your success. I just did my first two 5k's in the last few weeks and I want to do a 10k in July. I am having to do some walking in the 5k's right now (which is starting to tick me off!). I need to set a goal on running a number of miles outside now and get off the treadmill so your post is an inspration!

    Wow - 96 pounds lost, you are a rock star.
    Now, I have to tell you though, walking is NOT a sign of failure. Actually inserting walking breaks into your running is smart and will usually lead to a slightly better time!

    And yeah ... get off the treadmill if you can. Now I live in Wisconsin, so some times I dont have a choice. Although I did recently join the YMCA to get access to the running track, just so I didnt have to run on a treadmill... yep I hate it that much!!

    Increasing from a 5K to a 10K is a hike...but you will get there slowly... and before you know it you will think a 4 miler is a short run ... LOL I giggled when I heard that phrase come out of my mouth!
  • sweena23
    I'm thinking of shooting for a half marathon in August...you totally inspire me! I've been debating on setting it as my New Years Res but have been wavering.... I think you may have pushed me over the edge....eeeeekkk...I don't know. Oh what the heck.....I think I can, I think I can.....I've ran two 5K's ..... I think I'm ready for a new challenge. How do you work out your interval running? I currently run about 30 minutes 3 times a week, I haven't thrown in long runs yet. I can currently run for about 45 ish minutes straight...In your intervals how often and for how long do you walk?
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I'm thinking of shooting for a half marathon in August...you totally inspire me! I've been debating on setting it as my New Years Res but have been wavering.... I think you may have pushed me over the edge....eeeeekkk...I don't know. Oh what the heck.....I think I can, I think I can.....I've ran two 5K's ..... I think I'm ready for a new challenge. How do you work out your interval running? I currently run about 30 minutes 3 times a week, I haven't thrown in long runs yet. I can currently run for about 45 ish minutes straight...In your intervals how often and for how long do you walk?

    I do 2 min running and 2 of walking for the first mile or so until I feel myself settling in. From there on I do 4, 6, or 8 minutes of running depending on how I feel with 2 minutes of walking. My first long run was 7 miles and it was mostly 4:2 but as I have gotten more used to it, there have been many more 6 and 8 minute segments. I just set my timer for 2 minutes... it beeps and I decide what I want to do. Its effective for me... sure gives my timer a workout though!

    Since you can run for 30-45 minutes without walking, I would advice you to try 10 minutes running with 1-2 minutes walking and repeat. Long runs are alot different... and harder on the body. When I do a shorter run (4-6 miles), I can usually run the last mile or so once I get warmed up ... but on a long run this gets harders. I did run from 12.4 to 13.1 this time though... although I thought I was going to die at the end!!
  • claudiaquintero
    Interval running is the way to go! I did the whole 13 miles running intervals, because there is no way my body would let me run the whole thing without stopping. I think walking is ok .. its not a sign of weakness. Good for you for getting back into it... 0.75 is nothing to sneeze at, keep working on it and eventually you will get farther and farther!

    OH YEAH! I'm trying to run my first half on April. I'm so proud of you. You went for the half taking the right attitude and commitment. Congratulations!!
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