I need a friend!

Kayla2284 Posts: 46 Member
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
My name is Kayla and I am new to the site. I had a baby in March and I gained 36 lbs during that time, and I was overweight to begin with. I had just started to get back into shape when I got pregnant with her. I had a friend who was trying to get back to her pre pregnancy weight and she pushed me hard to go to the gym and eat right. Now she is in shape and then some so she just does strength training and I need more than that. I need a buddy who is going to push me towards my goals. Who will make sure I log my food and make it to the gym at lease 3 times a week. I need someone serious about this. I really do need a friend dedicated to their goals and help me stick to mine.


  • Hi Kayla! First things first: Welcome! I've been here for 5 days and have never met a bunch of people more supportive than those here. Now, I don't have as much to lose as you do - I'm aiming for 15 to 20 lbs and I plan on sticking with it even after I lose the weight. I'm starting my Couch to 5K tomorrow morning and if you want me to track your food with you and make sure you get up and do some exercise at least 3 times a week, I'm totally here for you. You can keep me on track as well. I had a not so great day today, but decided not to beat myself up about it since it's New Year's Eve. We can do this together!

    Friend request sent! :flowerforyou:
  • Hello,

    I am also a 26 year old mother. I have 3 kids; Jack almost 3 and Robert and Lily 18 months. I gained over 60 pounds with my 1st pregnancy. Lost the weight and then some by the time I was pregnant with the twins then gained 65 pounds with the twins which has all come off but about 15 pounds. I know how challenging it can be to lose weight when you have an infant to care for. Do you belong to a gym where they have a childcare center? ( a must) To eat healthy I suggest cooking light basic types of meals like chicken with brown rice, vegetables, soup, salad. Try to measure your food so you keep your portions right. Eat whole grains always...Eat food that you would feed your baby without a bunch of seasoning or salt and no grease but maybe olive oil. I will try and help keep you on track. I also need someone to motivate me to lose these last 15, they are STUBBORN. Good luck, will friend you.
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    my daughter's name is kayla! anyhow welcome to the site!
  • Kayla2284
    Kayla2284 Posts: 46 Member
    Thank you so much everyone! Once I figure out how to accept friends I will be sure to do that!. I have joined the 50 lbs by July 1st Challenge too, so I have something to aim for! I am excited about that. I am trying to get my husband motivated to do it with me because it will help keeping the junk food out of here!
    Montenell, it is a beautiful name! When I was a kid, they had nothing with my name on it, no pens or pencils... now it's everywhere!
    Catherine, I do belong to a gym, but no child care. My husband and I work opposite shifts because I don't want someone else watching my baby. It makes it really tough for workouts at the gym because I get out at 9 pm and my husband goes to work around 5 am so he has to go to bed early. And he can't put the baby to bed because he doesnt have the patients haha And that eating what baby eats makes sense because I make her food for her. We just got the blender for xmas though, so It will be much easier now :D
    Carol, you sound like a wonderful motivator! I wish I could take you to the gym with me! :D The last time I was at the gym, I started training myself to run. I have never ran (run?) in my life and it really wasnt that bad. And I love love love your quote!!
    Thanks everyone. This will be my year! Good to have some friends to be there with me :D
  • Go to your home page and there should be a little red indicator somewhere at the top saying that you have X number of friend requests. Click on that and then click accept beside each name. It's easy.

    And thank you - I'm really very excited about this C25K thing. I used to run 6 to 8 miles a day back when I was in my early 20s. But, I started raising children and working at a desk and I guess life happened. I quit doing it every day, and then slid to a couple of times a week and then just quit completely. I really miss how it makes me feel, so I'm learning how to run again. it should be interesting, but it's the easiest (and cheapest! lol) thing to do. Just get up, point yourself in a direction, and move your body. I'll help motivate you any way you need me to. :) And I'm sure you'll help me, as well......you're gonna catch me cheating with an Almond Joy or something every once in a while! :laugh:
  • christylynnrn
    christylynnrn Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Kayla! Just joined the site myself and am also needing someone to help keep me accountable for working out and keeping track of my food. Would love to be your friend on here. I'm 27 and a nurse and had a pretty difficult 2010. Have decided that with the new year wanting to make a new start. I'll send a friend request and just let me know if you're interested in helping each other out.

  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    I would love to be your friend. I am new as well and my weight has come from my pregnancy. I lost all 45 pounds of my baby weight, finally, and still want 15 more to go.
  • Welcome to MFP!!! I have loved using this site so far. I started in mid November. I started running about 1 1/2 years ago... i have loved it to death!. I have ran two 5ks and am debating about a half marathon this fall (not quite sure yet). I just had my third baby in October so I totally under the baby weight challenge. You can totally do this...I'm starting to believe I can so I'm sure you can too...!!! I'd love to encourage you along the way!
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