missveeoh Member


  • Okay so I have to gradually increase to 1600? Yeah I've been at 1200 for the past year and I've slowly increased to 1300 then I stopped tracking everything. My body has adjusted to 1200 this last year, so I dropped 30 pounds and now I'm pretty much stuck and ruined my metabolism and body, I just know I did! :( damn it
  • I changed the settings in losing from 2 pounds to a half a pound, that's why my calories increased. I was getting tired of 1200 this past year I did track when I was 1200, but now the habit of documenting everything I consume is slipping away...ughhh so stressed But thanks guys, hopefully if I keep tracking ill be able to…
  • I will admit, I haven't been tracking my meals and I do think my calorie burn is being calculated wrong, I should invest in a heart rate monitor.
  • Dead lifts ! I want to use the squat rack though I'm still shy and it's always being used lol
  • I remember my wisdom teeth extraction day, I got home and was a bit loopy so I was sleeping for most of the time. I would say you would be out the first day and probably the second, the medication also makes you drowsy so be careful while exercising. I'm pretty sure you can work with weights, but idk about cardio.…
  • Psychology student here! Though I'm still not done with my general Ed classes. I have about 18 units so I hope I don't fall behind on my workout schedule. I lift nowadays and hardly do any cardio - probably just 20 mins.
  • I'm 19, I was diagnosed at 16. My curve is around 25 degrees, and since I stopped growing there is no need for surgery though I read somewhere that as you get older the disks between your spine compress (something like that, I'm not sure if this sounds silly). doctor agreed and said surgery wasn't needed but if I wanted a…
  • I'm turning 20 tomorrow! :) Yay me.
  • I notice it after 8 weeks or so. But I've recently hit a plateau- so I'm increasing my intake- hopefully this helps! I hate being stuck at 140- still have 20 more pounds to go
  • White Chicks!
  • I absolutely love exercising! My new ''love'' is lifting weights- especially deadlifts and squats. I really love feeling strong and sore the next day- though rest days are a pain because I'm away from my weights lol I usually just run on the elliptical for an hour (which is actually pretty tiring because I'm usually…
  • Well I go to my community college and so I drive back and forth from house to classes and hardly have time to socialize and join clubs. I'm pretty shy so I tend to just focus on my school work and projects. Even if I was living in the dorms, I wouldn't party all the time and one major thing is that I don't drink. I do have…
  • Ariana Grande (even though I am not a fan of her music, she has a very strong voice) Kelly clarkson (I have her first CD, her voice is amazing!) Adele (very strong deep raspy voice, I absolutely love it) Bridgit Mendler (yes, from disney channel, but whenever she sings acoustically she sounds very unique and quirky lol So…
  • I am 5'4'' and still need to lose 20 pounds. I completely dislike cardio at the moment because I am having severe knee pain when running, stairmaster, zumba, etc. :( I am just doing weights and will stick to them- I want to see how my body will react and check if I am losing any inches within this month and in…
  • So in order for his approval and so-called ''love''....you have to change the number on the scale by like what 10-20 pounds? That is absurd. No, if he cared for your health he would support you in what you are doing- living healthily...not drastically reducing in size/body shape. For me, it is about losing inches and…
  • I wore school uniforms throughout my elementary years and I received awards for that lol I think they should stay, it does save a lot of money for the parents and I remember when my mom went to this special shop where we would get my uniforms for free or discounted (it is great for those struggling financially) I didnt…
  • That should explain my knee pain. I also used to run for an hour on the eliptical and go to 2 zumba classes. That is a lot of cardio on a regular basis (yeah went 5 days to the gym every week...still am but now just using weights) I hope this pain goes away :(
  • This is so awful- especially because they are known to have lead in them...ugh oh and ofcourse I love cheese D:
  • To lose weight- you just need a deficit. I did not do any exercise and still lost weight ate 1200/1300 cals( sometimes even 1300-1500). I was extremely sedentary- just going to school and back home and focused on my school work, I did not want to exercise either. You don't have to exercise if you dont want to but it will…
  • Elliptical is the one for me! I use the heart rate monitor installed and set my weight into it and switch the resistance to high. I burn roughly around 400-500 calories in one hour (hopefully that somewhat accurate.) It's easier on my knees too, not to mention, that fear of falling off the treadmill- even if I'm just…
  • My last year as a teen and I turn 20 in about 3 weeks so I guess its kind of a big deal for me? I'll probably just spend it with friends and visit an amusement park. Hopefully I can get over the ''my-birthdays-should-always-be -celebrated'' thing sooner or later. I'm starting to feel old!!
  • I'm 5'4'' and still need to lose 20 pounds. I decided to give up cardio and focus on lifting heavy (though I'm a bit of a noob) I want to see if my body will react the same way and start losing inches (thats basically what I've been wanting) and start to shed fat away better than what cardio has provided over the past…
  • I took several quizzes (nerdy, I know) and it said I was accepted in slytherin, ravenclaw, and Gryffindor!!!! Apparently I have a bit of all 3 houses! I wouldn't mind being in Gryffindor but I need my ravenclaw buddies to help me pass my owls!!!! (Midterms right?)
  • I have to start uploading transformations because I feel I'm losing inches Off my waist and thighs. Anyway my username: theveeohs
  • It's possible to an extent and its very unhealthy too. Most people that lose a lot of weight in a short amount of time, gain it all back rather quickly. It reminds of that show on MTV called I used to be fat. Not sure if that's the actual Title of it but majority of people on there lose 50-100 pounds in a 3 month period…
  • I see a lot of women having their butt stick out, head up, and have their back arched. I've been trying it this way and it seems comfortable. Having a rounded back can damage the back instead of helping it in the long run. Then again I'm no expert!
  • I'm 5'4'' and trying to lose the last 20 pounds but I decided to eat more and start lifting heavy. Honestly I'd rather lose inches than move the scale down. Even though it taunts me everyday (I have one in my bathroom lol) Feel free to add me!!!
  • The chocolate fudge brownie is soooooo good. I used to eat half the container.... Oh well. I'll look for an alternative. Yay for banana ice cream ?
  • I took karate for about 8 years, I believe. I stopped going to class when I entered high school. I found it boring and not to mention the bruises I would get from sparring :( The only reason I found it boring was because most of the techniques were very repetitive (also there were only 5 teens/adults, including me- while…
  • I've been Minnie Mouse for the past 4 years and I think it's time for a new costume. I might head out to Universal Studios for Halloween- so I should really plan something special since the majority will be in costume (not to mention the zombies and werewolves and clowns chasing you down lol) Probably something along the…