Any College/Uni Students Out there?

Hi Everyone! I have to confess I've been on MFP for several months, but have only just got into it, and am ready to do this properly!

I'm looking for some other young people to be friends with. I'm a med-school student, so it would be cool to have some people to relate to flatting drama, poverty, and long nights of study hehe!

In return I promise to give you words of encouragement when you need it, make terrible jokes, and generally try to be a bit of fun!


  • Mechanikitty
    Mechanikitty Posts: 90 Member
    Yo, I just finished my diploma but I'm still suffering the student life if that counts. 19, live with my mum, student loans... Beans on toast. I'm the same as you, had this for ages but I started using it about 2 months ago to track calories. Only just started using the forums.

    If you can put up with my nerdgasms send a friend request my way. :)
  • FFfitgirl
    FFfitgirl Posts: 369 Member
    Nursing student here!
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    Second year MBA student here! I feel super weird in that I actually am finding it much easier to keep control of my intake while at school than I did back home. I don't have to worry about coming up with variety for my family or going out with my friends, so I can eat cereal or a bagel thin every morning, the same salad or wrap for lunch every day, the same snack every day, a sensible dinner that I like, and no worries about coming up with excuses not to go out or having to plan for drinks. Plus I'm too tired to be up for the midnight munchies ; )
  • Smurftastic
    Smurftastic Posts: 36 Member
    I'm a Law student, I'm living at home so no flatting drama. Feel free to add me :smile:
  • chrisssbloop
    chrisssbloop Posts: 7 Member
    Hey! I'm a healthcare student here. I'm looking for friends here too to keep me motivated and dedicated to this app! lol its hard to eat right while you're in college but it can be done!
  • TamaraKat
    TamaraKat Posts: 533 Member
    I'm an Urban and Regional Planning student! :bigsmile:
  • jessitherese
    jessitherese Posts: 22 Member
    Helllllo :)! I study Comparative Literature and Russian (on track to getting my masters, then PhD). I would love having more college-aged friends on here to motivate me and keep me on track (especially when things get hectic during the semester). Feel free to add me!
  • Kalashnikova73
    Kalashnikova73 Posts: 17 Member
    I am an IT student, about half way to my AA then off to my BA degree. You guys can add me if you want, I don't bite I swear.
  • lisa8x9
    lisa8x9 Posts: 14
    I'm a pre-med psychology student! Feel free to add! :)
  • kaydeedoubleu1
    kaydeedoubleu1 Posts: 567 Member
    Hey i'm a nursing student-would love to share poverty recipes and stress stories haha :)
  • horsewhisper91
    horsewhisper91 Posts: 456 Member
    I am an Art and Design major. Full time student, work part time job, exercise horses for people, and have homework on top of working in a few photo shoots here and there. So, I could relate. Feel free to friend me. :)
  • amunro
    amunro Posts: 16 Member
    I am an undergrad student who is completely undecided in what I'm studying!! haha and please anyone feel free to add me, the more friends on here the better :) Plus it's great to have people around my age group :D
  • Med student here (what the hell am I doing on the forums?!)
  • mathbaby
    mathbaby Posts: 4 Member
    Hey girl! I am in my senior year of engineering and on my way to grad school. I would love to support you
  • Sarahnade42x
    Sarahnade42x Posts: 308 Member
    Hey there! I'm a pre-med student and definitely no stranger to the poverty and loooong nights, which I'm sure will only get longer (yay). Feel free to add me - the more friends on this journey, the merrier. :)
  • studentgirly
    studentgirly Posts: 129 Member
    I am! About to go into my final year so busy, busy, busy.
    I really want to finish this year in the best shape of my life!
  • nicolehagen92
    nicolehagen92 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I am Nicole, a Canadian BSc in Nursing student just about to enter my 4th and final year. Add me if you'd like :)
  • fayemal
    fayemal Posts: 20 Member
    I'm a law student, feel free to add me!
  • lady6starlight
    lady6starlight Posts: 127 Member
    I'm a grad student, kinda nervous about being healthy while juggling work and school! Feel free to add me.
  • SweetieMelissa
    SweetieMelissa Posts: 68 Member
    Hi. I am 19. I am going into my second year! I am majoring in American Sign Language. Hopefully, I will go to Gallaudet University after I get my associates degree :)

    Sent friend request!
  • Hiiiiiiiiiii I'm 20. Speech pathology major. 5 ft and need to lose about 20 pounds! Please add me I need friends!!!!!
  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    I'm in my last year and planning on grad school after, so yes, I'll be in school for quite a while.
  • curtissoph
    curtissoph Posts: 64 Member
    Hey everyone, I'm a 20 year old criminology/philosophy student in my final year. Studenty friends for the win!
  • wackedoutpet13
    wackedoutpet13 Posts: 72 Member
    Hey, I'm a 21 year old college student! Anyone should feel free to add me. :)
  • Evelyn1189
    Evelyn1189 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi, I'm a fourth year university student (it will be a busy year, filled with cups of coffee and sleepless nights) majoring in Environmental studies. Anyone feel free to add me :)
  • Grenon
    Grenon Posts: 228 Member
    Hey! I am a third year Environmental Science student. Excited to get back at school to have a routine and have access to a gym! Feel free for anyone to add me, I am active and like to give positive feedback!
  • Heyy I'm a pre-nursing student about to go off to nursing school for RN BSN after this semester so please feel free to add me:)
  • missveeoh
    missveeoh Posts: 90 Member
    Psychology student here! Though I'm still not done with my general Ed classes. I have about 18 units so I hope I don't fall behind on my workout schedule. I lift nowadays and hardly do any cardio - probably just 20 mins.
  • rose_84
    rose_84 Posts: 199 Member
    HI! The name is Sydney. I'm a third year English, History and Professional Writing / Communication student who has finally started to take advantage of her school gym and getting healthy. I just joined MFP and first time on the forums. Feel free to add!
  • brittanykira
    brittanykira Posts: 220 Member
    Hey! I'm headed back to Uni to finish my second degree. Only 1 year to go! This came with a big move in which I am hoping to make use of the Uni gym and make some drastic food changes. My profile says 45 lbs down, but this summer led to a 15-20 lb gain so those pounds have to go! I have been an avid MFP user before and hoping to get that back! Def need more encouragement and support from people in the same boat! This weight journey is a big struggle for me and always has been!