

  • I think your doing GREAT!!! Keep it up! I think if you push too hard you will get burned out. Sounds like 30 min a day is working for you right now. Oh, I sweat like crazy too.
  • Somehow I managed all day yesterday without an SO. Today has been pretty good and I haven't had an SO. I bet, tomorrow will be a great day too.
  • I think you should keep speaking your truth. If I see a friend, or "friend", that is consistantly not eating enough I would say something. I want them to meet their goals not get sick or burned out and give up. They can always tell you they didn't post the afternoon snack eclair.
  • Seams the only way to celebrate anything is with food at the work place. I usually don't participate in the pot lucks, can't not eat too much. The candy sitting around is a bigger problem. I'm so glad Halloween is over. I can say, I've got a standing work station. I used to sit all day long. I'm the only one who is…
  • Too Funny, Kazzy. That will stick. Also, logging it before.
  • There is already Halloween candy all over the office. I do love holidays but I wish it didn't revolve around food so much,( except Thanksgiving, that one is all about food, love that) I've resisted so far. I may indulge in a bit of candy the last business day before Halloween.
  • Howdy. I worked out consistently for a decade, remaining chunky. MyFitnessPal has been great for me. I was always vague about my calorie intake before. I really like not stressing about my diet now. Or how fat I am. I just eat the amount of calories for the day and enjoy my food. The biggest thing emotionally is that I…
  • Congratulations! Good work.