Turbo Fire people...

mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
When did the scale start to move?? I'm starting week 4 today and still nothing no inches or pounds I even have been riding my bike that I got for mothers day atleast 3 times a week ranging from 6-12 mile rides and nothing is budging, Very discouraged right now.


  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    How's your diet? are you eating your exercise calories?
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Do you think you could be over training? How many calories are you eating? If you are coming in to low with all of the training (TF and bike riding), your body could be holding onto it.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    my diet is decent not perfect but decent. I have loss a lot of weight prior but ended up gaining 13lbs back once my husband returned from his deployment now I'm busting my *kitten* (excuse my language) trying to lose it again so I don't have to buy new clothes in a bigger size. I rarely go over my calories. I have tried increasing calories, cutting calories, eatin back calories, not eating back calories, going to the doctor getting blood work done for it to come back normal. It makes no sense that my body just holds on for dear life. I have friends that are trainers and they are stumped as well. to sum me up I'm a fit chunky chic and its annoying.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I burned almost 3500 calories last week and didn't lose anything. I will keep working out though because I refuse to quit.
  • janel814
    janel814 Posts: 88
    I would look at your diet like everyone has suggested. When I started TF, I was in the same boat you are. I was eating a 1200 cal per day diet (hard to do by the way), TF plus all of my daily activities and lost nothing in that first month. Then I got a bodybugg and found out that I was accidentally starving myself and my body was holding on to everything.

    My suggestion is invest in something that will assist you in knowing how many cals you are burning each day and adjust your diet so you only have a difference of 500-1000 cals. For example, if you are burning 2500 cals in a day then your food intake should be 1500 -2000 cals. This sounds like a lot but if you focus on good foods like fruits, veggies, and proteins it can be really easy. Since I invested in my body bugg I have lost 25 lbs in 3 months.

    Good luck and I hope you find what works for you. :-)
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I would look at your diet like everyone has suggested. When I started TF, I was in the same boat you are. I was eating a 1200 cal per day diet (hard to do by the way), TF plus all of my daily activities and lost nothing in that first month. Then I got a bodybugg and found out that I was accidentally starving myself and my body was holding on to everything.

    My suggestion is invest in something that will assist you in knowing how many cals you are burning each day and adjust your diet so you only have a difference of 500-1000 cals. For example, if you are burning 2500 cals in a day then your food intake should be 1500 -2000 cals. This sounds like a lot but if you focus on good foods like fruits, veggies, and proteins it can be really easy. Since I invested in my body bugg I have lost 25 lbs in 3 months.

    Good luck and I hope you find what works for you. :-)
    i have an hrm and wear it when I do TF and ride my bike. I eat 1500-1800 calories a day. Its just really hard for me to lose weight. Which is annoying because so many people have all these success stories and I have nothing to say besides the fact that I workout. I'm thinking I need to do even more.
  • lorneq
    lorneq Posts: 11
    Howdy. I worked out consistently for a decade, remaining chunky. MyFitnessPal has been great for me. I was always vague about my calorie intake before. I really like not stressing about my diet now. Or how fat I am. I just eat the amount of calories for the day and enjoy my food. The biggest thing emotionally is that I don't obsess about my weight anymore. I just do what I can today. I've lost 15lbs the past 6 months.
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    I wish I could find this article, because it had an interesting theory about this. I am choosing to believe it since I am in the same boat you are. It basically said, when you have done nothing and then start a diet and exercise program, you're body is in shock for a couple of months. In my case, my body was used to having 2500 to 3000+ calories a day and doing zero exercise. And now, if this theory is right, my body is freaking out, thinks I'm starving and is holding onto everything.

    I'm giving it 5 more weeks and if nothing has changed, I'm going to go get my thyroid checked.

    Hang in there! We will drop some pounds... eventually.
  • janel814
    janel814 Posts: 88
    I would look at your diet like everyone has suggested. When I started TF, I was in the same boat you are. I was eating a 1200 cal per day diet (hard to do by the way), TF plus all of my daily activities and lost nothing in that first month. Then I got a bodybugg and found out that I was accidentally starving myself and my body was holding on to everything.

    My suggestion is invest in something that will assist you in knowing how many cals you are burning each day and adjust your diet so you only have a difference of 500-1000 cals. For example, if you are burning 2500 cals in a day then your food intake should be 1500 -2000 cals. This sounds like a lot but if you focus on good foods like fruits, veggies, and proteins it can be really easy. Since I invested in my body bugg I have lost 25 lbs in 3 months.

    Good luck and I hope you find what works for you. :-)
    i have an hrm and wear it when I do TF and ride my bike. I eat 1500-1800 calories a day. Its just really hard for me to lose weight. Which is annoying because so many people have all these success stories and I have nothing to say besides the fact that I workout. I'm thinking I need to do even more.

    That is very interesting! Do you have an athletic body frame? That is what I have and have no intentions of ever being that skinny 135lbs person that nutrition sites say I should be. I have always had that athletic frame, I did 8.5 yrs in the military and only one time out of those years did I not have to be weighed/taped after a PT test. It still sounds like your body may think it is starving. I know most days I burn 2500-3000 cals a day so my diet most days are above the cals MFP says I should have...LOL. I also do not believe in any diet plans, I think restricting, cutting out, or limiting the types of foods you eat is more damaging than just eating in moderation. Feel free to drop me a line sometime if you want to discuss this more.
  • janel814
    janel814 Posts: 88
    Oh also are you just monitoring your weight or are you taping yourself too? You may be firming/toning without losing. I have lost 25lbs since Jan and I am STILL in the same size jeans though they fit differently.