

  • Thanks for all the replies folks. I'm glad I'm not the only one - it seems to work better for me. I think if I did it over a month I'd lose focus, but a week is long enough not to beat myself up if I have one bad day.
  • I weigh in every week - don't go near the scales apart from that. I haven't measured for a long time - I tend to just go on how clothes fit. I probably should do sometime - but don't like the results normally so tend to ignore it. Ignorance is bliss!
  • I use any white fish fillet (whatever is on offer usually!) - we had hake last night which was yum. I wrapped each fillet individually in foil, with a couple of strips of lemon zest and a sprig of fresh time. Seal up the foil parcel, and bake in the oven for 20 minutes. Healthy and tastes good!
  • I had mine last night. Steamed fish (or baked in the oven works as well - just wrapped in foil with some lemon zest & fresh thyme sprigs), boiled baby new potatoes, and home-made ratatoullie. For the ratatouille I soften a chopped onion in 1tbsp olive oil, then add chopped mushrooms, courgettes & aubergine and fry until…
  • Wow. I stuck this on this morning before heading out to work, and have come back to pages of replies! Thank you all so much! One thing that strikes me is the different things available in different parts of the world. Several people have mentioned "Mio" - sorry I haven't heard of that. Is that a US thing? And if so what is…
  • Cornwall, UK. :)
  • Hey there. Wow - you've been through a lot. I can't begin to comprehend the scale of all that and how it must feel, so I'm not going to try. All I'll say is take 1 step at a time, and be positive - you CAN achieve the weight loss, and that in itself will give you a sense of being in control again. Stay positive, tiny…
  • Hi there and welcome. I've been here a while but only recently really got my head in gear to do this properly. It's really working though! Good luck on your journey - feel free to add me as a friend if you want to.
  • Hello and welcome
    in New Comment by HelstonSonia April 2013
  • Oh my - I WISH I could get away without a bra. I really do. It would be unbelievable liberating. Unfortunately however, as a FF cup - I know for a fact I can't get away with it. The pain is too much after just a couple of hours walking round without one. I am very envious of those who can get away without one - I really…
  • It's great having that as a reason to get new clothes - impressive weight loss and the prospect of the job you want. :) Lots of positive vibes heading your way.
  • Chocolate counts as fruit because it's made from cocoa beans, which are the fruit of the tree. It may not be true but I do like this! :)
  • It's whatever you want it to be! From my perspective, it's an opportunity to publicly declare a goal I've set myself for this month to get myself kickstarted. If it's public, I'm more likely to do it. (Well - that's how it works in my head anyway!)
  • I've just had a bit of a health scare, so I'm absolutely on a mission now! I've got about 30lbs to lose, and the more I can do by end of June the better. (That's my mini goal). So my specifics are: Get to the gym or equivalent exercise at least 3 times per week Stick to my calories - at least averaged over a week to allow…
  • 1.Where were you born? Sheffield 2. Where do you live at the moment? Helston, Cornwall 3. Where else have you lived? Stratford on Avon, Oxfordshire, Pershore, Ripon, Marseille, St Ives. 4. What is your current occupation? I work for Adult Social Services What is your dream occupation Smallholder 5. Tell us any 5 things…
  • Hi everyone. You can probably guess from my user name that I live in Helston and I'm called Sonia! I work for the council which means I spend most of my time sat on my backside eating whatever cakes come into the office. I'm also a little too fond of wine and cheese. I've got about 2 1/2 stone to lose which I want to do by…
  • Hi everyone. OK - I'm not sure if I should be here. But having looked at the boards available I think this is more me than the 30 somethings. I'll be 40 in June - only 5 months away - so while I'm not wishing my life away I have a feeling I'll fit in more here! I'm Sonia, live in Cornwall with my boyfriend and animals (no…
  • Hi there I'm 39 - 40 next June. I've got to be honest I've been on a real downer recently - feeling old, fat & ugly. I'm very inspired by all your lovely posts on here about how great you're feeling in your 40's so will really try to get my head back together now. On a mission to be fabulous at 40!