

  • I have been having the same problem! I've been counting calories for 3 months consuming 1300 calories a day (eating every 2 hours) with no exercise (office job). This week I started C25K which consists of running for 90 seconds, then walking for 60 seconds, for a total of about 35 minutes. According to this site, I'm…
  • 5'10" women wearing a size 2? It's hard to imagine any woman that height (other than a supermodel) being that size. O.o I think pants size has a lot to do with where you store/lose your weight. I'm 6'1" and was considered thin (size 8) at 155. At my heaviest I was 190 (size 14). I'm now in the mid 160's and am in a size…
  • I jog at about 4. When I first started, I thought I needed to be at a fast pace and burned out so quickly. At 4, I was able to get up to two miles without stopping (which was quite an accomplishment for me)! I'm sure my pace will increase over time.
  • Welcome, and so great to see you here! It's good you wrote out that sentence, because you are going to come back in a year's time and see how much progress you have made! I say no scale, bigger payoff. That ticker will move, and you will feel great! IMO, you definitely don't want the temptation of weighing yourself…
  • I'm 6'1" and decided I wanted to try and lose 1.5 lbs per week. MFP suggested I eat 1280 calories per day. I didn't think twice about this since I figured the site would have a better idea than clueless me. I've been doing alright the last 3 months, eating every two hours and drinking plenty of water, and the weight's been…
  • It's great to see another tall female on here! I'm 6'1", and was also a size 12/14 when I started.
  • Just a friendly reminder that we can’t assume we know everything by looking at someone. Yes, we can tell if the woman who ordered a bacon cheeseburger is overweight, but we don’t know why. We don’t know if she’s perfectly comfortable with her body, or if she’s struggling with her weight. We don’t know if this is the first…
  • You're not alone in the "we want results NOW" category, but I promise you the weight will come off if you just keep at it! Soon Day 1 will turn into Week 1, then Month 1, etc. - and you will be so proud of yourself! What worked for me was sticking to a routine. I planned out what I would eat and when, and stuck to it…
    in New Comment by juliebeesd September 2012
  • Don't you ever have days where you weigh more than the previous day, for reasons out of your control? That's one of the reasons I decided against every day weigh-ins. Plus, I prefer the bigger pay off that I get once a week! :)
  • I agree with everyone who recommends: "Chug that water!" It helps with SO many things, including skin health and digestion. Like others have mentioned, I find if I have less than 100 ounces a day, I tend to retain water (and I also feel heavier).
  • Have you tried measuring yourself? If you're noticing a difference in how clothes fit, then you must be making a difference. I know how frustrating it can be when you know you've worked very hard, and the numbers on the scale don't budge.
  • Congrats on your upcoming wedding! Day 2 is better than Day 0, and before you know it, it'll be Day 30! Best of luck! (-:
  • Could it be heartburn? How often are you eating, and have you adjusted your diet recently? I found eating smaller portions every 2 hours helped a lot with feeling hungry. I tend to get extra hungry around that time of the month, and also I tend to get an upset stomach if I drink carbonated drinks (so I stay away from them…
  • Best of luck Heather! One day (or week (-:) at a time is the best way to go!
  • LOL Thank you! I have been wondering if they might be worth it... I love candy corn.