vjsanvil Member


  • SW: 147 GW: Multiple (layered on as I met each goal) CW: 106 It took me six months to hit my goal weight (final was 111) (Started in May 2013, hit goal in November 2013). In the first two months of maintenance I lost another 10lbs (no matter how high I upped my calories!) but luckily slowly gained back some of that to…
  • Counting calories, meeting my macros (in particular, getting enough protein to keep my full), and a variety of exercise at least 5 days a week. You get the hang of it about a month or two in, once you start seeing results. It's much easier this way and prepares you for your lifelong lifestyle change. It took me 7 months to…
  • The first 20lbs I lost I saw no changes in my measurements (well, except for my bust). I stopped measuring and low and behold, at almost 35lbs lost I have lost 6 inches on my waist, 6 inches on my hips, and 2 inches on each of my thighs. And I workout at least 5 days a week (running, barre3 and bootcamp) and that didn't…
  • Thank you!! I will try both out!
  • Prepare for your weekend during the week. I like to get all my exercise out of the way during the week, so that if I end up not being able to work out it isn't a big deal, and if I end up working out it is just bonus calories burned (a great buffer for the accidental three extra beers). Same with my weekday meals. My…
  • I hate any type of exercise in the morning, however, my social life forces me to workout some times in the morning (like three times this week!). What has helped me is to put my running clothes next to my bed. When I wake up, I force myself to not hit "snooze" and instead put my workout clothes and get out the door within…
  • It's only high if consuming so many calories in the morning is leaving your stomach empty by the time you reach dinner and you are exceeding your 1200 cal limit for the day. If you are, decrease your breakfast intake and make sure you have lots of protein in the morning (eggs, steel cut oats, greek yogurt, cottage cheese,…
  • Agree with the poster who said you don't have to eat back exercise calories --- depending on OP's circumstances. I am on a 1200 calorie plan and I don't eat my exercise calories back unless I exceed my goal calories burned through exercise each week. However, I want to stress I am very short (4'11") so this was a specific…
  • In addition to all the good advice above - when I went on vacation I was concerned that I might indulge too much in ice cream (something I associate with the beach, vacation, etc!). My nutritionist suggested to not have the ice cream then until the end of the trip, because if I had it at the beginning I would want it every…
  • ugh, does this mean i have to eliminate my spike day of 8,000 calories to keep my metabolism engaged?!?!? i know i have a link somewhere....
  • Breakfast Options: 2 Hard Boiled Eggs, Greek Yogurt, 3/4 cup Kashi Cereal (or Special K), Two egg whites with wheat toast and tsp butter, cottage cheese (basically, high protein breakfast) Lunch Options: Protein with greens, Arnold Wheat Thin Bread with Lean Protein (coupled with at least a half cup of fruit), fast food…
    in Diet Comment by vjsanvil June 2013
  • As a short woman (4' 10"), I decided to get professional help to lose 22 lbs. This specific plan was prescribed to me by a doctor. 1200 calories a day, at least burning 1500 calories through exercise a week and I cannot eat back my calories burned through exercise (though if I burn more than 1500 a week I can if I choose…
  • Don't eat less than 1200, just add in more exercise (and don't eat back the calories burned). That will help increase your deficit without lowering your calorie intake.
  • My first post - yay!! 130 for 5' is totally a realistic goal! I'm slightly under 5' and my goal is 125lbs - set up with the help of a nutritionist. On a 1200 calorie diet with tons of protein, whole grains and veggies, plus at least 1500 calories burned through exercise a week. Shockingly, I am pretty full if I eat all the…