weali Member


  • Yeah it definitely drives me nuts when a food item only has fluid ounces under its measurements (part of my frustration trying to find an entry with the right ounce listed)...I always figured the same rule applied weighing food as it does in cooking (use dry measuring cups for dry ingredients and the liquid measuring cup…
  • Is that what ounces are? I try to use that as my base for everything and have my scale set to that. Grams came from the USDA site--they had 2 different entries for lettuce by the cup so I thought the grams would be more accurate
  • For both salads and smoothies I've made them their own separate categories since I change the ingredients so frequently based on what I have on hand. Plus, this keeps me from the 'OMG look how much I ate that mealholycowIcantblahblah' anxiety/spastic thoughts
    in Salad Comment by weali July 2016
  • People tend to not realize just how strong stomach acid is...chewing gum (which apparently isn't biodegradable) gets broken down (mostly--only the gum base doesn't) by the acid in our stomachs https://www.reference.com/science/long-chewing-gum-decompose-5a80277038e3f0c0#…
  • it always reminds me of the whole 'vaccines cause autism'...if you're ok with (or like) the taste of aspartame then use it if you don't like it then use regular sugar products (sugar, agave, honey, etc) in the end it's all about moderation
  • I always get frustrated trying to find an entry that has ounces...why the heck would a FOOD item (grapes, lettuce, etc) have fluid ounces listed...last I checked fluid ounces were only to be used with things that are you know fluid and drinkable...
  • Aside from the measurements and weight...are you seeing any changes when you workout? Like if you use weights have you been able to go heavier/more reps? How about cardio are you able to go longer with out getting breathless/working up a sweat? If your showing improvement there then remember that's GOOD THING too and you…
    in Frustrated Comment by weali July 2016
  • Huh....maybe I did go with the big derriere....definitely not ml the scale I weigh on I have set to lb.oz.whatever comes after this last period (I'm assuming that it's partial ounce measurements because it only goes to 9 and the ounce part goes up to 15 but the book that came with my scale didn't really break the…
  • Haha I typed friggin or freaking (can't remember--I'm reasonably sure I didn't swear anyways) and apparently my autocorrect didn't like it :smiley: And thank you guys for the help, the nutritional stuff throws me sometimes
  • I'm vit d deficient from being overweight and not liking outdoors..I take supplements as well as trying to eat a diet with high vitamin d. If I don't feel like picking up the prescription (which is one pill weekly or biweekly depending on how low) I take double of the daily stuff. So far I haven't hit the too much level…
  • I usually eat a spoonful of peanut butter or a handful of whatever nuts I have at the house and maybe an apple. Just to have enough of something on my stomache so I don't pass out.
  • Happened to me this last period...I don't normally weigh myself when I'm about to start so I'm going to start weighing the day before I'm supposed to start to see if it's all the time...this last time I had lost 4 pounds and then it seemed overnight (realistically it was two days later) I weighed in a had gained 3 pounds…
  • I read an article where the person had dropped a good deal of weight (100+ pounds). Pretty much the whole article was about how with a lifestyle change and the results you have to focus not just on the physical but also work on the mental aspect of your new life.
  • OH. MY. GOD. Is this hell???? :sad:
  • I've heard you can use honey or agave nectar but i've never personally tried it...I usually add a little bit of chocolate and cinnamon
  • it has less sugar because it has sucralose in it....I don't like that after taste of fake sugar so I would rather eat fage or chiobani
  • allrecipes.com is my favorite go to website
  • raw tomatoes, soy (like the protien bars and bolthouse farm style drinks), tofu other than that I will try most anything once
  • roasted chickpeas :smile:
  • i read that doing the dry roasting and then tossing them in the seasonings and stuff made them stay crisper longer too
  • supercook.com you put in what your ingredients are and it gives you a bunch a different recipes
  • 1 c carrot juice 1/2 c nonfat plain greek yogurt 1/2 c grapes 1/2 c blackberries 1/2 c pineapple 1 multi vitamin 240 calories I ground up my multi vitamin in the smoothie because I'm a pansy and can't swallow them. I use carrot juice becasue there is less sugar than using a fruit juice...and then for fruit I use whatever I…
  • This isn't a treat but....I use it when I make baked "fried" chicken it will keep the chicken super moist while it's cooking--also use panko with the flour.... and now back to the actual question....go to supercook.com you can put in what ingredients you have and it will give you recipes
  • You can also try adding different fruit/herb combinations to your water and let it sit over night--no artifical sweetner that way :wink: my favorite combination right now is peach and mint but i've also done peach,watermelon, mint...grapefruit, lemon, orange, peach...blackberry, pomegranate...i've also had a friend who…
  • Thank you :smile:
  • A pound of fat and a pound of muscle are both still a pound...it's the volume that's different. That's why you are see all those inches disappear
  • frozen veggies are still a better alternative than boxed/canned meals
  • Look on the internet for new foods that are similar to ones that you know you like. That way your still branching out to new foods but they won't be as scary because you know that they should taste similar to what you already like. Soups are also a good way to try new vegetables because you can throw in a bunch of what you…