mckenzie330 Member


  • hey just got your friend request! i am literally on the exact same path as you. I'm 5 2" and about 145-150 (bouncing back and forth) right now, but I was originally 162 (my heaviest). I got down to 135 last year, but now I'm back up!! trying really hard to lose and keep it off. weight gain runs in my family so I've been…
  • Hey thanks for friending me! We are in a similar situation. I am 5 2" and weight about 150 lbs. My goal weight is 120 or 115, which is average and where I should be. It's a hard road, but we can do it!! I am definitely here to support you too. It's all about self-discipline, and it's one of the hardest accomplishments to…
  • I agree with the live to eat not eat to live method posted above. I dunno, I get the whole metabolism thing etc., etc., but when it comes to your bodies "natural, evolutionary tendencies" ...we used to eat to live. I always learned eat when hungry, don't eat when not. It's as simple as that. When I started to eat when I…
  • wow, awesome- I loveee mac and cheese - it's my guilty pleasure, and I'm definitely about to try out your recipe!! My other guilty pleasure is mashed potatoes- which we all know can be pretty caloric without much nutrition! My substitute suggestion is mashed cauliflower- with the right ingredients, it tastes just as good…
  • you have my vote!! Great job, simply fantastic and so inspiring. Keep up the great work, and best of luck to you in the future!! ~McKenzie
  • welcome!! MFP has helped me lose 15 lbs so far- it's a huge help! best of luck
  • wow congratulations on your achievements, and thank you so much for the words of encouragement! I need motivation right now because I have plateued and am really feeling frustrated/down onmyself about my appearence. "I have one primarly philosophy now - Do something kind or thoughtful every single day and Karma will return…
  • I know the feeling- I'm in the same boat. Have been working out everyday and eating right, keeping track of what I eat and making sure not to go way over my calorie limit. Even so, the scales numbers read the same- sometimes even a pound heavier The best words of encouragement I can give you are to have patience. And don't…
  • yes, i definitely understand. I recently went jean's shopping (the worst) and I've been dieting/excersizing regularly and on Myfitnesspal for a month and a half. It seems like forever and I'm trying so hard...the jeans I am used to wearing were too big on me so I was excited, until I got to the store and found out I had…
  • Jillian Michael's 30-day shred! You can google it and downlload it for only 10 dollars online!'s helped me lose 6-8 and I'm onlly just starting level 2 (there are 3 levels). Great program. Good luck!!
  • congrats!! I'm about halfway there right now from my weight loss goal. It's definitely true..I need to remember how far I've come, and not let one day mess me up. Thanks for the encouragement/ inspiration, and best of luck! You are doing an incredible job and it really gives me motivation.
  • i think im at stage 2-3. ive been on this website for about a month, but i've been trying to lose weight for almost 2. so far, i've lost about 16 pounds altogether which im really happy about, but i feel so frustrated because im plateuing and it's definitely a slow process. one good thing is that the other day i put on my…