

  • Hey Gracee, it's an app, you can download this for apple or android phones, it's an 8 week program and the intervals change each week, building you up to 5k over the course. It beeps on your ear over your music to tell you when to run and when to walk, absolutely brilliant!
  • I almost always have my salads with a bed of spinach, rocket and watercress, cherry tomatoes, cucumber (grated and squeezed of excess liquid), and beetroot then I alternate the main bit, today was tuna and guacamole, yesterday had turkey steak, bacon and egg. Flat leaf parsley, red onion, pickled chillis, gherkins, olives…
  • Eggs Beetroot Spinach Tuna Guacamole
  • I prefer quinoa to cous cous, it's much lower GI, cooked in a similar way to rice, and the body digests it as a vegetable protein rather than a grain based carb like rice or pasta... SO much better for you. You can sprinkle it in salads, make up a big portion with veg in it, I use mine instead of rice or pasta all the…
  • 1200 is too little I think. A friend of mine was advised by a PT to up her cals to 1800 per day and she lost 5lbs in a week. You just have to tinker with it. I think as long as you aren't eating crap and the cals that you're consuming come from clean foods, then you can't go wrong. And even if it's not dropping off you'll…
  • Ahh Virgin are great gyms but bladdy pricey! My gym is £15 a month ha ha.... Is it a 5k? Or 10k?? xx
  • Is this through your gym?? I'm struggling with my back at the moment so going to give swimming a go... OH HOW I WISH I COULD RUN!
  • C25K is amaaaazing!! I got so much better so quickly with that. I wish my back wasn't playing up I'd be straight back on it...
  • Quinoa is AMAZING and a life saver whilst trying to follow a paleo diet. I am a convert. I have it instead of rice or pasta or cous cous. much better for you!
    in Quinoa Comment by iamkatyg February 2011
  • Prawns????
  • I try to avoid all grains so whilst oatmeal will fill you up its also not that great for you. I am trying to eat paleo, it definitely accelerates the weight loss once your body gets used to it... black coffee and coke zero are my friends for stopping the hunger, although i wont drink coffee after 1pm!! I successfully…
  • 900 cals seems WAY too high for 1 hour of zumba. You dont even burn that spinning surely and that's way higher intensity....???
    in Zumba Comment by iamkatyg January 2011
  • Its AMAZING! But I am in all kinds of pain today. Urgh!!!
  • I eat loads of fruit and veg!!! I am trying to eat paleo at the moment, ie cutting out all grain related things and just eating lean meat anf fish, fruit, veg, nuts and seeds, and eggs (and a tiny bit of cheese for my sanity). Its not really a DIET but a lifestyle change... I have lost 7lbs since Christmas pretty much…
  • Hello! I love this website, its free, and I can use it on my phone (for added ease and novelty) and I think I have only ever had to enter 1 thing on the food list that wasn't there... I was with Weight watchers but their database was POO! How much do you want to lose?? x
  • Beaut, thanks very much! I love body pump too, I don't hurt as much as I thought I would today... so I'm taking myself to another class tonight as well! Think I may need a rest day tomorrow though....