Middangeard Member


  • Facebook really is just about the best place to go for what you're wanting to do. Are you a language learner? Speaky, HelloTalk, Tandem, and LextTalk are all good options for this.
  • I never weigh the food... like others say, it's a hassle. When I'm in doubt about the quantity, I try to overestimate a bit so that I can assure myself that I'm within my goal of the day.
  • Definitely make sure you're not wasting money on buying organic everything -- the only real difference is that they cost more, have much more limited shelf life, and give you the illusion that you're eating healthier. It's a great way to eat healthier without spending too much.
  • I've been up and down a lot. I was down to 224 because of MFP before, but for some reason stopped using it and got a bit lazy. I was still doing really well for quite a while without counting everything, but this last year after a shoulder surgery followed by severe back pain that left me barely able to walk for a couple…
  • There are several entries for chile relleno, but none that I saw with your modifications. I would suggest looking up the basic recipe (if you didn't make it yourself) and using the recipe creation tool to get as close of an approximation that you can.
  • Welcome! It's a little quiet at times, but I'm sure you'll find plenty of friends here.
  • Truthfully, whenever I think about it, which is usually at least a couple times a week. No schedule for it.
  • You might want to try the LGBT+ group.
  • Did you ever go to see a doctor about your knee pain? This is something that a diet might not be able to help. Losing weight might help relieve the stress put on your knees by an overweight body, but if it's something serious, you'll need to talk to your doctor about it. Despite the claims of the originators, the paleo…
  • I can completely understand the whole not realizing how big you got thing. All those pounds can really sneak up on you. Let's face it, an accepting partner that doesn't look at that stuff much doesn't help us see that it's happening. Just be sure to stay active here for all the support, join some of the groups of…
  • I'm not new, just returning from too much time away and a difficult year. Feel free to add!
  • There is a new one. http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/117068-bears-cubs-and-all-things-fuzzy
  • Did you import the historical data when going through the connection wizard? That seems to have updated me on FitBit to my current weight. Does the Download Withings Data link do anything? It doesn't sound like it updates in real time, so you may need to go to that link if you want it to update faster than the app does.
  • The entire series is one long story.... Though there is some catch-up done at the beginning of ACIII to catch you up on some of what's happening, I have a feeling a lot of newcomers will be quite lost during present day sequences (which is where the bulk of the continuing story lies). I'd strongly suggest start at the…
  • paleopot.com is where I've been going for ideas for potlucks. The Hungry Man Sweet Potato Casserole that I made for the last potluck was quite a hit (and only one odd complaint about me using buffalo).
  • Exactly.... the pictures look SOOOO much better than I do at the same bf%.
  • I know Krav Maga needs to be looked at completely different than any other Martial Art since it's not quite the same, but this should offer some insight. The way it works with where I go for Krav Maga (and I would assume most of the USKMA affiliates) is, if you've been there for a few months and you feel like you're ready…
  • But then you're being unfair to me by ending it right on my birthday! ;)
  • Just wait until you catch up and start on L.A. Noir...
  • Personally don't have this issue as I'm not a father, but I would suggest bring the family to the gym if you can. A lot of gyms offer something for the entire family, so you might want to consider moving to a gym that offers children's and/or family programs. The only other option may be to go at times early morning, late…
  • Why no love yet for the men of Assassin's Creed?! Especially Altaīr, Ezio, and Conner!
  • Atari 2600 was my first console. Still got it. My sister and I both had our own. Back during a time when it was still pretty expensive, my parents bought a bunch of them for $5 each, I believe. They had some friends that ran an auction house and they would frequently get things REALLY cheap that just didn't sell after the…
  • Wrap Gloves are good for getting something on quick. I don't recommend them much for constant use. My UFC branded ones mostly go unused. Bad Boy makes a great pack that has three pairs of wrist wraps and a wash bag -- they've been the best wraps I've tried so far.
  • Try ginger for digestive issues. A cup of pure ginger tea sure beats drinking vinegar!
  • Been there, done that... I think one question is what your locality even has to offer. In Columbus, we have a gay section of town with plenty of establishments for just about any taste. Of course, most just winds up at the plethora of bars/clubs, but there are a few places with much more relaxed atmospheres, especially…
  • She merely gave up her remaining regenerations. I doubt that caused her to become completely human -- but we won't know for sure without listening to her heart(s). She still has all of her Time Lord knowledge that was given to her, but I don't think the Gallifreyan biology (presence or lack of) has ever been touched upon…
  • That's good! The Ouya probably will be my first Android device... I'm planning on emulating there!
  • Well, my experience has only been in the NES emulators... and it's been a while since I've tried it (emulators were the only reason I jailbroke my iPhone), so maybe they've improved?
  • The emulators on the iPhone are very poor quality... you have choice of great sound and poor frame rates (making games unplayable), or great frame rates and horrible sound. I got a Canoo to be my dedicated mobile emulator -- but as soon as there's something like that has a better screen, I'm getting that! For Final…
  • The only pride event I went to this year was King's Island's Pride Night a couple weeks ago. That was possibly the best time I've ever spent at that park! Someday, I want to go to the Walt Disney World Gay Days. I'm in a big gay town, so our pride lasts for a few days in June and is a lot of the stereotypical pride stuff.…