T1mH Member


  • Fixed images
  • You should do what ever workout program that you would have started 5 months ago. Yes you can make progress in less than a month. You aren't going to transform your body in a month. You didn't put the weight on in a month your not going to take it off. Having said that don't give up. Take the next month to set up good…
  • http://www.woodtv.com//dpp/news/local/kalamazoo_and_battle_creek/m-spa-apologizes-for-crying-boy-with-autism-incident
  • What about those commercials where everybody is shipping their pants?
  • Grand Rapids'ish
  • Like when the manager of a Grand Rapids restaurant last year asked a service animal to wait in the lobby it will make a impact on her business. Refusing to comment, explain, retract, or apologize for what happened will leave a bad taste in peoples mouths. People will have no choice but to go on what has been posted and…
  • You could always ask? Most gyms have these people that your paying for with your membership fees that can answer questions. I know people don't want to look like they don't know what they are doing but if you don't it's a lot better to ask what your gym polices are then to be doing the wrong thing.
  • Your not eating enough. Eat more real food. Fresh fruits and veggies, lean meats. Don't drink your calories.
  • Eat Less, Move More Put fork down between bites and intentionally chew each bite. Fruits and veggies, a whole cup of strawberry's or broccoli is 50 calories. Don't drink your calories, eliminate pop. Log every thing that goes into your mouth, weighing is far more accurate for most foods than measuring. But you have to…
  • Race day shouldn't be the first time that you've gone 5k. Run it like you practiced it, if you practice 45min 5k's odds are that your going to race close to a 45min 5k. Just go out there and enjoy it. Edit- The only person you are racing is yourself, if this is your first 5k odds are your not going to be setting any…
    in FIRST 5K!!! Comment by T1mH April 2013
  • Try to get a more accurate body fat test. Pick heavy things up, put them down. Eat more protein. Be patient.
  • Research visceral fat, this is likely what your talking about. It's the fat that builds up in your abdomen around your organs. You can not spot reduce fat so any exercise will help to reduce fat everywhere. Cardio is good for the immediate burn, lifting or resistance exercises will help by increasing the amount your body…
  • You got to lead by example. By your own admission your not making progress. He's going to see that and wonder why he should put forth the effort to eat better or exercise when he sees you doing it and it not working. So I think the very best thing you can do for him is prove that it can be done.
  • "If you run, you are a runner. It doesn't matter how fast or how far. It doesn't matter if today is your first day or if you've been running for twenty years. There is no test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card to get. You just run." -John Bingham
  • Trolling...
    in am i fat? Comment by T1mH April 2013
  • Gun control is like trying to reduce drunk driving by making it tougher for sober people to own cars. Criminals do not follow the rules, They don't care about magazine capacity, restricted models, background checks and waiting periods. More gun control doesn't stop gun violence it just prevents law abiding citizens from…
  • What kind of workout? Treadmill? Outside running? Lifting weights? Zumba class? Vibram five fingers are the closest that you can get to barefoot without going barefoot.
  • Is it working for you? If so don't change it.
  • In Japan and you can't eat fish, that's a bummer. My journey toward healthy eating started with me realizing I love vegetables. I don't know if your hubby will suddenly discover a love for vegetables. Start with things he likes, just concentrate on making them healthier. More veggies, more fruit, try to eat as much fresh…
  • The kids like it better than ice cream. Its way different than doing it in a food processor. Way better.
    in Yonanas Comment by T1mH March 2013
  • You can totally do it. I bet you can walk 3 miles today. So the question is not whether or not you can finish the race but how fast your going to do it. So follow the c25k program. My money would be on you getting a sub 35 minute time or better. I'm just throwing that out there. Any time you get is your time and once you…
  • Baked crispy Kale was pretty good. I'd do that again. Similar to the crunchy experience of chips. I made chips from won ton wrappers but the calories were almost the same as real chips and they weren't as good so I don't know why I'd bother doing that again. The recipe claimed they were healthier for you but the…
  • This! You can't spot reduce, switch to a balanced workout, you'll make more progress on your abs than just focusing on your abs. And This! I bet stairs are easier, I bet walking is easier, I bet doing many of the common things you used to do are easier with 24lbs gone. Can you bend over to tie your shoes while breathing? I…
  • My wife bought me a 2XL shirt. My thought was there ain't no way I'm a 2XL! I'm comfortable in a large now and I'm not done.
  • Your on MFP, your not alone anymore
  • It's aggressive but doable. The question is do you have the perseverance to do it or will you burn out? Many people fail because they want to lose to fast. They get frustrated and give up. Instead of at a slower more sustainable pace.
  • Walk a mile, run a mile burns the same calories. Anybody tells you different tell them to google it and then ignore anything they say. Walkers are also far less likely to have injuries that will prevent them from walking.
  • Ignore the negative people. 98 lbs sounds low but it all depends on how you carry your weight and what your healthy weight is. There is nothing wrong with having a low goal as long as you periodically re-evaluate and adjust as necessary. Me, I like to set step goals with a general idea for where I want to end up. If your…
  • 1. I wanted to fit into my old clothes now many of those are to loose, I'm wearing the size I wore in college. 2. I can bend over to tie my shoes without holding my breath. 3. I can do stairs while holding a conversation. 4. I can walk all day at an amusement park and keep up with my kids. 5. I can run faster and farther…
  • C25k will help you with pacing. Run a steady pace when it tells you to run, walk when it tells you to run. If your not able to keep up stop advancing to the next level until your able to do that level. Run outside if you can, I started running on a treadmill because of my fear of running outside but as soon as I started…