What "tricks" have you found for cutting calories?



  • gottogetinshape
    gottogetinshape Posts: 124 Member
    Cucumber slices instead of crackers is a great idea!
  • gr8xpectationz
    gr8xpectationz Posts: 161 Member
    Olives too, for those who like them. I'm always astonished that I can eat five or ten mixed olives without very many calories, and with no carbs. For me, they're a great snack.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,165 Member
    eat real food......don't eat crap
  • hellraisedfire
    hellraisedfire Posts: 403 Member
    Olives too, for those who like them. I'm always astonished that I can eat five or ten mixed olives without very many calories, and with no carbs. For me, they're a great snack.

    olives are fantastic!

    I gorge on veggie sticks when I'm hungry. can't go wrong with stick foods.
  • - Drink a big glass of water before meals, and keep drinking during the meal.

    - Replace dressings with mustard.

    - If I'm having a heavy or "fatty" meal, eat some salad before the main dish, so as to be less hungry.

    - Tofu! It's very filling and has loads of protein, like meat, but it has three times less calories and no cholesterol, and it can even lower the bad one, LDL. I let it soak in a little soy sauce or just some herbs, and bake or grill it - no need for oil or butter or anything.

    - I always carry around a couple of plain, non-fat, non-sugar, hyperproteinated biscuits (70 cals total for both). This way, if I pass in front of a snack or bar and get hungry, I know I have a healthier option in my bag - and if I feel like don't want to eat the biscuits, then I know I'm not really hungry and it's easier to stay away from the snack!

    - Drink loads of tea, or rooibos if you can't have caffeine, instead of snacking. It calms my appetite in between meals, plus it keeps me hydrated.
  • Oh, and spicy food! I always feel full faster when eating spicy food, so know I add some chili or sriracha or something spicy whenever I can.
  • cwaters120
    cwaters120 Posts: 354 Member
    For me, because I go to work so early, it was making sure I got breakfast with enough fat and protein to stay full until "lunch" at 8am (5 hours) - I started making smoothies with avocado (and other fruits and veggies) and coconut milk to take to work. It keeps me from "munching" on the chocolate that I make all day so my calories stay down.

    Also, I eat whole foods 90% of the time.

    My go to dressing is simple and low cal: medium salsa blended with the zest and juice of one lemon until smooth. Tangy, spicy and loaded with flavor :D

    Also, pre planning and pre packing my lunches the night before so I am not just aimlessly grabbing crap in a hurry.
  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    Eat Less, Move More

    Put fork down between bites and intentionally chew each bite.

    Fruits and veggies, a whole cup of strawberry's or broccoli is 50 calories.

    Don't drink your calories, eliminate pop.

    Log every thing that goes into your mouth, weighing is far more accurate for most foods than measuring. But you have to weigh or measure everything (at least till you get portions under control).
  • michelle7673
    michelle7673 Posts: 370 Member
    99/1 ground turkey has to be one of mine. Makes awesome taco meat, and I have just made turkey burgers with cranberry salsa (half good-quality salsa, half whole berry cranberry sauce) which were also great. Turkey chili is a staple in our house, with plenty of diced peppers. Turkey italian sausage, peppers, onions, marinara sauce and lf mozzarella will satisfy my pasta cravings. I didn't realize how many more calories were in red meat until I started logging.

    My fiancee went from a pint of Ben and Jerrys a night to a pint of Ben and Jerry's frozen greek yogurt. Yeah, he's a firefighter and a great athlete, and not many people trying to lose weight would consider that a "cut" -- but it is for him and has done the trick. It just goes to show that there is almost always a better choice for anything, if you look.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    Cutting portions makes me cry. So I make them bigger instead. A whole lot bigger. To my stir fry I added a bunch of collard greens, it's about 50 calories and makes the meal way bigger. So much so that it's not easy eating it all. I take that approach with as many meals as I can adding more chopped veggies to my meals, eating salads, or adding tofu instead of a more carby option. When I do this my meals look huge, my stomach is satisfied or I feel really full on a fraction of the calories I used to consume (between 3,000 and 4000) and many times when the next meal time comes around I am not hungry at all (I still have to keep my schedule for the most part though). It's a win win I get the nutrients of the foods that fill my plate and the added bonus of more fiber and fewer calories.

    PS When I have a treat like ice cream I load that too. A carton of strawberries with a little ice cream makes me feel like I am pulling a major cheat, but it's about 200 calories as opposed to the 1200 calorie Dairy Queen I would often indulge in last year.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Low fat cheese
    Dark chocolate instead of milk (and only 100 calorie bars)
    Small ice cream cones instead of big ones
    Fat free greek yogurt instead of low fat (so I can eat more for my calories pretty much, and because I try and stay under my fat goal). It tastes just fine to me.
    Rarely any mayo and if I feel I need some, low fat one.
    No more 300 calories crap that will fill me up for one hour unless I have a ton of calories left for the day
    Water instead of soda and juice
    I pretty much only eat salads with my own dressing (lots of vinegar, a bit of olive oil, and mustard) or I just dip my fork in the dressing
    Eat more veggies
    Substitute breads/tacos for lettuce (haven't felt the need to do that much lately though)

    Heck I have 436 calories left today, and I already had an ice cream cone. And I'm so full.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I don't do "light" anything and I don't think I care to buy meat with built in cheese. I just exercise more and I get to eat more. Basically I work for food lol
  • tonightokayalright
    tonightokayalright Posts: 289 Member
    Balsalmic vinegar in place of any and all salad dressings, homemade if aiming for a certain flavour. No butter or margarine, unless I'm baking, in which case it's a special occasion. Coconut oil or EVOO, but always in tiny amounts and only if necessary. Steaming instead of frying (like with mushrooms or eggs). Cutting down portions. Not eating the high calorie, high processed foods really helps (processed meats especially).
  • Quest529
    Quest529 Posts: 103 Member
    I switch out yogurt or cottage cheese for mayo in recipes. Pre-log food for the day. Be accountable for the choices I make.
  • azmataz7
    azmataz7 Posts: 11
    I cut cheese and margarine from my sandwiches. 25g cheese is over 100 calories. I still have mayo and Nandos sauce (which is only a few calories). So can have Ham, lettuce, tomato, bean sprouts and it is only about 300 calories. Nice tasty sammy and keeps me full.

    Also I agree with the pre-loggers...
  • tallvesl99
    tallvesl99 Posts: 231 Member
    Smuckers peanut butter - just peanuts, oil and salt - no sugar and only 95 calories a tablespoon.
    Water water water to drink...once in awhile a diet soda when I just have to have it
    sugar free maple and brown sugar oatmeal - LOVE IT
    no sugar added applesauce!
    check the calories on canned soups - some are good and some are really bad
    occasionally I have a DOUGHNUT, but I ALWAYS CHECK MFP to see which one is the worst/best
  • vixtris
    vixtris Posts: 688 Member
    defiantly planning all my meals (except snacks) in the morning before I actually eat them helps 110%. I never counted calories before, and I actually found out I was always under the amount I should have. But when you plan your meals, you can see what amount if left for snacks so you can plan accordingly.
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    I like to extend my taco meat w/ fat free refried beans :) Also, I will cut my coffee creamer (I still like the flavored stuff) with skim milk to make it go a little further.
  • heidihorton
    heidihorton Posts: 110 Member
    1. Weighing/measuring portions
    2. Using tortillas/flatbreads for home made pizza crusts
    3. Picking out extra lean ground beef instead of whatever leanness is on sale.

    I do these too. Also we can buy pizza dough at hungry howies uncooked so I take 1/8 equal to one slice and thin it out into a large crust and then use lots of veggies and sauce then little cheese. This way I control my calories yet still get a lot of pizza when the craving hits lol. Always use 96/4 ground beef beef tenderloin for steak and pork loin not chops
    Also sub Greek yogurt for oil in most baking recipes and egg beaters for the eggs. Lots and lots more.... Been doing this a while now, I never wanted change my meals, just make them work for the new me. So far so good!
  • pixelberry
    pixelberry Posts: 167 Member
    I just finished off a cup and a half of marshmallow and chocolate flavored ice cream (used LorAnn Flavoring Oils)... a whopping 50 calories for the whole thing! Almond milk is a great. Plus, you get a workout just shaking the container for about 6-7 minutes.
  • Bettyeditor
    Bettyeditor Posts: 327 Member
    Massive amounts of veggies.

    Vegetables are low-calorie but very filling. Great health benefits too, have you heard? :wink: I get those big family-sized Green Giant steamfresh bags (with a yummy olive oil/herb or butter sauce). I cook that up, laugh at the "4 servings" and eat the whole dang bag. :drinker:
  • AmberleyAngel
    AmberleyAngel Posts: 160 Member
    I often have a low cal soup - like King's Soup Single, chicken and corn, for less than 100 calories and I make it with 500ml water. Tastes just as good but it's more filling and another way to up my fluid intake.

    I make "sandwiches" with low cal, low carb crackers (cruskits - 40 calories and 9 carbs for 2).

    I eat Soup and Salad for lunch - both great fillers - then add the protein and additional carbs needed.

    Diabetic jam when I want a sweet hit. Half the calories of regular jam and next to no sugar. Dark chocolate or sugar free chocolate for that choc hit or Options Belgian hot chocolates (around 40 calories each).

    White fish - great low calorie protein.

    Instant miso soup is great at any time of day.
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    Replace the crust on your pizza with cauliflower mash


    I thought it was kale mash. I get all those vegetably-thingys confused.
  • Cbdaugh2
    Cbdaugh2 Posts: 15
    I use the "suggested serving size" and most importantly, drink a glass of water about 15 minutes before I eat so that the smaller portions will make me feel satisfied.
  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
    I love to bulk stuff up with a ton of veggies, really helps you feel like you are eating a lot more than you are.
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    Low fat everything. Fat has 9 calories per gram while carbs and protein have 4 calories per gram (alcohol 7 calories per gram), so getting reduced fat products like reduced fat peanut butter, cheese, milk, mayo will really cut the calories.

    Increase your protein levels as protein sources like fish, chicken, nuts, dairy, lean beef will make you feel full like a barrel of bricks hitting your stomach.
  • badtastebetty
    badtastebetty Posts: 326 Member
    Make meals that are majority vegetables.

    - portabello mushrooms for mini pizza crust
    - make a spinach taco salad (lose the shell)
    - Skip oils whenever possible
    - replace almost any simple carb with veggies (spaghetti sauce on spinach instead of noodles)
    - eat more protein
    - nutritional yeast in place of cheese
    - frozen banana "ice cream"
    - mashed banana and oatmeal cookies (two ingredients)
    - cucumber slices instead of chips with dip
    - don't fear fat, it's satiating and can cut down on overall calories but have whole food fats like nuts, fish, and avocado
    - replace beef with turkey
    - If you can find longans, they're a sweet lo-cal fruit similar to lychees
    - drink tons of water and cut out sodas and jucies (I'd cut out diet pop as well)
  • learnerdriver
    learnerdriver Posts: 298 Member
    I've reduced my bread consumption- with a chicken foccacia, I'll only eat the top half of the foccacia- it doesn't make any difference to the taste.

    We have also replaced long grain rice with basmati rice, as it's low GI.
  • Zerie
    Zerie Posts: 11 Member

    So many times it's like 'aah but the soda machine is cold and delicious ... 170 calories of pure sugar? ... okay I'm not that thirsty.'

    Of course sometimes I give in. I ain't perfect.

    I do this, too.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    Avocados for salad dressing

    Grounded Flax Seeds for Eggs

    Tofu instead of Chicken Breast