C25K Runners - I have a ???

I was wondering if those of you that are doing C25K or have completed it started running outside or on a treadmill. I really want to start training to run a 5K (I REALLY REALLY want to do a color run), but I have never been gifted at running. I downloaded the app for my phone, but I don't have a treadmill. I'm a little self-conscious about my running but am willign to give it a go. I was just wondering what worked best for everyone else out there. Thanks!


  • sodaisy
    sodaisy Posts: 69 Member
    I run outside as I have no access to gym or treadmills. I love it as I don't even need music, there are so many birds around I need to keep my ears out for the traffic.

    I only started last year and I just managed to run for 7 miles last weekend (there was a little bit of walking, but mainly jog).

    Don't worry about what other people think, they see you and you are out of their mind in a flash. Go for it!
  • fstfrd00
    fstfrd00 Posts: 33 Member
    I run outside. Unlike a treadmil,l running outside distracts me a little more from the burning in my lungs. :)
  • jenniferswooten
    jenniferswooten Posts: 137 Member
    I run outside as well. I was afraid the treadmill would not prepare me for the hills and other obstacles that come with road running. I can also distract myself a little better when I'm outside. Good luck in whatever you decide.
  • horseplaypen
    horseplaypen Posts: 442 Member
    I run outside. I don't have access to a gym with treadmills. Plus, it makes it more flexible - I run whenever I want, even on Christmas Day! And I hate being cooped up indoors for too long, so getting outside and breathing fresh air and seeing the sky helps keep me a little sane. :)
  • I run outside as well. I would say if you can, start outside. When I originally started running, I did it all on a treadmill. When I actually transitioned to outside, I found I couldn't do half of what I had done inside on the treadmill. Although I did build up outside, it sort of a let down when you think you are doing great, but then don't do so well. Then again, I live in New England with lots of hills.
  • HappyNinjaStar
    HappyNinjaStar Posts: 353 Member
    I too am an outside runner (no access to treadmills). I was a bit embarrassed to run outside when I first started. So I went in the early morning before most people were out and about (sticking to well lit areas for the most part).

    My biggest tip is to focus on time rather than pace. Jog, slow jog, whatever you have to do to go for the whole running time span. As you build up your endurance, you can work on your pace. I never realized the reason I used to hate running was because I was trying to go too fast too soon. Now that I know how to adjust my pace, I love running, and can cover quite a few miles, even if I am slower than everyone else.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    check out the c25k group, lots of good info there. Running outside is the way to go, that's where the 5k is going to be, after all.

    Even better if you can get out and run the course a few times.
  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    I too am an outside runner (no access to treadmills). I was a bit embarrassed to run outside when I first started. So I went in the early morning before most people were out and about (sticking to well lit areas for the most part).

    My biggest tip is to focus on time rather than pace. Jog, slow jog, whatever you have to do to go for the whole running time span. As you build up your endurance, you can work on your pace. I never realized the reason I used to hate running was because I was trying to go too fast too soon. Now that I know how to adjust my pace, I love running, and can cover quite a few miles, even if I am slower than everyone else.
    C25k will help you with pacing. Run a steady pace when it tells you to run, walk when it tells you to run. If your not able to keep up stop advancing to the next level until your able to do that level.

    Run outside if you can, I started running on a treadmill because of my fear of running outside but as soon as I started running outside I much prefer it over the treadmill or an indoor track. Running outside is a lot more interesting then inside.
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    I'm outside too. I don't know if I'd like using a treadmill to set my pace, I'm more interested in reaching distance goal then time at this point.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I did it outside. I don't have access to a treadmill either, so I just started on the route that I would normally go for a walk on. I felt really self-conscious at first, and before I started c25k, the self-consciousness actually prevented me from trying running properly. I found though that when I was listening to the c25k podcast on my ipod, I really wasn't paying any attention to people around me. Concentrating on the instructions, the music, and my breathing, meant I really didn't care what other people were thinking. The more you progress, the more confident you feel too.
  • Philllbis
    Philllbis Posts: 801 Member
    I did th the C25K and 5K210K on a treadmill. I started in wionter here and just put the incline on 1-2 for the runs. I'll start running outside when it's warmer!
  • hkmurphy83
    hkmurphy83 Posts: 262 Member
    Thanks everyone! I think I will give it a go. I huffed and puffed when I first started walking, but I didn't let that deter me. I shouldn't let it stop me from running either.
  • ThatCatholicGirl
    ThatCatholicGirl Posts: 209 Member
    Outside and at 5.30am so no-one can laugh at the hippo... x