catpea33 Member


  • So those of us who do decide to follow a keto lifestyle aren't living in science and reason in your opinion? I have to beg to disagree given the number of books and research articles I've read on the subject as well as having my own anecdotal experience of it!
  • OP doesn't look like she's overweight anyway. I certainly wasn't. I ran regularly before keto and continued to run during keto (but faster). The improvement in nutrition is probably the cause of the weight loss and increase in energy levels rather than the weight loss itself causing an increase in energy levels.
  • I started out keto as a 3-week experiment that ended up lasting waaaay beyond that. I eat keto for all the benefits it gives me, not just for the weight loss. The additional benefits I've had are more energy (literally life changing), glossy hair, great skin, hair and nails that grow freakishly quickly, eczema has gone,…
  • I was low carb for most of 2013 and lost an easy 15lb in three months without having to exercise (I was injured at the time). I lost a little bit more weight after that but it stabilised at what I considered to be a healthy weight for me (127lb at 5'5"). The only reason I went back to a 'normal' way of eating was due to…
  • I can see the changes, particularly in the upper stomach area around to the sides. Nice one!
  • It depends how strong you are. I'm only just starting week 2 but so far I haven't really used any dumbbells that are over 25lb (except for legs). You'll probably be fine with the ones you currently have, at least at the beginning.
  • I'm just using a stability ball. The first week I didn't have one of a suitable size so I just did the work on the floor and it was totally fine. Started on week 2 today with chest and tris! I'm going to be suffering tomorrow. I'm sitting here typing this with my arm muscles twitching. Haha. I got out of whack last week…
  • I started Body Beast today with Chest and Tris. I loved it! It feels so good to get back to weights again after such a long break. I love that feeling of shaky muscles - it's the sign of a job well done!
  • Yeah, they are quite long at about 60 minutes for the weight work. It was hard to fit them in sometimes.
  • Hey everyone, so glad to find this post! I'm starting Body Beast on Monday. I've done P90X, Insanity, Les Mills Pump and loads of other Beachbody programmes, as well as Jillian Michaels and the usual crowd. I'm actually hoping to do a hybrid of Body Beast and Focus T25: Body Beast to get my muscles back and Focus T25 as…
  • I've done both but love P90X waaaay more simply because there's more variation with the weights, cardio, yoga. Insanity is effectively 9 weeks of jumping and I tired of it very quickly. Then again, I know people who love Insanity. I guess it depends on whether your favourite thing is resistance work (it is with me) or…
  • I had the exact same thing! I crashed and burned in week 6. I was struggling to even get out of bed in the morning and just felt so rundown. This time around I'm modifying the programme slightly so that, instead of doing Cardio Recovery, I either take a rest day or I do a nice gentle P90X X-Stretch workout. It seems to be…
  • I'm going to be doing the 10k as part of my half training!
  • I just started week 3 today. I had my second fitness test and I'm really pleased with how much I've progressed. I've done it before (last time in February 2013) so I'm modifying it slightly (I don't do the Cardio Recovery DVD and instead do P90X X-Stretch). How are you finding it in general?
  • That's awesome! Did you follow the nutrition plan last time? I'm asking because this is also my second time at Insanity and last time I lost.... 3lb. I was gutted. I didn't follow the plan but at the time was a BB club member and so used the meal planner you get with that.
  • Mine's in June too!
  • I'm doing Insanity too! It's my second time but my first in ketosis. I start week 3 tomorrow and I'm doing it to prep for a half-marathon (running outside is out of the question right now). I had good results last time with my cardiovascular fitness so I know I'll have the same again this time. I didn't lose much weight…
  • I'm doing my first half on June 8th in Niagara. Right now I'm doing Insanity because of all the snow and ice outside; I don't want to pay for gym membership just to use a treadmill since I have loads of weights and stuff at home. Insanity will be finished in early to mid March and then I'll hopefully be taking the running…
  • I love it. A lot of people will say it's a fad but I don't see how eating vegetables, fruit, meats, nuts, oils and seeds can be considered a fad! Palaeo is basically about removing the processed junk from a person's diet and attempts to get increased nutrition from an equivalent number of calories. Also, some people…
  • Sweet potato is always delicious.
  • I'm just getting back on the keto wagon after moving across the country (so lots of driving and service station carby food) and it's going well. I can see I've lost some of the weight I had put on but my scales are still in a box somewhere so I'm not sure how much I've lost. I'm also really enjoying eating real food again!…
  • I eat them. They're nutritious.
  • Which goes back to exactly what I said..... coaches blame you for not working hard enough when it doesn't work out. I can tell you that I *did* put in a consistent effort, including going through my coaching group's training programmes. This is what I said: The people it does work out for are in the minority as revealed by…
  • Don't do it! I became a coach when I was low on cash and it was the worst thing I could have done. There are better and more reliable ways of making money. There are so many problems with Beachbody coaching: 1) You'll always be talking about Beachbody trying to sell products or recruit other coaches. You will drive your…
  • I assumed it was directed at me considering part of the thread above in which the placebo effect was discussed and aimed at me. My apologies.
  • I think we've already established it's NOT in my brain. Go back to your bridge troll.
  • I was thinking the same! Sounds like you've got loads of interesting hobbies already but painting illuminated manuscripts is really intriguing. Go for it!
  • It's NOT a placebo effect. If I eat gluten, I get an upset stomach and a rash within half an hour. The thing is, sometimes I accidentally ingest gluten and only realise I had it when these symptoms appear and I check the label. The more recent example? I had a hot chocolate, checked the label first and all was good so I…