

  • I try to do both: getting less calories than I need (calculate by MFP) and having healthy food most of the time. But I am not radical about it and I allow myself to eat more calories (but not much more) sometimes (about once a week), with pizza, ice cream and so on (but again, it´s not too often). I also run away as much…
  • Hi there Chadomaniac, my goal right now is muscle hypertrophy. My weight is ok, I guess: I am 1,68 m high (5'6") and my weight is 69 kg (152 pounds). Sjohnny, although I feel OK, I am not sure this is the best for muscle hypertrophy. Ainar, what kind of carbs do you get? Thank you all guys
  • Let´s give it a try Age: 45 Height: 5'6.5" CW: 158 pounds GW: 140 pounds
  • Well, I weigh everyday in the morning, right after having my breakfast, which in turn happens right after my exercise sessions (I often wake up at 5:30 AM and jog on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays; and I do weight-lifting on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays). As other people stated, I don´t care much about the daily…
  • Hi there Savvygurl, I´m a urban boy who loves farms. My father-in-law lives in farm in the heart of Brazil (in the center of the country), a place we visit often, chiefly because my kids love their grands, horses and the farm itself. And they are only 5yo and 8yo, but they are already able to ride the horses by themselves.…
  • Hi there Ebony, yes, you don´t need to jog. If you don´t like jogging, just don´t care about it and do what pleases you. Biking and swimming are just as efficient as jogging. Hiking (walking along mountains, close to nature) is also a wonderful exercise (at least for me). I myself do jog every other day. But I was used to…
  • HI there, I never turn down invitations because of calories. Either I plan ahead and don´t have many calories before (and often order a caesar´s salad or something like that) or just go for the sake of meeting my friends. When we are going to meet at a friend´s place, instead of eating I´m the one who often prepare or help…
  • Hi there Lacrimosia, just like you, I've also reached a weight loss plateau. First off, I need to say that I don't do this just for the sake of losing weight, but mostly to improve health. I'm not obese, I'm 45yo, 5'6 tall and 156 pounds. 20 years ago, when I got married, I was 145 pounds and I reached 174 pounds. But,…
  • Hi there Carlos, I guess that's the way to go: slow and easy, but consistently. I have done almost the same as you, but I started 3 years ago, when I was about 13 kg (28 pounds) above my goal. Since then I've lost 8 kg (17 pounds) and my body fat percentage has dropped from 22% to 14%. But I've been stuck for the last…
  • Hello Monica, my name is Rodolfo and I'm new to the site too. Although I've just registered here, three years ago I started losing weight and have lost 17 pounds since then. My body fat percentage has also dropped from 22% to 14%. I started running and weight lifting (so my knees won't suffer). I have kept my weight for…