Thank you!! :))
Had my gallbladder out 2 years ago. I couldn't even SMELL fried food without throwing up. I lost a ton of weight! lol. Just look at the labels on everything you eat. You'll save yourself a lot of anguish.
I'm doing turbo jam, and on rest days I try to do some other, lower impact exercise like Wii Fit, and lots of stretching so my muscles are nice and limber for my next workout.
I got turbo jam about a month ago. Warning you now...these work outs are INTENSE!! I did them for a week, stopped for two weeks out of sheer laziness, and started again this week. Being that I haven't stuck with it for too long I can't say how much weight I've lost, but I can tell you that you burn a TON of calories ( I…
All I can say is....WOW! you look amazing!!!
I saw a thing on the Today show yesterday about food addiction and I was like....OMG that is me. Right now I'm really working on thinking o food as fuel, not as fun or a a way to pass the time. I really feel like there are some times when I'm like...."oooo...cookies." and I REALLY can't resist. As far as emotional eating,…
You guys are awesome! 7 requests in 7 minutes lol.
Too late to join? I'll give it a shot. Starting at 204.
I guess that's true. I don't know there were no fat cavemen. But I don't fast or starve myself...just opt for fresh fruits and veggies instead of lean cuisines or pass on the processed stuff. No need to get angry...
I just read somewhere that cavemen (weird I know) naturally didn't eat a lot everyday. I guess there were no fat cavemen! I only worry about it when I hit a plateau...which for me happens about every 5 or 10 pounds. Lol
What helps me when the scale isnt budging is varying the amount of calories I eat. Like, one day I'll eat a normal day, the next day I'll eat meagerly, then normal again. It always seems to trick my body into dropping some more pounds.
I can't remember ever being below 180... Once I hit the 170s I think it'll hit me.
this sounds so cool! I'm interested in trying it and seeing if it really works. My Dad is a cancer survive and a marathon athlete. I'd love to be able to run with him. Running has helped his health so much! If I start with a 5k, over time, I might just be able to run with him!
WOW Incredible!
Welcome! this is a great community! Lots of resources, motivation, and helpful people. Best of luck!
I like pita crackers. I get them at Aldi for like a buck a box. 10 chips is 120 calories, which doesn't sound like a lot of chips but they're a lot thicker than regular potato chips. They're nice and salty tasting (sea salt) and they won't blow your diet. I eat mine for a snack every time I want something salty and…
I'm a musician and I love my job! I know that sounds weird but I love putting all of my effort into something I enjoy doing and then getting paid to do it! And I love my shoulders (even more so everyday I work out).