At what loss did you realize you were really DOING this?



  • I can't remember ever being below 180... Once I hit the 170s I think it'll hit me.
  • I just made it to 10 pounds on here and 20 all together since I started dieting in September. Even though I am really sick right now I feel so much better. I think it started to sink in a little when I was able to hike for two hours and not feel any sort of strain!
  • ymamyma
    ymamyma Posts: 227
    For me, it was somewhere between 40-50 pounds - partially because I have so much to lose, and partially because I have never lost that much weight before. Until that point, it was nothing different for me. Been there, done that, ya know?

    Congratulations on your loss!!
  • Levahna
    Levahna Posts: 132
    I don't know if it was really a number, though when I hit 40 it was more real. I think what has made it the most real is the other changes. I don't go get fast food anymore. . . I want to eat healthy. . .I want to get some exercise in every day. Those are changes that I've never made before and I realize those are what is making the weight come off, making me a healthier person. That's what tells me I'm really doing it this time. . . and doing it right!!
  • Davis713
    Davis713 Posts: 124 Member
    I have lost almost 25 lbs and I am still waiting for the day it sets in! I hate it when I tell people that I work with how much I have lost because they acted shocked, but not in a good way! They act like I haven't lost a single pound :( it's very hurtful but after buying a new pair of jeans I do feel a little better about myself!
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    I think it wasn't so much a weight for me, but a reaction. When I went home for the first time in August, and I saw my whole family, none of whom had seen me since Christmas, before I started losing weight. I was down about ... 35 lbs, and was under 200 for the first time since I started college.

    I got some great reactions- my cousin's wedding was one of the reasons that I was home, and the first thing his new bride said to me when I gave her a hug after the ceremony, before I could even take a breath to say congratulations, was "oh my GOD you look amazing!!!!" and I was like no, no, YOUR day!!!! YOU look amazing!! LOL. One of my good friends was getting married too, and HIS wife did the same exact thing to me.

    One of my best friends kinda freaked out and was like, "oh my gosh, how much more do you want to lose?! Don't get too skinny!" lol (which was honest caring for my well-being, NOT her being jealous or anything).

    But I think the best one was my parents. My mom and dad have always been really hard on me about my weight. My mom kept proclaiming out of nowhere "you're so skinny!" and had a field day when she was helping me try on dresses for the wedding- "look, look that just zipped up! all the way!" and "I can't believe you fit into these smaller sizes!" (she bought a ton of dresses before I got home, I told her to get the size 14 but she only got a few that small, most way bigger). My dad would randomly come up to me and hug me with a smile and tell me how proud he was of me.

    That was when I knew I was really doing it, that all my hard work was paying off and it was making a difference.

    I've lost another 20 lbs. since then and I'm going to be visiting again for Christmas in a week, so it will be fun to hear it all again, LOL.
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    Smaller clothes size. Not just looser, but when everything, even your skinny clothes, are too big!

    Agreed :)

    When my "goal jeans" (pre-pregnancy) that were size 12's, were to small, then moved to 10's & 8's :D
  • bas27
    bas27 Posts: 61 Member
    at -25 i am just semi starting to feel the weight loss. everyone tells me they see a difference but i see a difference but not totally feeling it yet. i have to remember that 25 pounds is a lot of weight to lose and that by keeping my head up its going to hit me when i get to go clothes shopping!!! although i am not 100% yet feeling it i am just that much closer to my goal!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I commend all of you. I'm 130 pounds at 5'2". It is considered the upper healthy range of the BMI scale and my body fat % is around 30 which is smack in the middle of 'Average' - I want it to be in the 'Ideal' range and I want to lose my belly.

    Maybe it's because I only want to lose a small amount that I can't seem to get anywhere. I'm trying not to concentrate on the scale numbers because at 1/2 pound a week I won't see any movement. I only want to lose about 10-12 pounds but with my Fibromyalgia it's really hard to do intense exercise or go for a long time. MFP set me at 1200 and I'm having a hard time getting to there. When you eat healthy 1200 is a lot.

    Congrats to everyone here.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I'm not there yet.... and stalled, to boot......
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