Couch to 5K (C25K) Starting today. Anyone interested?



  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Week 3 Day 2 complete
  • MelK8RN
    MelK8RN Posts: 34 Member
    sounds like everyone is doing so great! I did week 2 day 2 today and it felt great. The jogs are feeling easier and i was actually able to up my speed a little :smile I've looked ahead too and all i can think is "how am i gonna run for 10 minutes?":noway: but im taking it one run at a time and i'll face that (and hopefully be ready for it) when the time comes.
    I have realized ine thing though...i definetly need some new running sneakers....yikes... my shins are yelling!

    What is everyones opinion on doing a run two days ina row? Sometimes my schedule is crazy and thats my only option. I havent had to do it yet but next week might be looking that way?!?!
  • this sounds so cool! I'm interested in trying it and seeing if it really works. My Dad is a cancer survive and a marathon athlete. I'd love to be able to run with him. Running has helped his health so much! If I start with a 5k, over time, I might just be able to run with him!
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    Today i did week 2 day one- 29:30 min- 1, 721 m- 300 kcl
    week 2 day two 29:30 1,782 - 292 kcl
  • Fliegenschwein
    Fliegenschwein Posts: 232 Member
    this sounds so cool! I'm interested in trying it and seeing if it really works. My Dad is a cancer survive and a marathon athlete. I'd love to be able to run with him. Running has helped his health so much! If I start with a 5k, over time, I might just be able to run with him!

    I did W5 D2 today and it certainly works. If I'd have tried to run for 8 minutes straight a month ago, I probably would have either injured myself or given up. I`m managing that without any problems at all now. The test will come on Saturday when its a 20 minute run with no walking *gulp* :ohwell:

    I did try to do runs two days in a row, and I`ve decided not to do it again just yet as I found it to be too much.

    Well done everyone :bigsmile:
  • Wow congrats to everyone for the awesome progress you're all making!! Keep up the good work :happy:

    Did W3D3 today and it seemed easier than the first run I did this week. I did it in my new running shoes and oh my it felt like I was running on marshmallows, i :heart: you new shoes :)

    Bit worried about next week for the two 5 mins runs and only short amounts of walking time, hopefully i'll be able to live up to the challenge!
  • I definately want to do this! I can only run like 1/8 to 1/4 mile at a time right now, so this is perfect for me :) All the other 5k plans I've found start with jogging a mile, and I just can't do that yet!
  • iamamalia
    iamamalia Posts: 21 Member
    did W1 D2 tonight... i still struggled but i feel so accomplished for making my way through :)
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    Just finished Week 3 Day 1, and i felt strong after a rest day and it felt easier than week 2 day 3 which i felt tired on.

    Feeling really strong now, i just need to be able to work out my distance whilst running outside. Keep up the good work everyone. x
  • Did W4D1 today and I feel so pumped up, the five minute runs weren't that hard at all! I have so much energy and feel so good and I now feel like yes I can definitely finish this 9 week program I can do this:happy: On the first few weeks I found myself thinking oh god when will this be over for each run that I did because I found it a bit of a challenge but now I find that I can go with the flow more and just go with my music, listening to music or a podcast is certainly key :tongue:
  • did W1 D2 tonight... i still struggled but i feel so accomplished for making my way through :)

    Well done!! Keep going, you can do it!:flowerforyou:
  • Fliegenschwein
    Fliegenschwein Posts: 232 Member
    Well , I did the one I`ve been dreading yesterday. W5D3, the 20 minute run with no walking, and it was actually fine and I now know I'm going to finish this :bigsmile:

    I seemed to get to a point about 8 minutes in where it became quite easy, and I felt i could keep going as long as I wanted to. This is deffo a big breathrough for me and I'm really pleased with myself at the moment. Just shows how well this actually works.

    Well done everyone and keep going :bigsmile: :drinker:
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Oops, I forgot to check in Saturday.....I completed Week 3 Day 3 Saturday. I dont know what I was thinking increasing my jogs from 6.5 to 7.0, by the last 3 min jog, I was exhausted! but I DID IT! :happy: For the next couple of sessions, I think I'll keep my jogs at a 6.5 beause the jogs are getting longer. Matter of fact, if I need to, I will decrease my speed to a 6.0 to make sure I finish the jogging intervals. I'll worry about my speed later.

    Everyone is doing a GREAT JOB! Keep up the good work! :drinker: (water)
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    I completed week 3 day 2 today. I missed my rest day which was a bad idea but i needed to catch up as i missed a day last week so tomorrow will be my rest day. Feeling strong still, i tend to run really slow and look like a penguin but i dont care i love it.

    The only thing i have found is im getting a tummy ache from this running, digestive wise i mean. Anyone else had this? Sorry not a great subject. I also feel the more the runs increase the less appetite i have on run days.

    I am slightly concerned week 4 is going to overwhelm me but i will take each day as it comes. Last day of week 3 to come next.

    Everyone is doing great - i am nearly half way through and i actually dont feel conscious anymore jogging round the park in front of people despite my penguin like appearance :)
  • Did W4D2 today, seemed a little harder than the first run this week but I figure it's just my week catching up with me and even though it can get a little challenging I always end up completing each run which makes me feel amazing as each run on my iPhone gets ticked off :happy:

    Once again everyone is doing a fantastic job, keep going everyone we can all do this!!
  • I completed week 3 day 2 today. I missed my rest day which was a bad idea but i needed to catch up as i missed a day last week so tomorrow will be my rest day. Feeling strong still, i tend to run really slow and look like a penguin but i dont care i love it.

    The only thing i have found is im getting a tummy ache from this running, digestive wise i mean. Anyone else had this? Sorry not a great subject. I also feel the more the runs increase the less appetite i have on run days.

    I am slightly concerned week 4 is going to overwhelm me but i will take each day as it comes. Last day of week 3 to come next.

    Everyone is doing great - i am nearly half way through and i actually dont feel conscious anymore jogging round the park in front of people despite my penguin like appearance :)

    I think i have average hunger on run days but once I've actually done my run i don't eat for ages it's like once I've exercised it suppresses my appetite for some hours after wards but then it kicks back in :P

    Don't worry about week 4, i thought it was going to be extremely difficult but it's nowhere near as hard as i thought that it would be, it's still a challenge but a doable can do it !!:)
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Completed Week 4 Day 1 today...I ran around the park so not sure of the distance. It was different from running on the treadmill, I had to get my breathing together because it was cold out there. But once I dealt with that, it was GREAT. So carefree, Im loving this program!
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    I know that I am late to the party but I started today and did W1D1 without any problems. It's not the first time that I use C25K to start running since this is the methode I used after my last 3 pregnancies. I know it work great and I have faith in the process!!! Congrat to everyone for taking the time to get healthy
  • iamamalia
    iamamalia Posts: 21 Member
    great job everyone- your progress is so motivating! i got off schedule this week due to a few unexpected diasters over the weekend, but i completed week 1 day 3 tonight... and it felt awesome! i can't believe i'm really on my way to running a 5k :o
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    I just completed Week 4 Day 1, the thought of running 5 mins straight scared me but actually after the first interval it was fine. I actually felt i could have gone on for longer. I think my problem is because im doing it outside i struggle with the first interval because im not warming up properly because as soon as i have finished the first one i feel fine.

    Really thrilled that i have been able to complete each day. I agree with what you said about it supressing your hunger, for the first few weeks i was so hungry now i have to remind myself to eat. Until i then start eating properly later and im hungry again but its all manageable.

    Im starting to think I can do this 3k run on New Years Day :) Loving it :)

    I completed week 3 day 2 today. I missed my rest day which was a bad idea but i needed to catch up as i missed a day last week so tomorrow will be my rest day. Feeling strong still, i tend to run really slow and look like a penguin but i dont care i love it.

    The only thing i have found is im getting a tummy ache from this running, digestive wise i mean. Anyone else had this? Sorry not a great subject. I also feel the more the runs increase the less appetite i have on run days.

    I am slightly concerned week 4 is going to overwhelm me but i will take each day as it comes. Last day of week 3 to come next.

    Everyone is doing great - i am nearly half way through and i actually dont feel conscious anymore jogging round the park in front of people despite my penguin like appearance :)

    I think i have average hunger on run days but once I've actually done my run i don't eat for ages it's like once I've exercised it suppresses my appetite for some hours after wards but then it kicks back in :P

    Don't worry about week 4, i thought it was going to be extremely difficult but it's nowhere near as hard as i thought that it would be, it's still a challenge but a doable can do it !!:)
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